What’s On In Hong Kong: Upcoming Events To Look Forward To


When you are in Hong Kong, you can never run out of fun and entertainment despite some pandemic related challenges. There is something for everyone to spend their leisure time with family and kids in the most fulfilling fashion. The city covers everyone’s interest from food to shopping to dancing to comedy to health & wellness. So do you want to be a tourist in your town? Here are some suggestions if you’re going to unwind and enjoy your time with near and dear ones.

Music in Hong Kong

Music lovers can look forward to 2021 with lots of excitement as the city has lined up some great musical performances for its dwellers. Pop-rock superstar Avril Lavigne would most likely be here for her Head Above Water tour. The venue will be AsiaWorld-Expo, Lantau. It will happen in the first week of February. Then, the same platform would host an American rock band for a live performance in March. So you can keep an eye on these events in Hong Kong for an exhilarating musical experience.

Health & Wellness in Hong Kong

COVID-19 has changed the way people live their life. Today, everyone is more focused on their health and wellbeing and is ready to devote their time to this. If you are one of them, you wouldn’t mind dabbling into a few new skills that are not only safe but healthy also. For example, the DIY Beauty Product Workshop at Africa Coffee & Tea can be one such activity. It would teach you how to make chemical-free makeup remover pads, tea toner, wellness tea, and more. For mental health and peace, you can attend a meditation class Wednesday Pause on Zoom. It would start from 20 January through the third week of February.

Online workshops in Hong Kong

If you want your kid aged eight or above to pick up calligraphy skills, you can enroll them in a weekend workshop, Brush Lettering for Beginners. It would happen on Zoom from 23 to 24 January. Besides, you can indulge in some virtual art tour of Hong Kong.  Hong Kong Museum of Art would run an array of programs for you to enjoy with your family or alone in the comfort of your home. You can visit their website for more information.

Food & drink in Hong Kong

Do you want to cook Sushi at home to enjoy it with your family and friends? You can attend the class hosted by FoodCraft, Kennedy Town. It would take place on 29 January and again on 3 March. Plus, you can make your International Women’s Day celebrations unique by tasting some of the top-notch wines made by women at the Women of Wine Festival on 4 March. Its venue will be HKEX Connect Hall, Central.

Like these, you can go on adding different activities and events to your list. However, make sure you check their dates and venues before planning. Most of them allow entry based on tickets. So you would need to arrange them first to taste the real fun.

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