​What’s WI-FI & Why Is It Important in This Modern Time?


WI-FI is one of the popular wireless technologies to offer internet networks. It makes use of radio waves for offering wireless high-speed network connections and internet services. There’s a common myth that WI-FI is the short form for wireless fidelity. But this is not the case. So, what is WI-FI?

WI-FI is a phrase trademarked, meaning IEEE 802.11x. Dr Sullivan is the one, credited for being the inventor of WI-FI. In the present-day context, WI-FI solution is very popular among all. May it be an adult or a child, everyone requires a strong WI-FI connection. Without a strong WI-FI connection, doing anything would be tough in this era of digitalisation. From colleges to offices to banks, everywhere WI-FI is in high demand. Individuals are addicted to distinct social networking like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others, which may be tough to access all the time without a proper WI-FI connection. 

Also, the increasing use of laptops and smartphones has compelled excessive WI-FI demand. WI-FI has made your life quick and simple. You can connect to anyone who is a million miles away with just a click. So, WI-FI today has become a necessity, an important element to meet your daily requirements in life. 

What was the scene with WI-FI in early times?

In around early 2000s there were numerous cities around the globe to announce internet plans to form citywide WI-FI connections. There are numerous successful instances like the one around 2004, where Mysore was considered the first city in India to adopt a WI-FI network. An organisation known as Wifiynet had set up hotspot networks in Mysore and covered the city in totality and its nearby hamlets. In around 2005, Florida, St. Cloud, California, and Sunnyvale were known as the first cities in the US to provide a citywide free WI-FI network. In around 2010, Mayor London Johnson aimed to create London a WI-FI-oriented city by the year 2012. Various locations involving Islington and Westminster already had considerable outdoor WI-FI coverage then. South Korea’s capital named Seoul offered free internet access at over 10,000 locations in the city, in outdoor public locations, a few on its major streets and populated regions. 

What were the features offered by WI-FI?

WI-FI comes with several features. In a globe that you cannot imagine without technology, the service of WI-FI has come across as a milestone. WI-FI is a wireless technology, an important tool, which allows you to connect with anyone located miles away instantly with just a click on your phone or desktop. Here are some of the crucial features of using WI-FI technology – 

Smart management of the network – 

In a contemporary world like today, wireless networks may be complicated and might contain several access points like firewalls, switches, managed powers, and distinct other components. WI-FI comes with smarter means of managing the whole network from the central point. 

Network access control –

Network access control WI-FI permits the users of this system to register first to the network to access it. This is a useful feature that helps increase security and user experience. 

App and web content filtering – 

Network security in WI-FI is an application that is aware to eliminate any threats. So, most internet service providers ensure to provide WI-FI app filtering features to safeguard the users against contents that may consist of malevolent and malicious threats. Also, it safeguards any possible WI-FI performance problems or issues. 

Management of mobile devices – 

Mobile devices are accessed more than personal computers or laptops. There are nearly hundreds of apps that are used on a mobile device. With WI-FI, you get the feature where you can control all your apps and programs. Even you can wipe the information stored in your device if it is stolen or lost using the WI-FI. 

Switching – 

It is a crucial part of every secure and fast wireless network for numerous reasons. These reasons include – 

  • Helps your network traffic to flow efficiently.
  • Helps in lowering unnecessary traffic.
  • Creates better user experience by ensuring the traffic is going towards the correct direction.

Adaptive radio management – 

This is just like having WI-FI professionals on the website that assist to enhance the end user’s performance. This is performed by collecting relevant data from the access points and next using that specific data for intelligent decision-making regarding channels, power levels, roaming and client loads. 

No limitation – 

The technology of WI-FI connects worldwide without any limitations. It has high consumption power than other networks and offers a speedy internet connection connecting everyone across the world in just seconds. 

Benefits of WI-FI – 

  • Provides internet connectivity without using any wires. 
  • Offers high security and privacy. So, any transmission or data uploads or downloads cannot be read by anyone.
  • Does not interfere with any other internet networks. 
  • The transfer rate of data is quick. 
  • Assists the devices to simply exchange info or data with one another just by forming a network. 
  • Helps in using IoT (Internet of Things) devices. 
  • Serves as a hotspot to provide access to WI-FI-allowed devices. 
  • Allows you to call anyone through WI-FI even in regions where there’s no mobile connectivity.
  • Serves as a positioning system for identifying the device area by figuring out the WI-FI hotspot’s placement. 
  • Constructs a wireless connection known as point-to-point to connect two regions that cannot be accessed via wire or mobile networks. 

Ending note – 

In conclusion, the WI-FI network now is looked upon as a vital element to get your activities and tasks performed quickly   without the interference of humans. As technology has become vast and widely acceptable, WI-FI today is in high demand by everyone. Your dependency on WI-FI has increased so much that now you cannot imagine your life without it. 

Today, WI-FI is used in schools, ​hospitals, homes, offices and various other locations, making it a prudent technological tool, which is a must-have. Owing to increased reliance and trust, WI-FI has come across as an important instrument that even works towards keeping your data private from others. However, before you choose any WI-FI or broadband service provider to zero in on a perfect WI-FI connection, ensure to assess well all the internet deals and options available to you.

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