Which grape varieties are best used to make the best wine?


In Vino Veritas

Are you a connoisseur? Maybe you are a wine enthusiast who wants to try everything out there? Or you’re a beginner who wants to get some knowledge about where the wine comes from? Either way, wine is the most popular “elegant” drink to exist and has a history that dates back thousands of years.

The ability of this beverage to turn any occasion into something more interesting is recognized worldwide. So, knowledge about grapes is quite handy when it comes to picking a wine for different occasions. It comes in a myriad of shapes, just like other spirits as you can check out here https://merbrands.com/wine-spirits/. That is why knowing your grapes is important because some of those are best suitable for tasty and rich wine.

Six Noble Grapes

As mentioned before, winemakers have perfected their art through centuries and outlined the so-called “Six noble grapes” that are most popular around the world. Knowledge of these grapes can be quite important for individuals who are into wine culture or wine tourists (yes, this is quite a thing!). So, the first half of the noble grapes are red while the second are white:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon;
  • Merlot;
  • Pinot Noir;
  • Chardonnay;
  • Sauvignon Blanc;
  • Riesling.

Cabernet Sauvignon

This is probably the most recognized grape variety in the world. It is highly adaptable and is grown all around the globe, which makes it so popular. So, what do we know about this sort? First of all, it is required to know that Cabernet Sauvignon grapes have a black skin color. This variety of red grapes results in dense and acidic wine flavors.

However, it depends on the region — hot climates yield slightly sweeter notes that resemble jam and black cherry while cooler climates produce flavors that are more akin to mint and cooler notes in general. So, keep this in mind when choosing your next Cabernet as the country of origin plays an important role in the beverages general taste.


This grape variety is perfect for people who love something sweet! Wines produced from this variety are usually sweet and are perfect for desserts. All-in-all, the grape has a dark blue color to it and is produced in a variety of different regions around the world. Just like with the previous entry, climate differences play a considerable role in the taste of the final product.

For example, hot climates yield chocolate-like flavor while the medium ones give us blackberry and plum notes. Cool climates result in the taste of strawberries and red berries. As it is possible to see, there is a reason why Merlot is known to be the best dessert wine — its flavors are always sweet, just with different scents.

Pinot Noir

This grape variety is different from others in the first part of six noble grapes. The thing is — Pinot Noir is quite difficult to cultivate. If you are able to catch perfect conditions for this grape, you’re blessed with smooth and light flavors. However, if you fail, the result can be unpredictable.

If you are cultivating Pinot Noir in a warm climate, you’re likely to get a fruity flavor. If the climate is cooler, you’ll achieve an earthy taste similar to Cabernet Sauvignon. Pinot Noir is also among the most expensive wines. If you are curious why, read our article, What Makes Pinot Noir Pricier Than Other Varieties of Wine?


This is the most famous grape variety that is used to create white wine. It is being cultivated in all the major wine-producing regions around the world, just like Cabernet Sauvignon. Similar to other grape varieties, Chardonnay’s taste differs according to the weather and soil conditions.

That’s why you can experience flavors akin to citrus, honey, or jasmine — it depends on the region. This wine is perfectly suitable for white meat — fish, seafood, and poultry. It also pairs greatly with soft cheeses and vegetables. So, consider this information when picking white wine.

Sauvignon Blanc

This white wine grape variety is quite special! First of all, it’s a known fact that the majority of wines are getting better when they age; however, this is not the case with Sauvignon Blanc. This wine grape variety is tastiest in young wines.

Wine experts often associate Sauvignon Blanc with traits such as crispiness, freshness, and elegance. So, keep this in mind when choosing white wine — Sauvignon Blanc is a great choice for people who love young wines.


This white wine grape variety originated from Germany. First things first — Riesling is known for its flower scents. It’s also actively used in creating sparkling wines! This particular grape is notable for its dependence on the soil and climate.

For example, the wine originating from warmer climates will taste like peaches, citruses, or other acidic fruits. When it comes to cooler climates, you may expect flavors akin to apples and similar tree fruits. All-in-all, it is possible to state that Riesling is the opposite of Sauvignon Blanc as it tastes better with aging.

Final Thoughts

Nothing is simple when it comes to wine. This beverage has been around for thousands of years and all the cultures around the world have developed their own tastes regarding this beverage. People fancy different types of wine and everything boils down to an occasion — a party, intimate date, or formal meeting. These things matter and that’s why it is important to know about the wine that you are going to buy and taste.

Basic knowledge of the Six noble grapes is a place to start — grape varieties matter. Some are more suitable for dinners, desserts, and/or casual chatters. Being knowledgeable of the small things that distinguish grape varieties can be a step to success or failure. So, knowledge is power, and knowing about grape varieties that are used to make the best wine can serve a purpose as well.

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