What to Consider When Choosing Foundation


When you just want a lightweight luminous finish or perhaps a full coverage foundation, it can be hard to find the best quality foundation for you.

We get it! It’s an ongoing task that seems almost impossible to solve.

The goal is to find a foundation product such as NARS, Charlotte Tilbury, Anastasia Beverly Hills that replicates your own skin colour – but better!

But don’t worry! This is where we can help.

Let’s take a look at some of the considerations you’ll need to make when buying a high-quality foundation product.

Skin Undertones are Super Important

Unless you really want to focus on colour-correct, don’t bother trying to fight against your skin’s natural undertones.

This will affect the shade you use and it will be important to get it right.

Got a warm complexion? Shades with yellow undertones will almost always suit.

But what if you have a medium complexion? This is when it can be a little harder because there are so many various shades of medium such as light-medium, medium-deep and more.

Find That Perfect Shade

Did you know that typically most of us won’t ever be our true base colour?

With this in mind, you’ll need to match your preferred foundation shade to the colour shade that your skin usually is. This is really important!

You’ll also want to decide whether to match your preferred foundation to a place on your body that is exposed to the sun the most or your true base colour.

Regardless, and once you’ve found your preferred location on your body, make sure you test your foundation on that area every time to ensure consistency.

And make sure you include some natural lighting too!

What’s Your Skin Type?

Do you have dry skin? Perhaps you have oily skin?

It’s important you understand what your skin type is otherwise you might end up with a high-quality foundation product that doesn’t work with your skin type.

And we can’t have that whatsoever!

When in Doubt, Chat to a Professional

Honestly, if you’re finding it difficult to choose a high-quality foundation for yourself, there will always be a professional nearby at a makeup counter who will be willing to help you.

They will take the time to work with you and choose your perfect foundation including the all-important coverage type.

Don’t Forget the Seasons

Without wanting to state the obvious, you’ll need a different makeup foundation for different seasons.

You’ll need to be able to combat the fact that during summer your skin will be darker whilst in winter your skin tone will almost certainly be paler. So we need to be ready with the right foundation.

We genuinely hope that this blog article will go some way into helping you pick the next foundation that is suited to your skin type and tone.

Whether it be a foundation product from the likes of NARS, bareMinerals, Revolution Pro and more, we’re confident that you’ll be able to find a shade that suits you.


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