What is the Purpose of a Truck Tonneau Cover


A tonneau cover in the current automotive world is a soft or hardcover that spans the back of your truck to protect or shield the load or improve the whole driving experience by balancing your pickup truck aerodynamics. Tonneau covers usually come in different styles that retract, fold, or tilt open.

They are all designed to offer your car what it takes when moving through different terrains while carrying or pulling your cargo. It is wise to understand that the whole purchasing and installment procedure goes beyond picking a single cover in the market, and it would be selfish of us if we didn’t take you through some basics about these fantastic covers for your new four by four truck.

However, the benefits of these covers go way more profound than this simple aesthetic appeal. According to Automohub’s review article, here are some of the reasons and benefits why you should probably have this fantastic extension to your truck.

What is the Purpose of a Truck Tonneau Cover

Safe transport of your Luggage or Equipment

The most obvious reason for having a tonneau is protecting your cargo or anything you are hauling. Whether it is home equipment for your house or just hiking luggage for your friend’s trips, there is no better and safer way to secure your cargo than having a tonneau installed in your truck. These covers can protect you from strong winds, snow and heavy rains, or anything you come across on your way to your destination.

Improved Mileage

When it comes to these covers, we can say it is the most overlooked reason you should have these covers on; in fact, it is the main reason why they were designed. Due to the complete aerodynamic design of the cover, your bed will have a better chance to generate less air drag. And doing so increases your gas and engine mileage by 5 percent, though some rides can save as much as 12 percent in gas mileage, compared to other designs or an open bed.

Increased Security

Keeping your goods and luggage out of sight and out of the view of potential thieves is a better way to protect your essential equipment. A simple truck cover does not cover your car; it extends the protection to what you are carrying and is more from safety and security.

With these covers on your cargo will arrive safe and unharmed from any form of damages such as scratches from branches on the way, friction caused by wind, rain in rainy seasons, snow in winter, and many more, to mention a few. So, having these covers is more of insurance that your cargo will reach its destination safe and sound.

Why you need truck cover

FAQs About Truck Bed Tonneau Cover

Do I need a tonneau cover?

First, before we pump the whole thing to you, we can all agree that Tonneau covers are visually elegant and appealing. They offer a classy element to the picture of your car, covering up all the dirty boot that is usually visible.

Do tonneau covers help with gas mileage?

Regarding this question, we found an expert FAQ section and tonneau cover review article on AutoExpro. According to autoexpro, gas mileage is the drag resistance your gas experience against the opposite wind or friction. This opposite drag is caused or affected by the shape of your car, the strength of the winds, and the type of roads you are using. Since the shape and roads are well taken care of in the design of a car, the remaining is the shape.

With an open pick-up, you introduce a resisting body whereby the incoming winds are trapped in the bed of your car, forcing your car to burn more fuel and gas to match with the drag.

Adding tonneau covers eliminates the drag by inducing a streamlined body shape to your care whereby e incoming winds just flow through your car, matching the speed, thus giving your engine an easy time to match the incoming friction. So, yes, tonneau covers improve your gas mileage, giving you a longer service with your gas and clutch extensions.

How much should a good Tonneau cover cost?

Depending on the quality and other specifications, a good and hard tonneau cover should cost you something in between $500 to $1000 for all manual covers and up to $2700 for electric or automatic folding covers.

Final Word

It all comes down to how much you customize your car, and there is no better way than having a tonneau cover for your pickup truck. It confirms your product’s safety, increases gas mileage with unlimited truck securities.


About Author: Patrick Jordan


Patrick Jordan is an SAE Certified expert auto mechanic and car enthusiast with 10 years of practical experience. He has worked in some reputed garage in the USA That has helped him to gather more practical knowledge. Currently working at a major automotive startup company. Experienced in engine repair, vehicle upgrade, car interior, and exterior design management, off-road vehicle maintenance, etc. From reviews to expert solutions, you’ll find almost everything about automotive from him.

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