Use cases & Construction of Shipping Containers


Sea container is a universal container with standard overall dimensions. It is called marine because it was first used in the maritime transport of goods.

The container is the most convenient type of transport unit for multimodal transportation. In such transportation, a container with cargo is moved by various modes of transport (for example, rail – sea – road), reloading from one to another. By the way, you can browse a wide range of shipping containers for sale and choose the one that suits you best

The sender at his warehouse packs the cargo into a Tuff Shipping Container, and in the same container, the cargo arrives at the recipient’s warehouse, having covered a considerable distance. At the same time, it does not matter what type of transport is used for its transportation and how the route runs – by water or by land.

Use cases

Well, the most obvious use case for a shipping container is shipping itself, right? Still, they are widely used also for storage and as a special-purpose premise. Also, one of the best shipping container uses for construction makes construction management easy. Let’s discover some creative use cases for shipping containers from Pelican Containers?

1. Change house at the construction site

A change house on a building site is the most widespread way of application. The metal module meets the requirements relevant for such objects. First of all, it is easy to electrify: the installation of a socket and LED lighting is not a problem.

The container is easily zoned. It is possible to arrange furniture modules of the required sizes, hanging shelves, etc., in it. If you perform professional insulation, then a favorable microclimate with an acceptable temperature is created inside.

At the same time, the boxes remain mobile. Upon completion of the work, they can be moved to another site.

2. Mobile laboratory

Geological exploration work is often accompanied by the need to explore the rock. Therefore, a mobile laboratory is needed in the area where they are held.

According to the standards for the construction of residential buildings, building mixtures and mortars are subject to inspection for compliance with the technology. The container perfectly copes with the role of a mobile laboratory.

3. Mini warehouse

Sturdy and reliable containers are ideal for organizing a mini-warehouse. They are often used by representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in this capacity. It is convenient to keep goods or equipment of hairdressing salons, art studios, and various repair shops ready for sale in metal containers. To do this, you just need to arrange multi-tiered racks inside.

Summer residents rent containers for storing seasonal items and inventory. Bicycles and scooters can also be left in the mobile warehouse for the winter (and skis, sleds, snowmobiles for the summer). If necessary, the container can be sold. They are always in demand in the market.

4. Mini office

The management of microfinance organizations, travel agencies, small retail outlets prefer not to rent an office space but again use a sea container. If necessary, not one but several modules are placed nearby. One is the actual mini-shop or office for receiving visitors, and the other is a storage system.

5. Public bathroom

On the construction site, the installation of toilets and sanitary rooms is mandatory. A spacious box can be easily converted into a public bathroom when summing up communications. It is enough to put a few partitions and provide water supply to the plumbing equipment.

6. Storage of electrical equipment

Electrical equipment needs special storage. Metal containers of any type are suitable for this purpose. The equipment will be guaranteed to be preserved inside the compact substation thanks to the anti-vandal protection system. The box must be equipped with forced ventilation and a cooling system to ensure functionality.

7. Mini house

A house on the site is the dream of many gardeners and summer residents. It can be “built” literally in one day. It is enough to buy a container of a suitable type to do this. It is best to use modules with a door in the longitudinal part for this purpose. Nearby it will be possible to arrange an elegant veranda or break a small front garden. You can give the building a rustic look by sheathing it with clapboard or wood-like siding. This is the best use of a container! Often, barbecue areas or recreation areas are arranged on the site. A sea container can serve as a summer kitchen.

8.  Barn/garage

But most of all, summer residents need a maintenance unit for storing inventory. Inveterate gardeners stock up on irrigation systems, garden carts, a whole range of tools for cultivating the land and harvesting. All this can be ergonomically placed in a utility block made from a small sea container.

Construction of shipping container

It should be noted that shipping containers for sale from Pelican Containers are equipped with the most thoughtful design. Thanks to this, these containers are famous for their versatility. Their design is very strong and reliable. Each shipping container combines:

  • Basic load-bearing parts (platform with welded corner posts).
  • Lower and upper beams (longitudinal and transverse).
  • Housing (sheathed with steel sheets 3 mm thick; profile depth – up to 3.6 cm).
  • Doorways in the longitudinal side or at the end (gates).

The most intensive use cannot damage such a durable device. The container withstands mechanical loads. It is weather resistant. At the same time, the tightness and reliable anti-vandal locking system guarantee the safety of material assets in any case of using the container.


Sea containers are different from the rest. The main differences include the following benefits:

  • high strength of the material;
  • durability of the structure under any operating conditions;
  • additional devices that serve for loading and unloading; variety of parameters;
  • resistance to an open flame;
  • high level of thermal insulation, providing support for the desired microclimate inside; opportunity to provide communication systems.

These advantages have brought sea containers to a much higher level, which has gone far beyond the limits of ordinary cargo transportation. Gradually, many more ways of application arise since the structures can be converted into other types of premises, machinery and equipment.

Construction of shipping container


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