Unknown Wedding Costs You Need to Be Aware Of


If you are looking into a beautiful wedding ceremony when you get married, you’re probably aware that weddings require a lot of work, which sometimes can be overwhelming for the bride and groom. Aside from that, the cost of a wedding can be really high. Planning and holding a wedding ceremony can be extremely stressful for those who are not natural event planners. It’s because it requires a lot of time researching and arranging and tracking all the details while being subjected to everyone else’s opinions and judgment about your decisions.

With a lot of things going on during the preparations, it is inevitable that something will get missed or overlooked. This is why many couples are getting shocked after the wedding because there are other things that they need to pay, which they weren’t able to include in their plans. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding soon, we’ve listed some of the unknown wedding costs you need to be aware of. This way, you won’t be caught off guard when they pop up after the wedding.

Postage Stamps

Postage stamps

When sending out invitations and RSVP, you also need to include the costs of postage stamps. When you send out the save-the-date notice, the invitation, the RSVP, and the thank you note, that is three stamps per guest, which may cost you around $1.81 in postage per guest. This means that if you have 140 guests, then the costs of postage stamps alone will already cost you around $253.

If you want to cut that cost down, then you can opt for an internet RSVP instead. You can make Google Forms for free, and they are extremely good for these kinds of activities. There are also lots of benefits you can get, such as organized information, your guests no longer need to find a mailbox, and you will no longer worry that your invitation might get lost in the mail.

Taxes and Gratuities

Taxes and gratuities are not exactly hidden or unknown because most of us are aware that there are taxes on almost everything, and gratuities are anticipated for almost any service. However, most couples do not think about how much they will end up owing when planning about the wedding. Some might not consider how tons of vendors don’t include gratuity in their pricing quote upfront.

The cost of taxes and gratuities depends on the total amount you will be spending, and as well as the location of the event because taxes vary by state. It can be safe to say that you should set aside around $800 to give to your vendors for their hard work.

You cannot really avoid paying taxes, but paying the entire bill in one lump sum can help you lower the overall price. It’s a safe bet to tack on an extra third of your total costs to your budget for taxes and tips.

Alterations and Steaming of the Wedding Dress

You also need to take note that most stores do not include alterations and steaming in the price of the wedding dress, but they are not doing it for free either. It’s because it can take hours to just alter the dress. In fact, a simple hem can cost less than $100, but rebuilding a bodice completely can make you spend up to $500.

To avoid this extra cost, it’s better to ask about what the store charges for every alteration that you may need before buying the gown. This way, you will not be blindsided by the extra costs.

Undergarments and Accessories

Another thing that most couples tend to overlook when planning for a wedding is the needed accessories and undergarments. Most focus on the dress of the bride and the tuxedo or coat of the groom. However, you also need to include in your list other accessories like the veil, the shoes, pieces of jewelry, bra, shapewear, pantyhose, socks, and the garter. To minimize the costs of these things, you can research ahead of time and shop online. This way, you will have enough time to search for cheaper ones and have them delivered on time.

Beauty Treatments

Beauty treatments

There are dozens of little things needed to look perfect on your wedding day. And most of the time, these expenses are also overlooked. Some of these can include booking mani-pedis, teeth whitening, spray tans, and more. You also shouldn’t forget about the manicures for the groom and groomsmen, as well. To lessen the cost for this, you can search ahead of time for salon packages instead of paying for each of the services.

Hair and Makeup Trials

Hair and makeup trials

For the bride, you also need to include in your budget at least one trial run with your wedding hair and makeup. You may end up trying different hairstyles before finding the best one that you’ll wear down the aisle. The same goes for the makeup style that you want. Therefore, do not forget to include hair and makeup trial costs on your list.

Marriage License Fees

Another important thing that you need to include in your budget is the fee for your marriage license. In fact, even if you opt for a city hall wedding, it will still cost you. It may be just a small fee, but like any other small details, it’s one thing you need to factor into your budget. The cost of a marriage license depends on where you live. For example, if you live in New York City, the marriage license fee may cost around $35.

Overtime Fees

You also need to remember that the band, DJ, photographers, and videographers at your wedding are booked only for a certain amount of time. Therefore, if your wedding runs a little longer than you expected, these services will charge you per hour after they have reached the time specified in the contract.

To avoid too much extra charge, you can factor in additional time for getting dressed and taking photos. This way, you can book these services for a more realistic timeframe. Also, you need to get overtime costs in writing, so you will know what to expect if ever you decide to keep the party going.

Rental Transport

Most rental companies do not include the extra fees in the per-item costs. Therefore, it is important to ask them what their shipping and packaging fees are upfront. If you find their cost too high for your budget, then you can shop around a bit. You actually can save up for this by renting items from a more expensive company which includes delivery costs for free.

Service Fees

Service fees are different from the tip you give for the event staff. These are additional fees that venues charge to cover their own cost of hiring servers, coat checkers, parking, and bathroom. Aside from that, having your own baker or your own wine can also raise the price because the workers in the venue are responsible for slicing and serving each piece, and as well as cleaning the dishes. Therefore, to include this to your budget, you need to be upfront. Know all the service fees before you decide to go with an outside source for either.

Unexpected and Uninvited Guests

At weddings, it can be inevitable that someone forgets to RSVP, or there are some that have sent you regrets but show up anyway. And worst, a guest might bring a +1 without your permission. This can be annoying, but you still need to be a gracious host and put up with it. Therefore, when you give your final headcount to the caterer, you can add some extra meals just in case.

Cleanup and Breakdown Costs

A lot of couples spend so much time planning the actual day of the wedding that they forget to budget for what happens after the event. Remember that you also need to think about the cleanup and breakdown costs. If you are paying a full-service venue, then you don’t need to worry about this. However, if you opted for a flat fee to rent only the space, then you should anticipate charges for garbage removal and cleaning.

Also, most full-service venues require same-day setup and cleanup. Therefore, if you are getting married on the weekend, you need to expect to pay time and a half for labor. And, if your party goes into the wee hours of the morning, expect extra charges for late-night pickup and cleanup. To avoid too many additional costs, make sure to read your contract carefully. The labor charge should include setup and breakdown costs.

These are some of the unknown wedding costs you need to be aware of when planning about your wedding and before you can save the date. We hope that this list will help you in organizing and planning your budget for your upcoming wedding.

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