What You Need to Know About Becoming a Cicerone


Are you curious about becoming a Cicerone? If you love craft beer and want to take your knowledge to the next level, this is for you. A Cicerone is like a sommelier (wine experts employed to explain, sell, serve, and choose wine for establishments) but for beer. They know all about different types of beer, how they’re made, and how to serve them right. The Cicerone Certification Program is a way to prove you’re an expert in beer. It’s not just for those who work in bars or breweries; it’s for anyone who’s passionate about beer.

In this article, we’ll discuss what it takes to become a Cicerone, from the basics of the program to how it can help you in your career or just make you the go-to beer expert among your friends. Let’s get started on this exciting journey into the world of craft beer!

Understanding the Cicerone Certification Program

Man and woman studying a glass of beer

The Cicerone Certification Program is designed to certify and educate beer professionals in order to elevate the beer experience for consumers. It offers a comprehensive certification process for individuals at various levels of knowledge and expertise in the beer industry. Here’s what you need to know about the program:

Levels of Certification

The program is structured into four main levels, each designed to cater to different stages of beer knowledge and expertise:

  • Certified Beer Server: This is the first level and provides a solid foundation in beer service and basic beer styles. It is ideal for those starting in the beer service industry.
  • Certified Cicerone®: The second level deepens the candidate’s understanding of beer styles, brewing processes, ingredients, and beer service. It’s aimed at professionals who need a thorough understanding of beer for their work.
  • Advanced Cicerone®: At this level, individuals gain an advanced knowledge of beer and brewing, along with a refined palate for detecting beer faults and flavor profiles. It’s suitable for those looking to stand out in the beer industry.
  • Master Cicerone®: The highest level of certification requires an exceptional depth of knowledge and expertise in all things beer. It’s a prestigious title held by a select few who have mastered the craft.

The Certification Process

To achieve certification, candidates must pass rigorous exams tailored to each level. These exams cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Beer Styles: Knowledge of various beer styles, their history, and characteristics.
  • Beer Service and Draft Systems: Understanding of proper beer serving techniques and the operation of draft systems.
  • Beer Tasting and Flavors: Ability to identify and describe beer flavors, including off-flavors and their sources.
  • Brewing Process and Ingredients: Insight into how beer is made, including the ingredients used and the brewing process.
  • Food and Beer Pairing: Skills in pairing beer with food to enhance the dining experience.

Preparing for the Exam

Candidates can prepare for the exams through various resources provided by the Cicerone Certification Program, including:

  • Study guides
  • Recommended reading lists
  • Training courses and webinars
  • Practice exams

Why Pursue Cicerone Certification?

Achieving Cicerone certification is beneficial for anyone looking to advance their career in the beer industry or simply to enhance their personal knowledge of beer. It signifies a high standard of expertise and dedication to the craft of beer, making it a valuable credential for beer enthusiasts, brewers, sales representatives, and hospitality professionals.

Why Become a Cicerone?

Man checking beer quality

Choosing to become a Cicerone represents more than just a passion for craft beer; it’s a commitment to excellence in the beer industry. This certification can open doors to numerous opportunities and enhance both professional and personal experiences with beer. Here are the key reasons why people decide to embark on the journey to become a Cicerone:

  • Career Opportunities: Holding a Cicerone certification can significantly boost your career prospects in breweries, distributors, and hospitality venues. It’s a mark of credibility and expertise that employers value highly.
  • Expertise Recognition: Being a certified Cicerone sets you apart as an expert in the field. This recognition can lead to speaking engagements, consulting opportunities, and a prominent voice in the beer community.
  • Deep Beer Understanding: The process of becoming a Cicerone deepens your understanding of beer styles, brewing techniques, and the complexities of flavor. This knowledge enriches your appreciation of beer and enables you to share that enthusiasm with others.
  • Refined Tasting Abilities: Certification training hones your ability to taste and evaluate beer critically, identifying subtle flavors, off-flavors, and stylistic nuances. These skills can enhance your enjoyment of beer and are invaluable in quality control roles.
  • Elevated Service Quality: For those in the hospitality industry, Cicerone certification equips you to offer customers a superior beer service experience, from proper presentation to informed recommendations.
  • Educational Impact: As a Cicerone, you can educate customers, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of beer. This can lead to more meaningful interactions and a loyal customer base.
  • Personal Growth: Achieving Cicerone certification is a significant personal milestone that reflects dedication, hard work, and a deep love for beer. It’s a journey of learning and personal development.
  • Joining a Community: Becoming a Cicerone connects you with a global community of beer professionals and enthusiasts who share a passion for excellence in beer. This network can provide support, inspiration, and camaraderie.

