Why Do Modern Men Prefer Deer Antler Accent Wedding Bands for the Special Day?


The modern man prefers contemporary wedding jewelry for the big day and therefore, they look no further than deer antler accent rings. They like to wear a wedding band that suits their style and personality. The comfort level is another factor they consider. These days, you will find many wedding bands for men, but you need to pick out the one that suits your lifestyle, taste, and of course, durability is one of the key factors to consider.

According to an article published in the New York Times, unlike fashionable clothes, piercings, tattoos, jewelry creates deep undecided emotions in men. Then, antler accent bands are men’s new favorite. Here is why:


When it comes to deer antlers, they look natural, but fragile materials requiring proper care and maintenance. Men having a passion for quality, accent rings, prefer these wedding bands even if they need extra care. Then, jewelers strengthen deer antler rings with durable metals like tungsten and titanium.

Then, you can also adorn your deer antler wedding band with exotic wood and gemstones. These rings also undergo polishing with a special resin to add more strength and durability to the material and protection from the elements.

One-off jewelry

The ring is unique and looks great when you wear it on your finger on the wedding day. Deer antler wedding bands come with a one-off design of naturally shed antlers as well as inlaid with titanium or tungsten, and beautiful gemstones. You can look up a variety of deer antler wedding bands on mensweddingbands.com.

When you flaunt a deer-antler accent band on the big day, you look different from the other men at the reception with that typical yellow color of the ring. Choose from many unique rings that match your style.

Resistant to moisture

Antler accent wedding bands are resistant to moisture and the best choice for your special day! The resistance to moisture makes these rings corrosion-free. That is why jewelers use metals like tungsten, which is water-resistant.

Moreover, the pieces of jewelry are coating professionally to stop moisture from entering the antler material. You can even wash your hands wearing this ring, take a shower, and even take a dip in the pool. It is a perfect wedding band for men, who like water sports.

Easy on your budget

Wedding rings are expensive, especially if you choose gold and platinum. Then, that does not mean all kinds of wedding bands will need you to break your bank. Deer antler wedding rings are affordable and cost between $100 and $300. Even if you choose a unique ring with more durability, the ring will not cost you an earth.

You may also feel lucky if you get a considerable discount when shopping from an online jewelry store. These days, online retailers offer lucrative deals and discounts when it comes to wedding jewelry. It will prevent you from spending extravagantly on your wedding band because you have more expenses to consider for the special day.


Invest in a deer-antler accent wedding band that complements your persona and style. You may choose from a daring, outdoorsy, and natural color antler band for your big day.


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