What Are The Major Symptoms Of Dyspraxia?


Dyspraxia is a motor disorder that is related to the brain. If a child is suffering from dyspraxia, then their motor skills will be disturbed, and they will not be able to coordinate appropriately with the people around them. However, some people confuse that it is related to intelligence in some way.

It is important to note that dyspraxia has nothing to do with the brightness of the child, but it just affects the cognitive skills of the child sometimes. Many children who are suffering from dyspraxia extremely intelligent. All they need is some support and encouragement from their elders.

In this article, we are going to discuss the significant symptoms of dyspraxia. So keep on waiting to find out more information below about what is dyspraxia.

What Is Dyspraxia?

Dyspraxia is a condition that can result in low self-esteem in children and can lead to learning difficulties for them in the future. It is essential to manage this disorder efficiently. Otherwise, it can lead to many problems for students and children.

Symptoms Of Dyspraxia In Children

If your child is suffering from dyspraxia that you will notice some delayed milestones in your children, such as they will start sitting up in talking later as compared to the other children of their age. Now take a look at the sides and symptoms of the children who are suffering from dyspraxia:

  1. Body position that is not similar to the children of their age.
  2. They get irritated faster as compared to other children.
  3. Being sensitive to loud noise and volume.
  4. Having trouble falling asleep and eating troubles.
  5. More movements in the legs and arms are shaking of the limbs uncontrollably.

Some other symptoms that you will notice in your child as they grow up as follows:

  1. Crawling
  2. Self-feeding
  3. Potty training
  4. Walking
  5. Dressing up themselves

Dyspraxia is not an easy thing to deal with, and it can be challenging for the children to organize their physical movement. For instance, if a child is trying to walk in a room while carrying their books, they will not do that without falling and tripping. They might occasionally bump into something or drop their books entirely on the floor.

Other Symptoms And Coordination Skills

  1. If your child is suffering from dyspraxia, you might notice that they have an unusual posture compared to other children of their age.
  2. Flipping the hands and fidgeting around a lot.
  3. Eating and messily drinking food.
  4. Being less physically fit and not taking part in physical activities in their school or class from.
  5. Coordination issues and not being able to communicate with their friends and teachers.
  6. Facing difficulty in jumping and skipping rope.
  7. Facing journal difficulties in motor skills and artwork in school.
  8. Not being able to play with blocks and affected writing skills.
  9. Not being able to solve the puzzles correctly.
  10. The children who are suffering from dyspraxia have a short attention span for the tasks that they have to perform daily in their school and classroom.
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