Upcoming Events In Thredbo You Shouldn’t Miss


A Growing Destination For Adventurers Down Under

Skiing, snowboarding, sledding, hiking, snowball fights, relaxation, nightlife, entertainment—it’s all in Thredbo, and there are a variety of upcoming events through the rest of 2019 that you don’t want to miss. If you have never been, now might be the time to consider this exciting resort in the southeast of Oz.

Thredbo is located in an area of higher elevation where natural snowfall transpires, and managed snowfall is additionally brought to bear. You can check out this site for the snow forecast over the coming year, but don’t worry: the slopes at Thredbo are always pristine, pure, inviting, and fun.

Snowmakers ensure even if the weather isn’t playing ball, there’s plenty of fun on the slopes. If that isn’t your thing, a brisk hike through these pristine peaks can be just the thing to help you shuck the coil of modernity, and get back to the peace of nature. With that in mind, in this writing we’ll go over some of the many notable events going on in Thredbo this year.

For example, every Thursday through September twenty-sixth is the Kids Flare Run. Before and after that through the school holidays is Free Twilight Riding. Every Saturday, you can check out the Supertrail, and watch the fireworks!

Notable Thredbo Events Expanded

From noon to four on Saturdays you can check out Merritt’s Mountain House Deck, a “Corona Presents” presentation. Heineken Sessions at Friday Flat are every Saturday from 1 to 5 in the afternoon; and these things are just the tip of the iceberg.

If you’ve never been, you may want to check out these affordable accommodation in Thredbo. You can find entertainment for the whole family, and not break your budget. Following we’ll go over a brief breakdown of notable events in Thredbo through the rest of 2019. For example, through the nineteenth of July is the Kids Snow Festival.

From the sixteenth to Saturday the twentieth, Sydney Interschools Snowsports Championships are going on. From the twenty-first through the twenty-sixth  of July is Kosciuszko Pale Ale Uni Week. The twenty-sixth through the twenty-seventh is the Masters Ski Race, and that Saturday evening Corona Sunsets Presents ft. HolyHoly BUS.  While you are there you can even enjoy a Corona beer during your down time.

In August, LAWSKI takes place from the first through the third. The Rossignol Demo Weekend goes during that time as well, starting the second and ending the fourth. On Wednesday the seventh is the Kareela Winter Wine Series on Lark Hill. The tenth there will be a Top-to-Bottom race as supported by Mumm.

Ending The Season With A Bang

Additionally, the Senior Interclub Race and Red Sash Sets featuring Hot Dub Time Machine BUS will take place that day. On the fourteenth, the Kareela Winter Wine Series will take place in Brokenwood, as well as a Full Moon Party BUS. The sixteenth is a Transfer Banked Slalom, the eighteenth is the “weather day” of this event. The twenty-first is the famed Kareela Winter Wine Series, and much more.

There’s much more to explore in Thredbo during August, and even through October there are events. September has the Howly Bowly Down Under going from the ninth to the fifteenth. Starting the twenty-second and going through the sixth of October is another Kids Snow Festival, if you missed the first one. Also, Oktoberfest goes on during the fifth and sixth of October.

Planning Your Trip

New South Wales is just a short drive south of the bustling cityscapes to the north. If your kids have never been snowboarding or skiing before, you don’t have to cart them to the Swiss Alps or Colorado Rockies for a fine weekend of winter sports.

Doing so is fun for you as well—plus: there’s plenty of beer! Thredbo is the place for winter greatness, see what fits your preferences, and consider planning a trip. There’s nothing more refreshing than a trip down the slopes.


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