What Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Contractor


If you’re renovating or building a new home, you will have to make plenty of critical and complex decisions. Preparing and filing paperwork alone can be tedious. First, you need to find an architect, and later, a construction company. It takes time to form the right team that will make your ideas come to light. However, it could make a difference between appreciating and enjoying the construction project or having nightmares (of course, that is in the extreme).

But once some of the things are ironed out and you’ve approved the architect’s design, the next step is to hire a construction company. This is a vital phase because you need a trustworthy company to build a robust and beautiful house. To help you choose the right contractor from the various construction companies in Rockford IL, you need to ask the right questions. It is better if the company you choose, like Cross Country Construction, is close to where your home is or the place where you’re building a house.

Questions to ask a general contractor before hiring 

You want to work with someone you know. It’s likewise vital to trust the contractor to deliver what you need. Thus, the contractor must be experienced, have all the required permits, certifications and licenses, equipment, and skilled workforce.

Here are the necessary items you need to check with the contractor.

  • License for construction work. You should ask the general contractor if the company has the correct license. Next, you should ask for a copy of the license and contact the issuing authority. This is to ensure that the license is current and the business is in good standing. In Illinois, the state does not issue a contractor license at the state level, but it is required at the city or county level.
  • Types of insurance. There are several types of insurance a general contractor can get. First, however, there is essential insurance the contractor should have. One is general liability insurance that protects the client’s home and property. The other one is workers’ compensation insurance. This type of insurance will also cover the client’s liability if someone gets hurt while working on your project.
  • List of references. Request a list of the general contractor’s former clients. Ensure that you talk with the past clients and ask about the contractor’s work process and performance and their feelings about the final result. Likewise, discuss delivery, budget, and the contractor’s professionalism.
  • Expected timeline. There should be a specific timeline for the start and end of the project. Ask the general contractor if they can finish the project within your deadline. Make sure that your deadline is realistic. At the same, ask the contractor if they are working on other projects because it can impact meeting your deadline.
  • Hiring subcontractors. A general contractor typically has core workers and often uses subcontractors for other jobs, such as electricians, painters, and plumbers. You need to know their names and work because it is essential to verify their credentials and mandatory insurance.

You need to trust the general contractor you’ll hire to provide you with excellent work and assure you that your project will be secure and meet your deadline. Knowing the general contractor’s quality of work, processes, and performance will help you make the right decision on who to hire.


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