Becoming a Cicerone offers a wealth of benefits, from career advancement and professional recognition to personal satisfaction and a deeper connection with the world of craft beer. Whether you’re looking to elevate your professional credentials or simply wish to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of beer, the Cicerone Certification Program provides a comprehensive and rewarding path to achieving those goals.

Requirements for Certification

Below is an overview of the requirements needed for each type of certification:

Certified Beer Server

  • Prerequisites: None. This level is open to anyone interested in learning about beer service and basic beer styles.
  • Exam Format: An online exam that includes multiple-choice questions covering beer service and style basics.

Certified Cicerone®

  • Prerequisites: You must first pass the Certified Beer Server exam. This ensures that all candidates have a foundational knowledge of beer.
  • Exam Format: The exam for the Certified Cicerone® level is more rigorous and includes a written portion, tasting, and demonstration components. Candidates are tested on a wide range of topics, including beer styles, brewing processes, ingredients, and pairing beer with food.

Advanced Cicerone®

  • Prerequisites: Successful completion of the Certified Cicerone® exam. This level is designed for those who have already demonstrated a significant depth of beer knowledge.
  • Exam Format: The Advanced Cicerone® exam further challenges candidates with written, tasting, and oral examination components. The exam covers more detailed aspects of brewing science, beer styles, evaluation, and service.

Master Cicerone®

  • Prerequisites: Passing the Advanced Cicerone® exam. This is the pinnacle of the program and requires an extensive knowledge of all things beer.
  • Exam Format: The Master Cicerone® exam is the most demanding, with a two-day examination process that includes intensive written, oral, and tasting segments. This level tests a candidate’s comprehensive understanding of beer and their ability to communicate this knowledge effectively.

General Preparation Tips

  • Study and Preparation: For all levels beyond Certified Beer Server, significant self-study, experience, and preparation are necessary. The Cicerone Certification Program offers various resources, including study guides and training courses.
  • Tasting Practice: Regular tasting practice, including blind tastings, is crucial to developing and refining the palate, particularly for the tasting components of the exams.
  • Community and Mentorship: Engaging with the community, finding a mentor, or joining a study group can provide support and enhance the learning experience.

Commitment to Continuous Learning

The beer world is constantly evolving, so Cicerones are encouraged to keep their knowledge up to date through continuous learning and engagement with the beer community.

Achieving certification at any level of the Cicerone program signifies a commitment to excellence in beer knowledge and service. Each level of certification builds upon the last, requiring a greater depth of knowledge and a more profound understanding of beer. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career in the beer industry or simply want to deepen your appreciation for beer, the Cicerone Certification Program offers a structured path to achieving your goals.

Preparing for the Cicerone Exam

Different types of beer for tasting

Preparing for the Cicerone exam is a rigorous and rewarding journey, requiring dedication, a strategic study plan, and a deep dive into the world of beer. Here are key strategies and resources to help you succeed:

  • Develop a Study Plan: Determine which level of the Cicerone certification you’re aiming for and set a realistic timeline for your study and exam date. The Cicerone Certification Program provides detailed syllabi for each exam level. Break down these topics into manageable sections to study over your preparation period.
  • Utilize Official Study Materials: Use the official study guides provided by the Cicerone Certification Program. Complement these with recommended books that cover beer styles, brewing techniques, and the history of beer. Access webinars, online courses, and practice tests, which are available through the Cicerone website to enhance your learning experience.
  • Engage in Practical Experience: Regularly taste a variety of beer styles, making notes on their characteristics, flavors, and aromas. Practice identifying off-flavors using sensory training kits. If possible, gain hands-on experience with draft systems or homebrewing. Understanding the practical aspects of beer serving and production is crucial.
  • Join Study Groups or Forums: Connect with others who are also preparing for the exam. Study groups and online forums can provide moral support and insights and share useful study resources.
  • Attend Workshops and Tastings: Look for workshops, tastings, and seminars hosted by breweries, beer educators, or local beer enthusiast groups. These can provide valuable learning experiences and networking opportunities.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Ensure you’re getting enough rest, eating well, and managing stress. Preparing for the exam is important, but so is maintaining your physical and mental health.
  • Practice with Mock Exams: Use practice exams to familiarize yourself with the format and time constraints of the actual test. This can help alleviate exam-day anxiety and identify areas needing improvement.
  • Seek Feedback: If possible, find a mentor who is already certified at your target level or higher. They can offer invaluable advice, feedback on your tasting notes, and insights into the exam process.
  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of new developments in the beer industry, including new beer styles, brewing techniques, and trends. This knowledge can be beneficial, especially for the higher levels of certification.

