Where Can You Visit the Oldest Standing Castles?


Castles stand as monumental symbols of human ingenuity and resilience, showcasing both architectural prowess and historical significance. Beyond their imposing facades and formidable fortifications, castles serve as tangible links to bygone eras, offering a portal into the rich tapestry of human history and culture. The timeless appeal of visiting ancient castles lies in the opportunity to immerse oneself in centuries of history, to walk in the footsteps of kings and knights, and to marvel at the craftsmanship of generations long past. For castles, it is often said, the older the better. Let’s take a look at where some of the oldest castles of the world are located.

Where to Visit Oldest Standing Castles?

Following are some of the oldest standing castles in the world, each mentioned with its location to give you an exact idea of where they are.

Warwick Castle, England (1066)

Warwick Castle, England

Warwick Castle stands as a testament to centuries of English history with its origins tracing back to the Norman Conquest of 1066. Built by William the Conqueror’s trusted ally, William the Conqueror, Warwick Castle emerged as a formidable stronghold, strategically positioned to assert Norman dominance over the English countryside.

With its towering stone walls and imposing battlements, Warwick Castle was designed to withstand the test of time and repel would-be invaders. Its medieval architecture, characterized by sturdy ramparts and intricately carved stone detailing, reflects the craftsmanship of the era and the ingenuity of its builders.

Throughout its storied history, Warwick Castle has played host to a myriad of notable events and inhabitants, each leaving their indelible mark on its hallowed halls. From medieval monarchs to noble knights, the castle has witnessed the rise and fall of dynasties, the clash of armies, and the intrigue of courtly politics.

One of Warwick Castle’s most famous residents was Richard Neville, known as the “Kingmaker” for his pivotal role in the Wars of the Roses. As Earl of Warwick, Neville wielded considerable power and influence, shaping the course of English history through his alliances and allegiances.

Over the centuries, Warwick Castle has been both a symbol of royal authority and a private residence, its grandeur attracting visitors from near and far. Today, visitors can explore its historic chambers, stroll through its picturesque gardens, and witness thrilling reenactments of medieval life.

Himeji Castle, Japan (1333)

Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle stands as a shining example of traditional Japanese castle architecture. Its elegant design, characterized by sweeping roofs and intricate wooden beams, reflects the sophisticated craftsmanship of the era and the enduring beauty of Japanese culture.

Perched atop a hill overlooking the city of Himeji, the castle’s strategic location afforded its defenders a commanding view of the surrounding landscape, allowing them to spot potential threats from afar. Its ingenious defensive features, including maze-like pathways, hidden corridors, and strategically placed loopholes for archers, earned it a reputation as an impregnable fortress.

One of Himeji Castle’s most striking features is its stunning white facade, which gleams brightly against the backdrop of blue skies and verdant hills. The castle’s walls, made of pristine white plaster, were designed not only for aesthetic appeal but also to reflect sunlight and confuse enemy attackers.

Throughout its long history, Himeji Castle has played a significant role in shaping Japanese culture and history. Originally built in the 14th century, the castle served as a symbol of power and prestige for the ruling feudal lords, known as daimyo, who vied for control over the region.

In recognition of its architectural significance and historical importance, Himeji Castle was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1993. Today, visitors from around the world flock to admire its graceful beauty, explore its labyrinthine corridors, and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Japanese history and culture that it embodies.

Dover Castle, England (11th century)

Dover Castle sits high on the White Cliffs of Dover, giving it a great view of the English Channel. It has been a vital part of England’s defense for a long time.

The castle was first built by William the Conqueror around 1,000 years ago after he conquered England. Since then, it has been changed and added to many times to make it stronger and better.

The main part of the castle is the Great Tower, also called the Keep. It’s a huge, strong building that was both a home for kings and queens and a place for soldiers to defend the castle.

Underneath the castle are tunnels that were dug secretly during a war with France. These tunnels were meant to help protect the castle if it was attacked. They are now open for visitors to explore and learn about the castle’s history.

Within the castle walls, visitors can step back in time and immerse themselves in the bustling atmosphere of a medieval royal court. From the lavish banquet halls to the austere chambers of the lord and lady, Dover Castle offers a captivating glimpse into the daily life of England’s medieval nobility.

Prague Castle, Czech Republic (9th century)

Prague Castle

Prague Castle is one of the oldest and biggest castles anywhere in the world. It’s really huge and has many different styles of buildings inside it.

This castle has been around for a really long time and has seen a lot of history. It’s not just a castle, it’s also a symbol of Czech pride and the country’s history. Many kings and queens used to live here, making it an important royal home.

Inside the castle, there are many cool things to see. One of the most famous is St. Vitus Cathedral, a big church that’s been standing for centuries. It’s really impressive to look at, with its tall spires reaching up into the sky.

Another interesting place inside Prague Castle is the Old Royal Palace. This is where the kings and queens of Czechia used to hold court and make important decisions. You can still see the grand rooms where they would meet and talk.

One more spot to check out is called Golden Lane. It’s a cute little street with tiny houses that used to be home to castle workers. Now, these houses are shops and museums, giving visitors a glimpse into what life was like in the past.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland (12th century)

The Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh Castle commands a majestic presence overlooking the historic city of Edinburgh, Scotland. Its strategic location provided unparalleled views of potential invaders, making it a formidable fortress from its medieval origins to the present day.

