Mastering the Art of Beer: Learn About Certified Cicerone


A cicerone is an individual with a specialized and deep understanding of beer, akin to a sommelier in the world of wine. This term, rooted in the rich culture and history of beer, refers to a professional who possesses extensive knowledge about different beer styles, brewing methods, the history of beer, and various cultural aspects of beer consumption. Just as a sommelier guides wine enthusiasts through the nuances of wine tasting, food pairings, and selection, a cicerone offers similar expertise in the realm of beer. They are skilled in the sensory evaluation of beer, understanding its complex flavors, aromas, and appearances, and can expertly recommend beer-food pairings, enhancing the dining experience.

The concept of a cicerone emerged as a response to the growing sophistication and variety in the beer industry, particularly with the rise of craft breweries and a renewed interest in traditional brewing techniques. Recognizing the need for a standardized system to certify expertise in beer, Ray Daniels established the Cicerone Certification Program in 2007. This comprehensive program is designed to elevate the beer knowledge and service standards in the hospitality industry. It offers a structured path for beer enthusiasts and professionals to enhance and certify their understanding of beer.

Training to Become a Cicerone

The training to become a Cicerone involves a comprehensive and structured program that educates and evaluates an individual’s expertise in beer. This training is designed to cover various aspects of beer knowledge and service, ensuring that a Cicerone can offer expert guidance in the selection, serving, and enjoyment of beer. The Cicerone Certification Program, which offers this training, is divided into three main levels, each with its own set of requirements and areas of focus:

Certified Beer Server:

  • Focus: This entry-level certification primarily focuses on fundamental knowledge about beer, including beer styles, flavor profiles, and basic service techniques.
  • Training Content: The training covers beer storage and service, understanding different beer styles, the basics of brewing, and beer tasting. It may also touch on the basics of draught systems and food pairings.
  • Examination: The exam for this level is an online test, usually in a multiple-choice format, covering the basics of beer knowledge.

Certified Cicerone:

  • Focus: This intermediate level delves deeper into the nuances of beer, expanding on the knowledge acquired at the Certified Beer Server level.
  • Training Content: The training at this level includes detailed learning about brewing ingredients and processes, beer styles and their history, evaluating and describing beer flavors, food and beer pairings, and the maintenance of draught beer systems.
  • Examination: The exam for the Certified Cicerone level is more comprehensive and includes written, tasting, and demonstration components. Candidates are tested on their ability to identify beer styles, off-flavors, and their skills in serving beer and pairing it with food.

Master Cicerone:

  • Focus: The Master Cicerone level represents the highest level of beer expertise. It is designed for those who wish to have a mastery over all aspects of beer.
  • Training Content: This level involves advanced training in beer styles, brewing technology, draught systems, beer service, and food pairings. It also includes a deep dive into beer history, regional beer culture, and detailed sensory analysis.
  • Examination: The Master Cicerone exam is extremely rigorous and includes a series of intensive written, oral, and tasting examinations over two days. It tests the candidate’s comprehensive knowledge, sensory skills, and practical abilities in beer service.

Additional Aspects of Cicerone Training:

  • Continuous Learning: The world of beer is ever-evolving, and as such, Cicerones are encouraged to continuously update their knowledge through ongoing education, attending workshops, and staying informed about industry trends.
  • Practical Experience: Hands-on experience in the beer industry, such as working in breweries, beer distribution, or in hospitality, is invaluable. This experience complements the formal training and examinations.
  • Age Requirement: All candidates for the Cicerone Certification Program must be of legal drinking age in their country of residence.

Becoming a Cicerone is a journey that requires dedication, a passion for beer, and a commitment to learning. It’s a path that not only enhances personal knowledge and enjoyment of beer but also equips individuals with the skills to educate and elevate the beer experience for others.

Achieving certification, especially at the Master Cicerone level, is a challenging feat, reflecting a profound dedication to the craft of beer. With thousands having achieved the Certified Beer Server status and only a handful reaching the Master Cicerone level, this certification is a testament to exceptional beer expertise.

If you want to learn more about how you can become one, you may read our post about the things you need to know about becoming a Cicerone.

explaining beer with samples

Working as a Cicerone

Cicerones, with their specialized knowledge and training in beer, are well-suited for a variety of roles in the food and beverage industry. Their expertise is not only in high demand in settings where beer is a focal point, but also in educational and consultative capacities. Here are some common job roles that Cicerones often hold:

  1. Beer Sommelier at Restaurants and Bars: Similar to a wine sommelier, a Cicerone can work in fine dining establishments, advising customers on beer selections and pairing beer with food. They often help curate the beer menu, ensuring a diverse and high-quality selection.
  2. Brewery Roles: At breweries, Cicerones can be involved in various capacities, including brewing, quality control, and product development. They can also work in marketing, sales, and distribution, leveraging their expertise to enhance brand reputation and customer engagement.
  3. Beer Educators and Trainers: Cicerones often take up roles as educators, teaching courses or workshops about beer styles, brewing methods, and beer tasting. They can work independently or be affiliated with educational institutions, breweries, or culinary schools.
  4. Beer Buyers and Retailers: With their comprehensive knowledge of different beer styles and market trends, Cicerones are well-suited to be beer buyers for retail stores, bars, and restaurants. They ensure that the selection meets the establishment’s standards and customer preferences.
  5. Event Planners and Coordinators: Cicerones can organize and manage beer-themed events, tastings, festivals, and tours. They are adept at creating experiences that showcase different beers in engaging and educational ways.
  6. Consultants: Many Cicerones work as independent consultants, offering their services to new or existing breweries, restaurants, and bars. They advise on beer selection, menu development, staff training, and overall beer program management.
  7. Writing and Media: Cicerones with a flair for writing can contribute to food and beverage publications, blogs, and online platforms. They write about beer trends, reviews, and provide insights into the beer industry.
  8. Beer Judges: Cicerones are often called upon to serve as judges in beer competitions due to their expertise in evaluating and critiquing different beer styles.
  9. Customer Service and Education in Distribution: In beer distribution companies, Cicerones can play a role in customer service, education, and helping clients (like bars and restaurants) make informed choices about their beer selection.
  10. Brand Ambassador: Some Cicerones work as brand ambassadors for breweries or beer brands, promoting the brand and educating consumers about the product range.

The versatility of the Cicerone certification means that these professionals can find opportunities in various sectors of the industry, each role leveraging their unique skill set and passion for beer. Whether it’s in education, consultation, or hands-on management, Cicerones contribute significantly to elevating the beer experience for consumers and businesses alike.


Cicerones play a vital role in the food and beverage industry. They can be found working in diverse roles such as beer educators, consultants at restaurants and bars, sales and marketing professionals at breweries, and judges or coordinators at beer festivals. Their expertise not only elevates the beer experience for enthusiasts but also contributes significantly to the education and promotion of beer culture globally. Whether consulting on beer menus, training staff, or educating consumers, cicerones are integral in enhancing the appreciation and enjoyment of beer.

If you are interested to learn more about beer, you may also read our article about what happens when beer becomes a painter’s muse.

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