Why Are More Americans Opting For Life In The Country?


Americans, like people from many countries across the globe, are increasingly leaving cities and pursuing a nature-filled life in the country, owing to the many changes brought about by the current global situation. In a recent survey, almost 50% of adults stated that they would prefer to live in a small town or countryside area – a 9% jump from 2018. One of the major driving forces for this change is the new norm that is remote working, made possible by Cloud technology and ubiquitous connectivity. Irrespective of the current situation, however, there are many reasons why living in nature-filled surroundings is conducive to one’s physical and mental health.

Nature-Filled Lives Are Less Stressful

Simply living in a green space keeps stress, anxiety and depression at bay – as found in a 2014 study by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers. People who live in spaces with less than 10% tree canopy, meanwhile are much more likely to report symptoms of these common mental conditions. Nature has been found in study after study to boost mental health, improve focus and concentration, and boost cognitive function. Country living allows residents to access all these benefits right on their doorstep.

The Beauty Of Farm And Ranch-Style Living

No longer are farms and ranch houses exclusively utilitarian in their design and focus. With celebrities like Matthew McConaughey and Patrick Dempsey showing off how glamorous Texas ranches can be, it has become clear that countryside homes can exude sophistication and modernity. Indeed, new dwellings in states like Texas boast many features that urban homes sometimes lack – including 100% renewable energy, interiors made with sustainable materials such as reclaimed and recycled wood, a blend of traditional and transitional furniture, and a stunning marriage of materials both natural and synthetic (think steel, marble, stone, brick slabs, and of course, plenty of sustainable wood). The expansive nature of country living makes it an ideal setting for high, wooden-beamed ceilings that draw in natural light and blend indoor and outdoor life seamlessly.

Embracing An Active Lifestyle

Living in the countryside is conducive to improved physical health, since it provides dwellers with purer air quality, while also offering various opportunities for physical exercise in natural settings. Studies have shown that exercising in the Great Outdoors beats gym workouts in many ways. A review of studies published in the Environmental Science and Technology journal found, for instance, that outdoor exercise is linked to a greater sense of revitalization, increased energy, and positive engagement. People who exercise outdoors also report greater enjoyment and tend to be more motivated to repeat their workouts at a later date. Other studies have shown that those who exercise outdoors burn more calories, owing to factors such as wind resistance and natural level changes in the terrain.

Moving to the country may be increasingly more popular among Americans, but there have always been a plethora of benefits associated with living close to nature. Green spaces are conducive to better mental health, focus, and cognitive performance, and they also make for a better setting than indoor gyms. Living in green areas also enables dwellers to adopt a wider range of sustainability measures.

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