Who Should Put a Pool Table in their Office?


Most of us probably think that putting a pool table in the office is an awful idea – but not so! In recent years, research[i] has shown that taking frequent breaks from working can have a seriously beneficial impact on your productivity. Breaking up the working day with a short game of pool is no longer a laughing matter… it is a thoroughly good idea.

Playing Pool can boost your Productivity!

It’s no joke – although it is a good excuse to rush out to pick up a new pool table! Social scientists actually suggest that the perfect formula for full productivity is to work in periods. Specifically, they suggest that working for 52 minutes, followed by a 17 minute rest period away from your tasks, will achieve optimum performance from any given worker[ii].

Why does this formula present a successfully productive method of organising your work day? The answer lies in the human brain. Like any other muscle, constant exertion will eventually bring about fatigue and render it no better than useless. Taking a break from work refreshes the mind and allows you to start anew with greater clarity of focus.  Studies in Toronto[iii] have confirmed this, observing that workers who no longer received a lunch break are less productive than those who do.

But…Why a Pool Table?

It isn’t just taking a break that is important for maximum output – it is what you do with that time that also counts. So if you take a break from work but still stare at your screen and sip coffee, the chances are your brain won’t recognise the change. The phrase “a change is as good as a holiday” is more real than has previously been acknowledged

Playing pool allows the body to exercise while the mind concentrates on a completely new task. It takes you away from the computer, or the task you are focusing on, and allows you a fresh perspective (as well as new motivation) when you return to it. Even Forbes recommends the 52:17 method of scheduling your working day. According to their experts, taking short breaks throughout the day is also an effective tool against the rising problem of employee burnout.

Where can I find a Pool Table for the Office?

When it comes to office furniture a pool table is a bit of a large item! Instead of purchasing a model you might find at your local bar or in the gaming hall; invest in a sleeker, more sophisticated model than won’t be quite so cumbersome. Quedos Billiard & Pool Tables have an excellent range that will work in harmony with your office – instead of against it.

There are plenty of brands in high quality pool table for you to choose from. However, keep in mind that an office does not need surround-sound gimmicks, flashing lights, or a coin chamber. Keep your selection minimal, muted, and inviting to your co-workers and employees by selecting an office-specific model.  Also be sure to check out a pool cue guide from Poets Billiards.

So…Who should have a Pool Table in the Office?

We say everyone, but the choice is yours. We have presented the science. The ultimate decision rests in your hands. That being said we would like to rephrase a little. The real question ought to be who shouldn’t have a pool table in their office? Now that you know they boost employee engagement and make the most of productivity – can you afford not to get one?

[i] https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/changepower/201704/how-do-work-breaks-help-your-brain-5-surprising-answers

[ii] https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/09/science-tells-you-how-many-minutes-should-you-take-a-break-for-work-17/380369/

[iii] https://www.fastcompany.com/3035605/the-exact-amount-of-time-you-should-work-every-day

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