Which Charity is Right For Me?


There’s nothing like supporting a charity to widen your personal social impact! But will all the options available to you, it can be tricky settling on any single organisation to give to. The fact of the matter is, that there are a few other questions you’ll need to answer before you tackle the one in the title of this article.

What are your personal values?

First and foremost, you’ll need to narrow your scope and finetune your search for best charities for kids simply by making a list of your own personal values. Once you’ve got some idea of the industries or categories that are aligned with your own values, you can search for the best charities to donate to within those particular categories. Some popular categories include public health and safety, nature conservation, animal shelters, humanitarian aid, and arts and cultural organisations like public galleries.

If there are any local organisations you feel are aligned with your personal values, it may be worth doing a little bit of research to see how you’re able to support them without spending any money, and simply by taking action in your day-to-day life! Community care can make a world of difference all on its own.

How much are you looking to give?

If you’re somebody with a fair amount of personal values, you may find that you’re still struggling with settling on any singular charity. If this is where you’re at, have a closer look at the charities on your shortlist to see what donation plans are available. Taking some time to think about exactly how much you’re planning to give or are able to give, will definitely help you make your final decision. Be sure to also consider if you’re looking to make a one-time donation or an independent annual tax-deductible donation over a more regular donation plan.

Where will your money be most effective?

Charities use their funds in different ways. There are some charities who absolutely need funding to provide their services, and then there are some who largely use their funding to keep the business side of the organisation afloat. For instance, international NGOs tend to have higher administrative costs due to their larger body of staff and other necessary overheads. Be sure to have a browse through GlobalGiving if you’re looking to find some far-reaching international NGOs!

If it’s important for you to know exactly where your money will be going or who specifically it will be helping, a more hands-on organisation (or even a more involved project within a larger organisation) may be best for you. If you’re not finding the answers you’re looking for online or in any FAQs, don’t be afraid to get in contact with a representative from your shortlisted charity. Get on the phone or send them an email and express your enthusiasm to get involved!

It may take you some time to feel comfortable giving to any one charity. If by the end of your search, you’re still feeling wary, consider reading some reviews penned by fellow donors and authorities like the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission).

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