Preparing for the Cicerone exam is no small feat, but with the right approach, it can be an enriching experience that deepens your appreciation and understanding of beer. By combining structured study, practical experience, and community support, you’ll be well-equipped to achieve your Cicerone certification.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Man smelling different types of craft beer

Pursuing Cicerone certification is a commendable goal, but like any ambitious endeavor, it comes with its share of challenges. Here are some common hurdles candidates might face and strategies to overcome them:

1. Vast Amount of Study Material

  • Challenge: The range of topics covered by the Cicerone exams is extensive, from beer styles and brewing techniques to food pairings and draft systems.
  • Solution: Break down the syllabus into smaller, manageable segments. Create a study schedule that allows you to focus on one topic at a time, ensuring you thoroughly understand each area before moving on.

2. Mastering Beer Styles and Flavors

  • Challenge: Developing a refined palate to distinguish between dozens of beer styles and identifying subtle flavors and off-flavors can be daunting.
  • Solution: Regularly participate in tasting sessions, focusing on identifying the distinct characteristics of each style. Use sensory training kits to familiarize yourself with common off-flavors. Joining or forming tasting groups can also provide diverse perspectives and make the learning process more engaging.

3. Finding Time to Study

  • Challenge: Balancing study time with work, personal commitments, and leisure can be challenging.
  • Solution: Treat your study time as you would any important appointment by scheduling it into your calendar. Even short, focused study sessions can be effective. Consider what activities you might reduce or eliminate to make room for studying.

4. Exam Anxiety

  • Challenge: The pressure of passing a rigorous exam can lead to anxiety, affecting your performance.
  • Solution: Practice mindfulness and stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Familiarizing yourself with the exam format through practice tests can also help reduce anxiety by setting realistic expectations of what to encounter.

5. Accessing Quality Study Materials

  • Challenge: While there’s no shortage of information on beer, finding accurate and comprehensive study materials tailored to the Cicerone exams can be difficult.
  • Solution: Utilize the official study materials provided by the Cicerone Certification Program as your primary resources. Supplement these with recommended books and articles from reputable sources. Engaging with the beer community through forums, social media, and local events can also uncover valuable resources.

6. Practical Experience

  • Challenge: Gaining hands-on experience with brewing, draft systems, or food pairings may not be straightforward for everyone.
  • Solution: Seek out opportunities for practical experience, such as volunteering at local breweries, attending beer festivals, or even practicing beer service techniques at home. Online tutorials and workshops can also provide insights into areas where hands-on experience is limited.

The journey to becoming a Cicerone is challenging but immensely rewarding, offering a deeper appreciation and understanding of beer. By addressing these challenges head-on with strategic planning, dedicated study, and a supportive community, candidates can enhance their learning experience and increase their chances of success. Remember, the journey is as rewarding as the destination, providing invaluable knowledge and skills that extend far beyond the exam.


Becoming a Cicerone is a rewarding journey for anyone passionate about beer. It requires dedication, study, and a deep appreciation for the craft. While the road to certification may present challenges, the strategies discussed can help overcome them. Remember, the goal is not just to pass an exam but to deepen your understanding and appreciation of beer. With commitment and the right approach, achieving Cicerone certification is an attainable goal that can open up new opportunities and enhance your enjoyment of beer. So, take the first step on this exciting journey and embrace the world of beer with open arms. Cheers to your success!

Additional Tips

  • If you’re interested in becoming a cicerone, you need two fundamental certifications: cicerone certification and responsible beverage serving certification from a sommelier school.
  • To become a working cicerone – that is, a knowledgeable beer server – you also need a certificate in serving alcohol responsibly. This means undergoing RBS training in California, which is a relatively quick regimen of courses that teach you the social/physical impacts of alcohol, laws, and regulations around alcohol, prevention of overservice, and prevention of service to minors. You can easily apply for these courses online, earmarking an evening to complete your certification. The training is available in English or Spanish and costs roughly $20, a fraction of the cost of cicerone courses.
  • If you don’t live in California (or plan to apply out-of-state), consult your local authority for certification standards for alcohol service.
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