Which Cities Claim the Title of the Oldest in the World?


The quest to identify the world’s oldest city is not just an academic endeavor; it taps into our collective fascination with human origins and the dawn of civilization. This journey into the past reveals the resilience and ingenuity of our ancestors, offering insights into the development of urban living, social organization, and cultural evolution. Determining the oldest city involves piecing together archaeological evidence, deciphering historical records, and understanding the nuances of continuous habitation. Each contender for this title not only boasts a rich history but also a legacy that has shaped the human story in profound ways.

Criteria for Determining the Oldest City

Before starting, it’s essential to establish the criteria used to make such determinations. The age of a city can be a complex puzzle, pieced together through various means.

Archaeological Methods and Challenges

Archaeologists rely on a range of techniques to date ancient sites, from carbon dating organic materials to stratigraphy, which examines the layers of earth accumulated over time. These methods, while powerful, come with limitations and uncertainties. For instance, carbon dating can provide a timeframe for organic materials but is less effective for dating stone structures that are common in ancient cities.

Continuous Habitation

A city’s claim to antiquity often rests on its history of continuous habitation. This criterion considers whether a city has been continuously occupied, without significant periods of abandonment, from its earliest settlement to the present day. Continuous habitation is a testament to a city’s resilience and ability to adapt through changing eras, climates, and civilizations.

Historical Documentation

Historical records play a crucial role in validating the age of a city. Ancient texts, inscriptions, and documents can offer concrete evidence of a city’s existence at specific points in time. However, the interpretation of these records can be subject to debate among historians, adding another layer of complexity to determining the oldest city.

The Oldest Claimed Cities

Jericho, West Bank

Jericho, West Bank

Jericho stands as a monumental testament to human history, claiming its place as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities on Earth. Archaeological excavations in Jericho have unveiled evidence of settlements that date back to around 9000 BCE, revealing layers of human activity that span thousands of years. This ancient city, nestled in the fertile Jordan Valley, has been a witness to the ebb and flow of civilizations, from the Natufians, known for their hunter-gatherer lifestyle, to the Neolithic villagers who constructed some of the earliest known stone houses. Among its most remarkable archaeological discoveries is the Tower of Jericho, an 8,000-year-old structure that stands as a testament to early human architectural ingenuity and community defense.

The significance of Jericho extends beyond its ancient structures; it is a city that has continually adapted and thrived through changing eras, climates, and civilizations. Its strategic location near the Jordan River has made it a vital crossroads for trade routes connecting the eastern and western worlds, fostering a rich cultural exchange and economic prosperity throughout its history. The resilience of Jericho is mirrored in the vibrancy of its current community, which maintains a deep connection to its ancient past while navigating the challenges of the modern era.

Byblos, Lebanon

Byblos, Lebanon

Byblos, with its layers of history that stretch back to the Neolithic period, stands as a beacon of the ancient world’s complexity and ingenuity. This Lebanese city is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities, with archaeological evidence suggesting settlements as far back as 7000 BCE. Byblos’s significance is deeply rooted in its role as a pivotal maritime center, crucial to the development and spread of the Phoenician civilization. The city’s ancient port facilitated the trade of valuable goods, such as cedar wood and papyrus, linking Byblos to Egypt and the broader Mediterranean world. Its contribution to human culture is monumental, especially in the dissemination of the Phoenician alphabet, which is considered a precursor to modern writing systems.

The city’s archaeological sites, including the ancient temples, the Byblos Castle, and the old Phoenician port, offer a window into its storied past, showcasing its historical significance across different eras—from the Egyptians and Phoenicians to the Greeks and Romans. Byblos not only exemplifies the rise and fall of empires but also the exchange of cultural and technological advancements that have shaped civilization. Today, Byblos is a vibrant mix of ancient history and living culture, where its archaeological heritage and Mediterranean charm attract scholars and tourists alike.

Aleppo, Syria

Aleppo, Syria

Aleppo’s historical tapestry is as rich and complex as the myriad cultures that have called it home. Known as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, Aleppo’s roots stretch back to at least the 6th millennium BCE. The city’s strategic position as a crossroads of civilizations has made it a vital commercial, cultural, and military center throughout history. From the ancient Hittites to the Islamic caliphates and the Ottoman Empire, Aleppo has been coveted, conquered, and celebrated for its economic significance and cultural wealth. 

Its ancient markets, or souqs, have been bustling with activity for thousands of years, serving as a testament to Aleppo’s enduring role in Silk Road trade. The city’s architectural marvels, including the Citadel of Aleppo, the Umayyad Mosque, and the myriad of ancient churches, synagogues, and mosques, offer a mosaic of the human journey through time.

However, the recent conflicts have cast a shadow over Aleppo’s rich historical legacy, causing significant damage to its ancient sites and disrupting the continuum of daily life that had persisted for millennia. Despite this, the spirit of Aleppo and its people remains unbroken, reflecting a resilience that is as ancient as the city itself.

