What should you not move long distances?


Moving long distances is a big job and can be quite stressful. It’s important to know what items could be left behind and what should be taken with you. To help make your move easier, we’ve created a list of 6 items that you should never move long distance.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why these items should stay put and what you can do to make your move a success. So read on to learn more and start planning your long-distance move today with Safebound Moving and Storage!


When preparing for a trip, it seems easy to bring more clothes than you need. You should carefully consider the clothes you love or wear the most. If you don’t need the extra stuff, by all means, give it away or sell it. There are a lot of people who would require what you have to spare.

Taking into account the time of year or the climate of your new home can also help you save money on moving costs. If you’re relocating from Florida to New York, for instance, you probably won’t need to bring along your entire summer wardrobe. Remember to leave some room in your new closet for all the winter clothes you’ll be purchasing!

Hazardous Substances

A restriction like this may seem simple on the surface, but it is everything but! The term “hazardous materials” encompasses a wide range of objects that are illegal for movers to transport because of their potential threat to themselves, their customers, or others.

It is dangerous to transport items that can catch fire, such as paint, lacquer, acetone, corrosive materials, fuel, petroleum, oil, lighter fluid, gas cylinders, heavy-duty cleaning agents and chemicals, and even commonplace items like batteries and nail polish remover. Due to the potential for explosion, pressurized containers such as aerosol containers, extinguishers, and oxygen tanks are also on the “cannot be transported” list.

Keep this advice in mind if you want all your stuff to get on that moving truck: Give away or properly dispose of anything that poses a fire hazard or is under strain!


When moving into a new house, it’s not uncommon to want to replace appliances like the fridge and the washer and dryer in one convenient unit. If this is the case and you still need to dispose of your old appliances, a local charity would probably be pleased to take them off your hands, assuming they are in working order. This will also make the transportation process easier for the moving company that you may have hired.

Food and other Perishables

Meats, produce, dairy goods, unsealed containers, and frozen foods cannot be moved in a moving truck since they spoil quickly. Since moving trucks don’t have refrigerators, any perishable food you bring along will quickly decay and produce a foul odor. Condensation, mold, and fungus from spoiled food can spread to other objects in the vehicle.

If you have any food that will spoil quickly, it’s preferable to utilize or donate it before you move. Throwing a dinner party right before you move can be a great way to finish all those perishables you bought but won’t be able to utilize!


When you look at what’s in your bathroom cabinets, you can only come to one conclusion. We can safely assume that 50% of them are irrelevant, obsolete, or easily replaceable. In addition, you probably have some pills in your medicine cabinet that have passed their expiration date. Your focus should be on avoiding moving these specific items. This is more important, in particular, if you are relocating to another state.

Don’t put yourself in that position by bringing more stuff than you need! You will have to unpack whatever you pack while moving, so keep that in mins.

Garage Items

Like your medicine cabinet, your garage undoubtedly has a lot of unused and useless stuff taking up space. From insecticides and fertilizers to other possibly hazardous compounds, the garage has all kinds of stuff that we think we will need but we never do.

These are the objects you should not only avoid transporting, but also dispose of appropriately. It’s crucial to use extreme caution while dealing with potentially dangerous materials. Give away any large tools you now possess that you do not plan on using in your new residence. If you ask around, you might find some neighbors who would love to take them off your hands!

Pro Tip: When it comes to a peaceful long-distance move for you, hiring a professional moving company is always the best option. With their seamless service, you can rest assured knowing your stuff is in safe hands!


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