What is Wine Yeast?



Welcome to the captivating journey into the world of wine, where every sip tells a story and every bottle holds a masterpiece waiting to be discovered. In this oenophilic adventure, embark on an exploration of the unsung hero behind the allure of your favorite wines – wine yeast. 

Much like a conductor guiding an orchestra, wine yeast orchestrates the symphony of flavors, aromas, and textures that dance across your palate with each glass. Uncork the mysteries of this tiny microorganism, revealing how it transforms humble grape juice into the nectar of the gods and shapes the diverse array of wines we cherish. So, raise your glass to the marvelous world of wine yeast, where science meets artistry, and let’s delve into the magic that turns grapes into liquid poetry!

There are several types of wine yeast strains, each with its unique characteristics that can influence the flavor, aroma, and fermentation process of wine. Winemakers carefully select yeast strains to achieve the desired style and characteristics for a particular wine. 

Some of the common types of wine yeast strains include:

Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of yeast commonly referred to as “brewer’s yeast” or “baker’s yeast.” It is perhaps one of the most well-known and extensively studied yeast species in the world. 

This is the most commonly used yeast strain in winemaking. It is known for its ability to efficiently convert sugars into alcohol and tolerate higher alcohol levels, making it suitable for a wide range of wine styles. Different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae can produce various flavor profiles, from fruity to neutral.

Champagne Yeast (Saccharomyces bayanus)

As the name suggests, this yeast strain is often used in the production of sparkling wines, such as Champagne. It is prized for its ability to ferment wines at lower temperatures and produce high levels of carbon dioxide, creating the characteristic effervescence in sparkling wines.

Malolactic Bacteria

While not a yeast strain, malolactic bacteria (such as Oenococcus oeni) play a crucial role in winemaking. They convert malic acid (found in grapes) into lactic acid and carbon dioxide, reducing the wine’s acidity and imparting a smoother, creamier texture to some wines, like Chardonnay.

Wild or Indigenous Yeast

Some winemakers choose not to inoculate their grape juice with commercial yeast strains and rely on naturally occurring yeast from the vineyard or winery environment. This can lead to spontaneous fermentations and unique, complex flavors. However, it can also be riskier, as it’s more challenging to control the fermentation process.

Specialty Yeast Strains

In recent years, wine yeast producers have developed specialty yeast strains tailored for specific wine styles. For example, there are yeast strains designed for enhancing the fruity flavors in white wines or promoting color stability in red wines.

Hybrid Strains

These yeast strains are engineered by combining different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains or incorporating traits from other yeast species. They are designed to have specific fermentation and flavor characteristics.

Saccharomyces Bayanus var. Uvarum

This yeast strain is used in the production of certain white wines and is known for its ability to ferment at cooler temperatures while preserving the grape’s fruity and floral aromas.

Lalvin EC-1118

This is a popular yeast strain for sparkling wine production and is often used in the creation of champagne and other sparkling wines. It ferments cleanly and has a high alcohol tolerance.


This yeast strain is commonly used in white wine production and is known for enhancing the fruity and floral characteristics of the wine.

Wine Yeast in Wine Making

Wine Yeast in Wine Making

Wine yeast plays a pivotal role in the winemaking process, serving as the primary agent responsible for the fermentation of grape juice into wine. Here’s an overview of the essential roles of wine yeast in making wine:

Fermentation Initiation

The most fundamental role of wine yeast is to kickstart the fermentation process. When yeast is added to grape juice, it begins to consume the natural sugars present in the juice, primarily glucose and fructose. As it metabolizes these sugars, yeast produces two crucial byproducts: alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Alcohol Production

The primary goal of fermentation is the conversion of sugars into alcohol. Yeast achieves this through a series of enzymatic reactions, ultimately converting sugar molecules into ethanol. The level of alcohol in the finished wine is largely determined by the initial sugar content of the grape juice and the extent to which the yeast ferments these sugars.

Flavor and Aroma Development

Beyond alcohol production, wine yeast also influences the wine’s flavor and aroma profile. During fermentation, yeast generates various volatile compounds and secondary metabolites that contribute to the wine’s complexity and character. Different yeast strains can produce distinct flavor and aroma characteristics, such as fruity, floral, spicy, or earthy notes, which contribute to the unique identity of each wine.

Acid and pH Adjustment

Yeast activity can impact the acidity and pH of the wine. During fermentation, yeast may consume some of the wine’s malic acid (if present) and can slightly raise the wine’s pH. This can lead to a smoother, less tart wine, especially in the case of malolactic fermentation, which is often encouraged in some red and white wines.

Alcohol Tolerance

Different yeast strains have varying levels of alcohol tolerance. Some strains can withstand higher alcohol concentrations than others. Winemakers select yeast strains based on the desired alcohol content of the wine they wish to produce.

Nutrient Consumption

Yeast also requires essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, vitamins, and minerals, to thrive and complete fermentation. Winemakers may monitor and adjust nutrient levels to ensure a healthy and efficient fermentation process.

Preservation of Wine

The presence of alcohol in wine, a product of yeast fermentation, acts as a natural preservative, helping to protect the wine from spoilage by harmful microorganisms. This preservation allows wine to age gracefully and develop desirable characteristics over time.

Clarification and Settling

After fermentation, yeast cells can settle to the bottom of the wine vessel, aiding in the clarification of the wine. This process helps remove unwanted solids, leaving a clearer and more stable wine.


Wine yeast is the workhorse of winemaking, converting grape juice into wine through fermentation while also contributing significantly to the wine’s flavor, aroma, and overall quality. Winemakers carefully select yeast strains to achieve specific characteristics in their wines, and the choice of yeast is a crucial decision in the winemaking process. The selection of yeast, along with other winemaking techniques, contributes to the unique characteristics of each wine varietal and style.

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