What You Didn’t Know About Cisco CCDP 300-320 ARCH Exam


It goes without question that the Cisco certifications are among the in-demand credentials across the globe. The best thing about Cisco certifications is that they are available across all levels of expertise. Whether you are at the entry level or an expert in your field, there is always something for everyone from this certification provider. If you ever thought of attaining the highly covetable CCDP certification, then you have an anthill task ahead of you.

To gain this credential, you need to pass three exams 300-101, 300-115 and 300-320. But should you worry if that’s the case? Absolutely not because this guide highlights all the key aspects of the Cisco 300-320 ARCH exam, the third one you need to pass in order to attain your CCDP certification of the professional level. Here we go.

Exam Overview

300-320 ARCH: Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures tests your ability to handle the latest development regarding network design and technologies. These include L2 and L3 infrastructures for the enterprise, data centre integration, WAN technologies, network services and network security.

Recommended Training

Cisco recommends a few courses that you need to take to enhance your chances of success in this exam. These include the Designing Cisco Network Service Architecture (ARCH) and Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH) courses.

Exam Description

The Cisco 300-320 exam covers six key concepts with each having a specific weight in the test. These topics include advanced addressing and routing solutions for enterprise networks (22%), advanced enterprise campus networks (22%), WANs for enterprise networks (17%), enterprise data center integration (17%), security services (13%) and network services (11%). What’s more, the exam has a 75-minute duration and tests 60-70 questions related to the Cisco Certified Design Professional credential.

As it is the norm with most of the Cisco exams, Cisco CCDP 300-320 Practice Test come in various formats that include multiple choice single answer, multiple choice multiple answer, fill in the blank, drag and drop, testlets, simulations andsimlets. The ranking is done on a scale of 1000 and the passing score for this exam ranges from 750 to 850.

Preparation Options

You might have heard a lot about the Cisco 300-320 exam but one thing remains, good preparation is the key to success in this exam. Fortunately, multiple resources are readily available online to aid your exam preparation. The Cisco official website in itself is the ultimate source for this. Here are some of the training materials featured on this website.

Classroom Training

Cisco authorized learning partners play a key role in your certification journey thanks to the ever-reliable instructor-led classes they offer. This is the best platform to interact with certification experts who serve as the lead instructors at this platform. Cisco recommends the Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures course to aid your exam preparation.


Cisco learning network store boasts a wide range of study materials such as self-paced courses and other 300-320 exam preparation materials for your preparation. Again, you can enroll for the Designing Cisco Network Service Architectures (ARCH) v3.0 course at this platform. Remember, this is one of the highly recommended courses by Cisco before looking to schedule your 300-320 exam.


They say practice makes perfect and who knows maybe that is all you may need before taking your 300-320 exam. If you are willing to tread this path, then you can practice your skills for this exam using the Cisco hands-on lab environments.

The first in this category is the Cisco Virtual Internet Routing Lab Personal Edition (VIRL PE). Then comes the Cisco Modelling Labs which can be instrumental in your certification journey by equipping you with the significant hands-on skills related to this exam.

Study Groups

You can join the CCDP study group to prepare for your 300-320 exam as a team. Through this group, you can make new connections with individuals pursuing the same credential to help you achieve your certification goal hassle free.

Other Web Resources for your 300-320 Exam Preparation

The training materials at the Cisco website are useful but there is no harm in checking out other web sources for other valuable training tools. Remember, the goal is to pass your exam fast and hassle-free and using more than one training options is the best approach to take.

If you ever think of top web resources for your 300-320 exam preparation, then the PrepAway website is your best bet. With a variety of training materials for 300-320 exam, this website is ideal for any certification goal.

Exam Dumps

The list for invaluable training materials for 300-320 exam is incomplete without the mention of exam dumps. Past exam takes can attest that valid dumps can play a key role in your certification journey. As for the Cisco 300-320 exam dumps from PrepAway are specifically useful to help you gauge your understanding of the exam content as you discover your areas of strength and weaknesses.

ETE Software

How would you like the prospect of preparing for your certification exam using a tool that simulates the actual exam testing environment? Well, such a tool actually exists at PrepAway website and it is the ETE software. This software simulates the real exam testing environment to give you the actual feeling while boosting your confidence in the long run.

Exam Registration

You can register for your 300-320 exam at the Pearson VUE website. Remember, this is Cisco’s number one exam delivery partner that administers all its exams across the globe. However, you will have to pay the exam fee which is $300 for this particular exam.

Final Thoughts

The highly volatile IT industry has made it necessary for hiring managers to employ individuals with relevant certifications in the related field. This means that your understanding of the field and experience are not enough to help you secure your dream job. The aforementioned tips have confirmed that passing 300-320 exam is not as hard as they’ve made you believe. Use these tips to pass this exam at your first attempt and propel your career to the top where the competition is quite favorable.

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