Dating back to the 12th century, Edinburgh Castle holds a storied past steeped in royal connections and military history. Initially built as a wooden fortification, it was gradually fortified with stone walls and towers, evolving into the imposing stronghold we see today. Throughout the centuries, the castle witnessed numerous sieges and battles, including the famous Lang Siege of 1573, during which it endured a relentless bombardment.

Beyond its military significance, Edinburgh Castle serves as a cultural icon, embodying the spirit of Scotland’s heritage and resilience. Within its walls lies the illustrious Scottish Crown Jewels, including the iconic Stone of Destiny, symbolizing the country’s monarchy and sovereignty. Visitors can marvel at these priceless treasures, each with its own tale of intrigue and power.

Furthermore, Edinburgh Castle plays host to the world-renowned Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a spectacular display of music, dance, and military pageantry. Against the backdrop of the castle’s ancient ramparts, performers from around the globe come together to celebrate Scotland’s martial traditions and global heritage, captivating audiences with their precision and skill.

Malbork Castle, Poland (13th century)

Malbork Castle, located along the banks of the Nogat River in Poland, stands as a testament to the grandeur of Gothic brick architecture and the might of the Teutonic Order. Spanning over 52 acres, it proudly holds the title of the largest castle in the world by land area, an imposing structure that leaves visitors in awe of its sheer scale and beauty.

Originally constructed in the 13th century as a fortress for the Teutonic Order, Malbork Castle served as a stronghold against invading forces and a center for the Order’s military campaigns in the Baltic region. Over time, the castle underwent extensive expansions and renovations, transforming it into a magnificent medieval fortress worthy of its prestigious reputation.

One of the most remarkable features of Malbork Castle is its intricate Gothic brick architecture, characterized by soaring towers, imposing walls, and elaborate decorative elements. The use of brick was not only a practical choice for defense but also allowed for intricate detailing and artistic expression, making the castle a masterpiece of medieval craftsmanship.

Despite facing periods of neglect and destruction throughout its history, Malbork Castle has been painstakingly restored to its former glory, earning it UNESCO World Heritage status in recognition of its cultural and historical significance. Today, visitors from around the world flock to Malbork to marvel at its impressive scale, explore its labyrinthine corridors, and immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of its past.

Cardiff Castle, Wales (11th century)

Cardiff Castle

Originally established by the Romans in the 1st century AD as a strategic outpost along their empire’s frontier, the site later underwent significant development during the Norman period. Following the Norman conquest of Glamorgan in the 11th century, Cardiff Castle emerged as a key stronghold, playing a pivotal role in securing the region and exerting Norman control over the Welsh territories.

Throughout the medieval period, Cardiff Castle underwent further expansion and fortification, with the construction of imposing stone walls and a formidable Norman keep. These defensive structures served to protect the castle and its inhabitants from potential invaders, while also symbolizing the power and authority of its noble occupants.

However, it was during the Victorian era that Cardiff Castle truly underwent a transformation, thanks to the vision of architect William Burges. Inspired by medieval Gothic architecture, Burges embarked on an ambitious project to remodel the castle into a grandiose romantic fantasy, complete with soaring towers, intricate carvings, and opulent interiors.

The result is a stunning fusion of medieval and Victorian design elements, where visitors can marvel at the imposing Norman keep, stroll along the medieval walls, and explore the lavish interiors adorned with intricate stained glass, elaborate woodwork, and ornate furnishings.

Château de Chillon, Switzerland (11th century)

The Château de Chillon emerges like a timeless sentinel, preserving centuries of history within its ancient walls. Dating back to the 11th century, this medieval fortress stands as a testament to Switzerland’s rich heritage and enduring legacy.

Originally constructed as a strategic stronghold, the Château de Chillon played a vital role in controlling the strategic trade routes that traversed the region. As a toll station, it regulated commerce along Lake Geneva, extracting tariffs from passing merchants and travelers. Its imposing presence served as a deterrent to would-be aggressors, ensuring the safety and security of the surrounding area.

Over the centuries, the Château de Chillon underwent various transformations, adapting to the changing needs and tastes of its occupants. However, it was during the Roman era that the castle truly captured the imagination of poets and artists alike. Inspired by its picturesque setting and storied past, luminaries such as Lord Byron immortalized the castle in their works, imbuing it with a sense of romanticism and mystique that endures to this day.

One of the most striking aspects of the Château de Chillon is its remarkably well-preserved medieval architecture. From its dungeon chambers to its towering great halls, every stone speaks of a bygone era, inviting visitors to step back in time and experience the castle’s past.


Exploring the oldest standing castles around the world offers a fascinating journey through centuries of history and culture. From the imposing fortifications of Warwick Castle in England to the elegant beauty of Himeji Castle in Japan, each castle tells a unique story of power, prestige, and resilience. Whether marveling at the Gothic splendor of Prague Castle or wandering through the picturesque halls of Cardiff Castle, visitors are transported back in time, connecting with the past in a tangible and immersive way. These ancient castles stand as enduring symbols of human ingenuity and endurance, inviting us to discover the secrets of bygone eras.

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