Unlock Your iPhone With These Simple Hacks


Apple is a global organization that designs and evolves computer software and online services and also sells consumer electronics and personal computers. Apple introduced its own software IOS to operate its compatible hardware such as iPods, iPads, MacBooks, iPhones, etc., while its leading competitor, Android, was developed by Google. Both of these were used initially in smartphones or tablets. Android, having said to have the best user interface is used by many smartphone manufacturing companies, while IOS is used only by Apple to protect and secure both their hardware and operating software. Transferring data may be difficult in Apple devices because it can share files only with Apple devices yet a lot of people still line up for these devices.

Apple products are designed according to the security needs of the customer. That is the main reason why Apple’s IOS is updated regularly which saves the user from security threats both old and new. However, there are other issues that their software can’t save your phone from. These could be water damage, lost data, Bluetooth issues, the phone is not charging, or your phone locking you out. Luckily for you, according to this website, you can overcome such issues by following some very simple hacks. So next time you find yourself in a pickle with your iPhone, don’t panic and keep calm as there are ways to save it.

For now, let’s focus on ways to unlock your iPhone if you happen to get yourself locked out, for whatever reason that may be.

Note that the following ways can only unlock your disabled iPhone when you forgot the passcode, it can’t work for iCloud locked devices. But don’t worry, there are some effective iCloud Activation Lock removals for you.

Unlock through “Siri”

The first way to unlock your iPhone is ” through Siri“. You can unlock the iPhone passcode of devices running iOS 8.0 to 10.1. It is not considered secure because your data may be erased. First of all, for the activation of Siri, press the home button and give the command ” Siri, what time is it?” via speaking. After that, a clock will appear and you will tap on its icon. It will take you to the clock interface. At the right corner of the clock interface, you will see an option “+”. By pressing it, a dialogue box will appear and requires you to choose a city.

When you add the city, multiple options like cut, copy, define and share will appear. When you select share, it will take you to the options via which you can share it, then choose messaging. After selecting this, a message draft will appear. In “To” you will type any text and then press return. After which text will turn green. Tap on add icon, a dialogue box will ask you multiple options, Touch “create new contact”. While adding new contacts photo, it will take you to the gallery, now wait for 5 to 10 seconds before pressing the home button, it will finally take you to the home button.

Unlock Via Dr. fone application

This is another easy way to use a technique to unlock your iPhone. It is supported by almost all versions of IOS. Though there are chances of removal of the data for that you should always set backup. This application can also resolve many other iPhone issues. What you need to do is visit the official website of Dr. fone-screen unlock. After installation, launch it on your PC or MacBook whenever you want to unlock it.

When you launch it, the welcome screen contains multiple options. Click “screen unlock” and connect your device to the MacBook or windows. Now the application will take a while to detect it. Now a screen will appear with multiple options. Click “unlock IOS screen” and activate DFU mode as mentioned in the on-screen steps. Now it will require your basic information like a model name, system version, etc. Provide basic information and click download. Now the firmware update will be downloaded. After it is successfully downloaded, click on “unlock now”, after which you will get confirmation code, by inserting code your process will be completed.

Unlock using iTunes

Apple phones can also be unlocked by using their software known as iTunes. This technique is useful but it has a drawback that all the data on your phone will be erased. In such a case it would be better to take a backup of the data. For this, firstly launch this software on any other apple system, then power off your cell phone and connect it to that system(laptop) using any cable.

Then in the next step, long-press the home button or power button, it will show a sign of iTunes and the cable on the phone, now open iTunes on your laptop, when your device is connected to it, update dialogue box will appear but instead of updating select the other “restore” option, then next select “update” from the other dialogue box appeared, and then click “restore and update”, then agree the appeared terms and the software downloading process will begin. After installing, it will automatically extract the software. After restoring iPhone software, a dialogue box will appear then click “ok”, your phone will get started again.

Still stuck then be sure to check out the Top 4 ways How to Unlock an iPhone.  Modern engineered materials are much more multiplex than they were in the past. Although there would be a lot of issues you may encounter, remember that these companies know exactly what they are doing and will have a contingency whatever the problem of their consumers may be.

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