When Do You Need an Immunoglobulin Concentrate and How to Take It?


The human body is nothing less than a natural miracle, and the immune system is its strongest shield. It is an intricate network of proteins and cells that defends the body from any infection.

Naturally, to retain a healthy body, we must take care and restore it in top order for as long as possible. Thankfully, essential supplements like Mega Mucosa help keep it that way, provided the system’s anomalies are detected on time.

What is Immunoglobulin?

Immunoglobulins or antibodies are glycoprotein molecules. These are proteins produced by plasma cells (white blood cells) in response to different antigenic stimuli like viruses, bacteria, etc.

These are involved in a variety of pathological and psychological processes.

What is the Immunoglobulin Test?

The immunoglobulin test shows whether there is an issue with the immune system. It checks the number of immunoglobulins in the body. Certain conditions can cause the body to make too many or too few immunoglobulins.

Having too many immunoglobulins in your blood can imply that your immune system is overactive. Having too little indicates that you are more prone to infections.

The body makes different types of immunoglobulins or antibodies to fend off different germs and viruses. For example, the chickenpox antibody is not the same as the mononucleosis antibody. At times, the body can even make antibodies against itself when it mistakes healthy tissues and organs for foreign entities. This is called autoimmune disease. Now let us help you get a fairer idea about the types of Immunoglobulins.

Types of Immunoglobulin

As said earlier, a variety of immunoglobulin antibodies are present in the body. Some of them are –

  • Immunoglobulin A (IgA) – IgAs are present in the lungs, intestines, stomachs, and sinuses. They are virtually present in the mucous membranes of these organs. These are also found in the fluids these membranes produce, like tears, saliva, and blood.
  • Immunoglobulin G (IgG) – IgG is the most common form of antibody in your blood and other fluids of your body. These antibodies protect against infections by keeping in mind which germs you have been exposed to. Your immunity will attack you if those germs return. Your doctor will test for IgG to figure out if a particular virus or bacterium has infected you.
  • Immunoglobulin M (IgM):IgM antibodies are made by the body when you are first infected with new germs and bacteria. They are your body’s first defense line against infections. The IgM rises when the body senses an invader for a short time. Afterward, it starts dropping with the IgG level’s increase, and then it enhances to protect you in the long run.
  • Immunoglobulin E (IgE) –When it overreacts to harmless substances, your body makes the IgE antibodies like pet dander or pollen. If you are recommended to go for a blood test for allergies, your doctor will measure the IgE levels.

Why Are Immunoglobulin Tests Done? 

The doctors examine immunoglobulin levels to check if the patient has any infections and is protected from them. Doctors also use this test to diagnose immunodeficiency. They suspect immunodeficiency when a child gets many usual or unusual infections.

The immunoglobulin tests are also performed as a part of the evaluation for autoimmune conditions or allergies like lupus or juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

When Do You Go for Such a Test?

Your doctor can order an immunoglobulin test if you get a lot of infections, especially that of lungs, sinuses, intestines, or stomachs. This test is also ordered if you have –

  1. Unexplained weight loss
  2. Diarrhea that doesn’t go away
  3. Weight loss that can’t be explained
  4. Unexplained Fevers
  5. Allergies
  6. Skin rashes
  7. Multiple Myeloma (Cancer) or HIV/AIDS, or any other condition that must be monitored

How is the Test Done?

To get an accurate snapshot of your immune function, doctors frequently measure IgA, IgM, and IgG together. A lab tech takes a sample of your blood by inserting a needle into the arm’s vein. The blood then collects into a vial or tube.

A sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can also be used to conduct this test. CSF surrounds your brain and spine. The doctor will take a sample with a lumbar puncture, often known as a spinal tap.

You can go to a hospital or opt for an outpatient visit for this. The technician gives you a shot in the back for numbing the pain. You may have to sit with your knees pulled up, or you may have to sit at the table.

The technician will have to insert a hollow needle between the vertebrae in the lower spine and then, remove a small amount of fluid to test it.

Depending on the results, the doctor may suggest further tests or prescribe supplements like Mega Mucosa. These tests will help your doctor gauge your immune system and diagnose any underlying condition, which will help restore your health.


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