Who Were all the Doctors?


We all love Doctor Who and we know it started long ago… so Who were all the Doctors?  Read on to find out!

First Doctor– 1963 – 1966

William Hartnell: The very first doctor wandered space in his trusty TARDIS with his granddaughter Susan.  He looked older but was energetic and always getting into trouble.  He battled Roman Emperors, mongols and much more.


– Susan Foreman
– Ian Chesterton
– Barbara Wright
– Vicki
– Steven Taylor
– Katarina
– Sara Kingdom
– Dodo Chaplet
– Polly
– Ben Jackson

Second Doctor– 1966-1969

Patrick Troughton: In true Doctor Who fashion, the Second Doctor was much changed from his predecessor.   The dawning space age lead to more of a focus on space, aliens and martian landscapes than history.  The Doctor was put in trial by his own people the Time Lords.


– Polly
– Ben Jackson
– Jamie McCrimmon
– Victoria Waterfield
– Zoe Heriot
– The Brigadier
– Sergeant Benton

Third Doctor– 1970 – 1974

Jon Pertwee:  This Doctor was exiled to Earth by the Time Lords, the Doctor was forced to begin his exile on earth with a new face. As part of his time in exile he joins with the alien UNIT task force and battles the Autons as well as another Time Lord the Master.


– The Brigadier
– Liz Shaw
– Jo Grant
– Sergeant Benton
– Captain Yates
– Sarah Jane Smith

Fourth Doctor– 1974 – 1981

Tom Baker:  The fourth doctor traveled far and wide and through time to see the start of the Daleks to the death of everything.  He ended up dying saving the Universe from The Master.


– The Brigadier
– Sergeant Benton
– Sarah Jane Smith
– Harry Sullivan
– Leela
– K-9
– Romana I
– Romana II
– Adric
– Nyssa
– Tegan

Fifth Doctor– 1981 – 1984

Peter Davison: The fifth Doctor battled Sea Devils the snake-like Mara and joined forces with his past selves on Gallifrey to fight in the Death Zone.

– The Brigadier
– Adric
– Nyssa
– Tegan
– Turlough
– Kamelion
– Peri Brown

Sixth Doctor– 1984 – 1986

Colin Baker: The sixth Doctor was colorful, loud and passionate with a touch of anger.  He took H.G. Wells on a trip to Morlox and defeated the Gallifreyan scientist Rani.  But once again, the Doctor’s being involved in the affairs of other worlds resulted in a trial by the Time Lords.  It was found out he had a  darker side called “The Valeyard”.  Once it was determined the Valeyard was interfering all charges were dropped, and the Doctor and Mel headed off in the TARDIS.

– Peri Brown
– Mel Bush

Seventh Doctor– 1987-1989, 1996

Sylvester McCoy: The seventh Doctor saw the hiatus of the TV series that only lived on in comic books, books and audio.   This Doctor was  a spoon-playing clown and a master of hidden secrets. His adventures ranged from toppling empires, playing chess with the ancient and very evil Fenric, and entertaining the Gods.  When the TV series started back up, he came out of the TARDIS, he was shot by a street gang and died on the operating table then then go on and regenerate.

– The Brigadier
– Mel Bush
– Ace

Eighth Doctor– 1996, 2013

Paul McGann: The Eighth Doctor regenerated in a hospital morgue for this made for TV film.  This Doctor was quite mercurial, spastic and could be quite forgetful.  He and his companion, Grace Holloway, worked to save the world from being pulled inside-out by the Master’s hijacking of the TARDIS.  The character lived on off-screen and was last seen trying to avoid fighting in the Time War. He was killed in a spaceship crash on Karn, and temporarily revived by its Sisterhood, who begged him to save reality by offering him a choice of regenerative elixirs.  But he had choices to make – on the type of character he would be… he chose to become a warrior…

– Grace Holloway

The War Doctor – 2013

John Hurt:  Born out of the Eighth Doctor’s choice on Karn, at the height of the Last Great Time War, this incarnation was the Doctor’s darkest secret. He was a battle-hardened warrior, rather than a healer and savior. He had seen much much death and destruction in the Time War.  When Arcadia fell he decided to put an end to the war madness and proclaimed “No more”. He then secretly stole away a great weapon –  the Moment – a sentient weapon.  His plan was to wipe out all of the Time Lords and the Daleks. Ultimately helped and persuaded otherwise by his Tenth and Eleventh incarnations, he helped them to freeze Gallifrey in a pocket universe, and end the War.

Ninth Doctor– 2005

Christopher Eccleston: This Doctor was the sole survivor of the Last Great Time War and was emotionally scarred by the terrible things he’d seen and done.  He ended up dying from the strain of saving Rose after she defeated the Daleks with the time vortex.

– Rose Tyler
– Mickey Smith
– Captain Jack

Tenth Doctor– 2005 – 2010

David Tennant:  The tenth Doctor woke up on Christmas Day in his new form and lived on to battle the Sycorax high above London, where he lost a hand but grew a new one with remnant regenerative power. He travelled with Rose and Mickey and along the way they battled Cybermen, werewolves and much more. He ended up losing Rose in a parallel universe but was able to leave her with a half human clone.  We see the re-emergence of The Master and their epic battle.  Struggling from his confrontation with the Time Lords and terminally dosed with radiation, the Tenth Doctor’s life he had a violent regeneration while the TARDIS was spinning through space.

– Sarah Jane Smith
– K-9
– Rose Tyler
– Mickey Smith
– Captain Jack
– Martha Jones
– Donna Noble
– Wilfred Mott
– River Song

Eleventh Doctor– 2010 – 2013

Matt Smith: A lot happened in this Doctors three years including solving the mystery of the time-erasing cracks in the universe, escaping his own death, restarted reality and even found time to get married to River Song.  He was crushed when Amy and Rory were sent back in time by a Weeping Ange and Victorian-era Clara fell to her death, he decided to disappear. He eventually found a new path and redemption to save Gallifrey instead of burning it. After sacrificing his life to defend Trenzalore which should have been his final death, he was granted a whole new cycle of incarnations by the Time Lords.

– Amy Pond
– Rory Williams
– River Song
– Clara Oswald

Twelfth Doctor– 2013 to present

Peter Capaldi: Granted a whole new regenerative cycle by the Time Lords, the Doctor experienced ended the siege at Trenzalore. We are still learning about this new Doctor…

– Clara Oswald

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