Where to Stay in Bogota


Bogotá, the vibrant capital of Colombia, stands as a beacon of culture, history, and diversity, attracting travelers from all corners of the globe. Nestled high in the Andes at 2,640 meters above sea level, this sprawling city offers a unique blend of modernity and tradition, with its bustling streets, lush green parks, and a skyline that mixes colonial churches with towering skyscrapers.

Choosing where to stay in Bogotá is crucial for experiencing the city’s rich tapestry of attractions, from the historic allure of La Candelaria to the chic ambiance of Zona T and Parque 93. Whether you’re here to explore its world-class museums, savor the local cuisine, or dive into the nightlife, Bogotá promises an unforgettable stay.

This guide aims to help you navigate through Bogotá’s diverse neighborhoods, ensuring you find the perfect base to explore what the city has to offer, aligning with your travel style, preferences, and budget.

Understanding Bogota’s Layout

Understanding the layout of Bogotá is key to making the most of your visit to this expansive city. Bogotá’s structure is relatively straightforward, with its streets and avenues laid out in a grid pattern, making navigation easier for newcomers.

The city extends from the mountains in the east to the river in the west, with the north-south axis providing a simple way to orient yourself. Neighborhoods, or “barrios,” each possess their own distinct character, from the historic charm of La Candelaria in the south to the upscale residential and commercial zones in the north like Usaquén and Parque 93. 

The heart of the city is marked by the bustling Plaza de Bolívar, with major avenues like the Carrera Séptima (Seventh Avenue) serving as vital thoroughfares. This setup not only divides Bogotá into easily manageable sections but also showcases the city’s diverse offerings, from cultural hotspots and green parks to business districts and nightlife areas.

Familiarizing yourself with Bogotá’s layout will not only enhance your exploration of its rich cultural landscape but also help you choose the most suitable area to stay, based on your interests and activities planned.

Best Neighborhoods to Stay in Bogotá 

When visiting Bogotá, selecting the right neighborhood to stay in can significantly enhance your experience. Each area offers a unique vibe and attractions, catering to various preferences and interests:

La Candelaria (Historic Center)

The heart and soul of Bogotá, this historic district is ideal for history buffs and culture enthusiasts. Its cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and vibrant murals make it a picturesque base. Highlights include the Gold Museum and Botero Museum.

Chapinero (including Zona G and Zona T)

For those seeking a lively atmosphere, Chapinero offers a blend of residential coziness and bustling nightlife. Zona G is famed for its gourmet dining experiences, while Zona T (also known as Zona Rosa) is the go-to for shopping and nightlife.

And before you go exploring Bogota, be sure to allot plenty of time to explore Chapinero itself – it is, after all, widely considered by many to be the trendiest neighborhood in the city.


Once a separate village, Usaquén has retained its quaint, colonial charm while embracing upscale dining and shopping. The weekly flea market is a treasure trove of artisanal crafts and local foods.

Parque 93

An upscale area known for its namesake park, surrounded by some of the city’s best restaurants and cafes. It’s a great choice for travelers looking for a chic, safe, and relaxed environment.

The Park hosts many different events and festivals throughout the year, so check in and see what events your visit coincides with. Check out these amazing Attractions in Bogota if you’re looking for things to do in this area.

Andres D.C

Andres Carne de Res is one of the craziest restaurants you’ll find in the country, and possibly even one of the craziest restaurants you’ll find anywhere in the world. They have a huge selection of Latin and Colombian cuisine with a lot of vegetarian and vegan options, and they also have an extensive cocktail menu. Enjoy live music and put on your dancing shoes!


While technically an LGBT nightclub, everyone is welcome – and with the venue divided into 13 separate areas with different themes, you’ll be sure to find what you’re in the mood for. There is a 1980s room, a Salsa room, and even separate Men’s and Women’s rooms!

Plaza de Mercado de Paloquemao

Also known simply as Paloquemao Market, it’s one of Bogota’s most important food markets where you’ll find a mind-numbing variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, herbs, seeds, flowers, and so much more – but mostly fruits and flowers. Most of the types of fruits you can find anywhere in the country, you’ll find here.

Centro Comercial Andino

If you’re feeling a bit homesick, check out the Centro Comercial Andino, or the Andino Shopping Mall. Most stores here are from international brands in the US and Europe, but you’ll also find several Colombian brands.

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Lourdes

The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes can be found right in the heart of Chapinero. This beautiful Neogothic-Moorish style church was completed in 1904, today remains one of the most visited churches in the country.

Zona Rosa

As part of the larger Chapinero district, Zona Rosa is the epicenter of luxury shopping, dining, and nightlife, perfect for those looking to indulge in the finer aspects of Bogotá’s urban life.

Choosing between these neighborhoods depends on what you’re looking to get out of your Bogotá stay—be it cultural immersion, gastronomic adventures, upscale relaxation, or vibrant nightlife. Each area ensures a different facet of Bogotá’s dynamic character, promising a memorable stay regardless of where you base yourself.

