What to Do in the Aftermath of a Motorcycle Accident


There can be nothing more frightening than finding yourself flat on the asphalt after having been knocked off your motorcycle by another road user. That experience happens so fast that it’s difficult to piece together exactly what went wrong – or what you should do next. That’s where this guide steps in, offering some tips on what you should do if you are ever thrown from your motorcycle while out on the roads. Bear the below tips in mind to keep yourself safe and to make a full recovery in every sense after a motorcycle accident.

Your Safety

Being involved in a motorcycle accident has its own unique hazards. For one, you’re far less protected than a motorist – with just your motorcycle gear protecting you from the asphalt. You’ll also end up on the road after your accident, which is hazardous if there are other road users who might not initially spot you.

So there are three things to remember for your safety after a crash:

  • Do not move until you’re confident that it’s safe to do so
  • At this point, move to the safest place possible – either a sidewalk or a highway verge
  • Immediately consider how you can receive medical attention

On that last point, it’s possible that you’ll find an ambulance roaring to your side before you know it, but if you don’t, it’s advisable to ask someone to call one for you. It’s sometimes unclear what injuries you’ve sustained after a motorcycle accident, so caution here is key.

Winning Compensation

If your motorcycle accident was the fault of another road user, you’ll be entitled to compensation. Often, this compensation amounts to several thousand dollars, especially if you were seriously injured in your accident. To get the ball rolling on this process, you’ll need to visit therawlinsfirm.com in order to speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney who’ll help you build a case.

In fact, you’ll simply leave these attorneys with the facts and they’ll get started with building a case for your compensation. They’ll ask you to detail and evidence all the costs associated with your accident – including medical costs, damaged clothes and helmet, and the cost of your bike – in order to win you a reasonable compensation package that you can start recovering with.

Your Bike

At some point after you’ve been loaded into the ambulance or you’re being treated in the hospital, your mind will wander to your bike. Where is it – and in what state is it? Will someone take it to the side of the road and leave it there, or will the police organize for it to be kept somewhere safe for your collection?

The easiest way to avoid an unpleasant surprise when you go back to look for your motorcycle is to ensure that emergency services personnel have a plan for where the bike will go, and your contact details too. That way, you’ll be confident that you can reclaim your bike at a later date.

There you have it: three important steps to take in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident.

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