Damascus, Syria

Damascus Syria

Damascus, the capital of Syria, holds a special place in the annals of history as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Its origins are shrouded in the mists of time, with evidence of habitation dating back to as early as 10,000 BCE according to some archaeological findings. Damascus has been a vital cultural and economic center throughout history, serving as a crucial link between the East and West and a melting pot of civilizations including Arameans, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Muslims. 

The city’s ancient streets tell stories of traders, scholars, and conquerors who have traversed its paths, contributing to its rich tapestry of cultural heritage. Landmarks such as the Umayyad Mosque, one of the largest and oldest mosques in the world, and the ancient city walls, offer glimpses into Damascus’s glorious past, showcasing its importance as a center of Islamic art and architecture.

Despite the modern-day challenges that have impacted Syria, Damascus continues to be a living museum, its resilience echoing the endurance of its ancient structures. The city’s historical bazaars, such as the Al-Hamidiyah Souq, remain vibrant centers of commerce and social life, preserving the traditional way of life amidst the changing times. Damascus’s unique blend of historical significance and enduring culture makes it a fascinating example of human civilization’s ability to adapt and thrive over millennia.

Varanasi, India

Varanasi, India

Varanasi, also known as Benares or Kashi, is a city that resonates with the ancient echoes of spirituality and culture, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Its history is deeply intertwined with the religious traditions of Hinduism, dating back to around 1200 BCE, though some suggest its origins could be even older. Varanasi’s location on the banks of the sacred Ganges River has made it a major pilgrimage center for Hindus, who come to bathe in the holy waters, perform funeral rites, and seek spiritual liberation.

The urban fabric of Varanasi is a mosaic of narrow lanes teeming with life, ancient temples, and bustling markets. Among its many sacred sites, the Kashi Vishwanath Temple stands as a beacon of faith, drawing millions of devotees each year. Varanasi’s enduring appeal is not just in its religious significance but also in its role as a center for learning and the arts. The Banaras Hindu University, one of the largest residential universities in Asia, is a testament to the city’s ongoing contribution to education and research.

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece

Athens is often celebrated as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy. With its history dating back over 3,000 years, Athens has been a center of culture, art, and philosophy, influencing the modern world in immeasurable ways. The city is home to some of the most iconic ancient monuments, including the Parthenon, situated on the Acropolis, a testament to its rich history and the advancements of classical Greece. Athens’s contribution to the development of theater, philosophy, and government is unparalleled, making it a pivotal city in the study of ancient history and its impact on subsequent civilizations.

Çatalhöyük, Turkey

Although not a continuously inhabited city like others mentioned, Çatalhöyük offers a fascinating glimpse into early urban life. Dating back to around 7500 BCE, this Neolithic settlement is considered one of the world’s first cities. Excavations at Çatalhöyük have revealed a highly sophisticated society with advanced architectural designs, including houses with murals and reliefs, which suggest a complex social structure and cultural practices. This archaeological site provides invaluable insights into human settlement patterns, social organization, and the evolution of urban living.

While exploring the oldest cities, it’s fascinating to delve even deeper into history. Where Are the Oldest Human Settlements Located? takes you on a journey to discover the earliest places where humans lived, showing how these settlements laid the groundwork for the cities we know today.

Luxor, Egypt

Luxor, Egypt

Luxor, known in ancient times as Thebes, holds a place of prominence in Egypt’s history as a religious and political capital at various times throughout the millennia. The city’s history spans back to around 3200 BCE, with Luxor standing as a testament to Egypt’s ancient civilization’s grandeur. Home to the Valley of the Kings, the Valley of the Queens, and the Karnak Temple complex, Luxor houses an extraordinary collection of historical sites, offering a window into the lives, beliefs, and artistic achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

Uruk, Iraq

Uruk, Iraq

Uruk, one of the ancient Sumerian cities, played a crucial role in the history of civilization. Dating back to around 4000 BCE, Uruk is considered one of the first true cities in the world, characterized by its monumental mud-brick buildings and the development of cuneiform writing, one of the earliest writing systems. The legendary Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest known literary works, is set in Uruk, highlighting its cultural significance. Uruk’s archaeological remains offer profound insights into early urban planning, social organization, and the development of writing, which are foundational to understanding human history.


The significance of preserving these ancient cities cannot be overstated. They are beacons of our collective heritage, providing invaluable insights into our ancestors’ lives, beliefs, and contributions to human progress. The challenges of preservation are daunting, given the threats of urbanization, conflict, and environmental change. Yet, the effort to protect and study these sites is a testament to their enduring value for future generations.

These cities teach us about the complexities of social organization, the advancements in technology and art, and the spiritual quests that have motivated societies throughout time. As custodians of this rich heritage, it is our responsibility to ensure that the stories, achievements, and lessons of these ancient cities are preserved and passed down, illuminating the path for generations to come.

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