Which social media platform should your business use?


Are you thinking about making use of social media as a way to market your business or brand but aren’t too sure which would be the best for you? Do you think your business or brand will benefit from marketing or recruiting on social media but are having a hard time finding success across all of the platforms?

Social media is a huge part of our society, and it’s important to use the right platforms for your needs. While social media platforms are all essentially the same in that they allow you to be entertained and socialise with people, they are all quite different and offer different benefits to their users.

As of today, there are 3 main platforms which businesses and brands make use of; Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. When it comes to marketing on social media, it can be tricky to get the ball rolling and grow your accounts to get more followers, especially on platforms like Instagram. If you have never used social media to advertise before, this is what you need to know about each individual platform.


By far, one of the most popular social media platforms around is Instagram. This is one of those platforms that cater to an incredibly wide demographic, from teenagers to people who could be old enough to be their parents. Here you can post images and videos for everyone to see. Instagram is also a great platform for brands in terms of growth services, like Growthoid, which focuses on getting Instagram followers using organic methods. They will basically take over an account and engage with users on the brand’s behalf, whilst targeting the audience the brand needs to attract.

The best part of marketing as a business on Instagram is that you have access to over a billion users of all ages meaning you will definitely be able to find a niche and reach your target audience.


one platform that has been incredibly popular since it started, and has still only risen in popularity since then, is YouTube. YouTube is a video sharing platform that used to be a place where people would just post clips of themselves, but now it is so much more than that.

This video sharing platform has turned into a place where people can actually find success and even make a living. On YouTube, you will find a variety of videos from people sharing their daily lives in a video blogging style, people posting funny skits and challenges, tutorials on just about anything you would need help with, gameplay of video games, reviews of various different products, and so much more. Just about any video you would like to see, you will find on YouTube. These days, brands are also using it to market their business or brand in order to try and reach the massive user base that YouTube has. Brands can also pay for advertising which will be shown before videos that other users will watch.


Yet another video platform, however, completely different to YouTube, is TikTok. TikTok is the newest addition to the social media world having only launched in 2016, but has since become the most popular and most used platform in such a short space of time. Essentially, TikTok is a place where you can post short form videos for your family, friends, and followers to see.

TikTok is a great place for businesses to market, especially if they are a start-up or don’t have a big budget for marketing as it is completely free to use, and you don’t need to live up to any high-quality standards. TikTok is all about being authentic and in the moment, meaning that filming on your phone is actually content that people prefer to high quality camera content.

TikTok mainly caters to an audience of teens and tweens, and this is something to keep in mind if you are wanting to market here.


Twitter is another one of the older platforms, launched all the way back in 2006, but it has proven its worth as one of the most popular with over 300 million active monthly users. Due to the fact that Twitter is quite old, it caters to an older audience, being that of the millennial generation, or those who were around when Twitter saw its start.

Twitter is a micro-blogging style platform where you can post tweets with limited characters. You can also post videos, images and gifs in your tweets, which will make your content a lot more likeable and get more engagement.


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