Narrow alley in Bogota

Tips for Choosing the Right Accommodation

Selecting the perfect accommodation in Bogotá is a crucial part of planning your visit, ensuring comfort, convenience, and a memorable experience. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

  • Consider Your Priorities: Decide what’s most important to you—proximity to major attractions, the ambiance of the neighborhood, specific amenities, or budget constraints. This will narrow down your options significantly.
  • Research the Neighborhoods: Each area of Bogotá offers a unique experience. Whether you’re looking for the historic charm of La Candelaria, the upscale dining in Parque 93, or the vibrant nightlife of Zona T, choose a neighborhood that aligns with your interests.
  • Read Reviews: Online reviews can provide insight into the quality of the accommodation, the level of service provided, and any potential issues you might face.
  • Safety First: Bogotá is generally safe, but like any large city, it has safer and less safe areas. Research the safety of the neighborhood and look for accommodations with good security measures.
  • Check Transportation Links: Consider how you will get around the city. Proximity to TransMilenio stations or ease of access to taxis and rideshare services can impact your stay.
  • Look for Value-Added Services: Free breakfast, Wi-Fi, laundry services, or airport shuttles can add value to your stay and save you money.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can find accommodation that not only suits your budget but also enhances your travel experience in Bogotá, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in what the city has to offer.

Budget Accommodations in Bogota

For travelers looking to explore Bogotá without breaking the bank, the city offers a wealth of budget accommodation options that don’t compromise on comfort or convenience. Hostels, guesthouses, and budget hotels abound, particularly in areas like La Candelaria and Chapinero, providing affordable stays without sacrificing access to the city’s main attractions. Many of these accommodations offer free Wi-Fi, communal kitchens, and even free breakfast, allowing you to save on meals.

Hostels in Bogotá are also known for their vibrant social scenes, offering a great way to meet fellow travelers and exchange tips on exploring the city. For those seeking privacy, budget hotels and guesthouses provide cost-effective alternatives, often including private rooms with en-suite bathrooms.

Additionally, exploring accommodation options on platforms like Airbnb can uncover hidden gems, from cozy apartments to shared spaces, offering a glimpse into local life at a fraction of the cost. By choosing budget accommodations in Bogotá, travelers can enjoy the rich culture and beauty of the city while staying economically savvy.

Luxury and Boutique Stays

Bogotá is home to an exquisite selection of luxury and boutique hotels, catering to those seeking an upscale experience in Colombia’s vibrant capital. These establishments are often situated in the city’s most prestigious neighborhoods, such as Zona T, Parque 93, and Usaquén, offering guests a blend of elegance, exclusivity, and proximity to top dining, shopping, and cultural attractions.

Luxury hotels in Bogotá pride themselves on their world-class amenities, including gourmet restaurants, spa services, rooftop bars, and state-of-the-art fitness centers, ensuring a stay that epitomizes comfort and indulgence. Boutique hotels, on the other hand, offer a more intimate setting, with uniquely designed rooms and personalized services that reflect the local culture and charm.

Many of these hotels also focus on providing immersive experiences, from art exhibitions within the hotel premises to curated city tours that showcase the best of Bogotá. Opting for a luxury or boutique stay in Bogotá not only offers unparalleled comfort but also provides a gateway to experiencing the city’s sophisticated side, making your visit truly unforgettable.

Practical Information for Travelers 

For travelers planning a trip to Bogotá, arming yourself with practical information can make your visit smoother and more enjoyable. Here are essential tips to keep in mind:

  • Best Time to Visit: Bogotá has a mild climate year-round, but the dry season between December and March offers the most pleasant weather for exploring the city.
  • Currency and Payments: The Colombian Peso (COP) is the local currency. While credit and debit cards are widely accepted in urban areas, carrying some cash is advisable for smaller purchases and in areas less likely to accept cards.
  • Transportation: The TransMilenio bus system is an efficient way to navigate the city. Taxis and ride-sharing apps like Uber and Didi are also reliable and affordable. Always check the fare or agree on it before starting your trip.
  • Safety Tips: Exercise standard urban safety precautions—avoid displaying valuable items, be cautious when withdrawing money from ATMs, and stay informed about the areas you plan to visit.
  • Language: Spanish is the official language. English is spoken in tourist areas and by many in the hospitality industry, but learning basic Spanish phrases can enhance your experience.
  • Altitude Adjustment: Bogotá sits at a high altitude (2,640 meters). It’s common to need a day or two to acclimate; drink plenty of water and take it easy at first.
  • Cultural Norms: Colombians are known for their warmth and hospitality. A polite “Buenos días” (good morning) or “Gracias” (thank you) can go a long way.
  • Connectivity: Wi-Fi is readily available in hotels, cafes, and some public areas. Consider purchasing a local SIM card for data access if staying longer.

With this practical information in hand, you’re well-prepared to navigate Bogotá confidently, making the most of your visit to this dynamic and diverse capital city.


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