Why are Personalized Gifts Better than Other Gifts?


“The best gifts come from the heart, not the store.” – Sarah Dessen

Since time immemorial, gifting has effectively put a seal on relationships, alleviated friendships, expressed heartfelt feelings, and helped spread good cheer. But would you wrap up an assembly line produced gift item and present it to your love? Or would you thoughtfully pick up a gift that showcases your emotions for the person and get it personalized for the recipient to feel good about?

We bet you’d go with the second option. But, just in case you need some more convincing, here we go with a series of arguments stacked up in favor of personalized gifts.

“The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.” – Richard Moss

A personalized gift explicitly conveys to the recipient that you have thoughtfully sourced the most appropriate object as a gift. Not just any gift, bought off the shelf from a store down the road. But one that would touch a chord. Bring a spontaneous smile. One that would be memorable and cherished for a lifetime.

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” – Kahlil Gibran

When you put your thoughts into getting the perfect gift custom made for your loved one, you are putting a part of yourself into the gift item. That is no less than gift wrapping yourself and presenting to the person you love. And this personalized gift will embody your love, your sincere thoughts as long as the item exists. With a personalized gift, you are practically gifting your presence to hold close by the recipient. And that, dear friend, cannot be beaten by any run-of-the-mill gifting ideas!

“Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” – Norman MacEwan.

A boxful of chocolate is a delight in itself. While having it all on your own is certainly a blissful experience for a chocolate lover, but imagine the message you convey through sharing your favorite food with someone? It says “you’re precious to me so I can part with these chocolates.” Isn’t that amazing?

“Memories are perhaps the best gifts of all.” – Gloria Gaither

Gifting a personalized item creates a memory for a lifetime. Of the efforts that you put in, to get the item custom made, to reflect your aesthetics and the personality of the receiver in it. Whenever the recipient looks at your gift, the engravings on it will light up their face, rewind the memories that you’ve shared with them, and make them happy — all because you took the effort of gifting them a personalized item. In that sense, these are gifts that keep giving.

Looking for the right personalized gifts? Websites like Artfia Australia offer a range of unique gifts that you can personalize for every interest and occasion.


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