What Is a Private Cloud and Who Should Use It?


The question of what is a private cloud may not have occurred to you if your only previous exposure to cloud computing is “the cloud.” However, there are distinct types of “the cloud” that you as a business owner should know.

In the following article, we’ll be discussing the benefits of this technology, particularly as it relates to the private side. First, however, let’s draw the distinction between what a private cloud is and how it differs from the public side.

Public Cloud vs. Private

A public cloud is the most widely used form of cloud computing. This is where the hardware and storage it takes to operate the cloud are shared by multiple clients. 

Public clouds are popular because they’re generally more affordable (though not always for reasons we’ll go into in a bit) and they require less attention. They are somewhat limiting, though, especially in comparison to a private cloud. 

Who Uses Private Cloud Computing?

A private cloud user is one who requires a great deal more control and privacy over their resources. In this setup, the servers and storage would either be hosted on-site or by a third-party service provider. Either way, everything is dedicated to that particular client.

The Benefits of Private Cloud Technology

A private cloud server is something usually chosen by government agencies and large corporations, though small businesses can certainly benefit from it as well. In this section, let’s examine all the ways. 


Private cloud providers like bestructured.com understand the inner workings of cloud technology, especially the unique threats and challenges of which these servers can become the targets. They are better equipped to handle anything that comes up than the typical IT professional.

Resources Ready When You Need Them

Private clouds are beneficial to companies needing to use a variety of resources and applications at once and to varying degrees. In simple terms, think about your computer or smartphone and how it will tell you which apps are using the most energy.

Private clouds are capable of doing this and shifting the usage to another batch of resources to keep everything running correctly. That makes it extremely flexible compared to its public counterpart.

Guaranteed Compliance

Third-party support for cloud computing must maintain compliance with government regulations, and there are some significant ones. That’s true whether setting up shop in the United States or internationally. Maintaining that knowledge load is a full-time job in itself and one that most companies are not prepared to take on alone.

Flexible Functionality

With cloud-based services, public or private, you can access your tools and resources from wherever you and your employees are. If you’ve got access to a computer or smartphone, you can be online and working at full capacity anywhere in the world.

Possibly Less Expensive

This is not always true, obviously. Before you dismiss it as a more expensive alternative, however, consider the total cost of ownership of a public or hybrid cloud setup. You may not always know what you’re paying until the next billing cycle.

That uncertainty can cause undue stress on your business while not being nearly as affordable as you might think. Before going with a third-party setup, run a TCO calculation online.

Learning What Is a Private Cloud Can Open Your Business to New Possibilities

Once you’ve answered the question of what is a private cloud, it’s time to decide whether it’s right or feasible for your business. Good luck as you weigh the options, and for more help on cloud computing and other tech topics, check out some of our other posts. 

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