Why do People Choose Trekking in Nepal For their Holiday?


‘Nepal Himalaya the best world’s premiere adventure holiday destination’

Introduction and Overviews

Why People Choose Trekking in Nepal for their holiday, in comparison to other countries, Nepal is regarded as a safe, friendly destination.  Furthermore, Nepal and Nepalese are renowned for exceptional hospitality where past and present travelers have experienced visiting all around Nepal.

Likewise, the warm gesture of Nepalese tradition, age-old heritage including colorful culture equally adds charm to draw worldwide travelers.  Thus, it is a good image of Nepalese that makes Nepal one of the most sought holiday destinations.

Generally, the main flow of tourism is trekking in Nepal as the country boasts with world tallest peaks. Namely number one Mt. Everest, 2nd high Mt. Kanchenjunga, 4th Mt. Lhotse, 5th / 6th highest Mt. Makalu and Mt. Cho-Oyo. Likewise 7th high Mt. Dhaulagiri, 8th Mt. Manaslu, and 10th high Mt. Annapurna include countless lesser 8,000 m mountain ranges.

Besides, being the land of world highest peaks, as a result, has become a premier ground for all types of adventure. Thereby, thousands of wide-world travelers visit Nepal for various trekking and boundless activities from moderate, adventurous to challenging.

Nepal also being a country of great biodiversity, due to its unique landscapes and altitude variation makes it interesting for visitors. The only nation, where trekkers can experience a dramatic change of climate from subtropical, to cooler alpine hills. That extends beyond the arctic zone within remorseless fields of ice and glaciers in a short duration of time frame. Altitude ranges from 60 meters to top of Everest 8,848 m, with temperature  + 40 to – 40 degrees Celsius.

Nepal Ultimate Trekking Destination as well for other exotic Holidays

Compared to other Himalayan countries, Nepal is the most popular trekking destination, as well as renowned for other adventure holidays. For a country that covers only 0.1% of the earth, treasures world 2 % of flowering plants of all species. 08% of the world’s bird’s population is about 850 different species, including 4 % of mammals that exist on this planet. World’s 15 families of butterflies (more than 500 species); 600 indigenous plant families; and 319 species of exotic orchids.

Nepal, an amazing country to visit and experience as it offers a varied range of interesting and exciting holiday destinations. Besides trekking and adventure, also famous for cultural, historical, and pilgrimage tours as Nepal stepped with world heritage sites. Furthermore, besides major trekking adventure visitors can also include all types of tour likewise cultural and scenic sightseeing. As well as join in for wild-life safari in the dense jungles of Terai belt at famous Chitwan National Park.

Nepal is an ultimate destination for soft, moderate trekking to other adrenaline adventures, as well for boundless exotic holidays. As a result it has become a popular country for varied outdoor activities, where all travelers and different age-groups can enjoy. A country with favorable seasonal climate, for instance, spring- autumn- winter besides summer the monsoon months of June to August. Where trekkers and holidaymakers can enjoy glorious views of beautiful Himalayan peaks, and pleasant scenic walks with the right weather.

Nepal Himalaya, a trekker’s paradise for adventurous travelers and all types of visitors seeking wilderness and solitude. Where one can relive the days in the homely comfort of local village lodge and warm hospitality of Nepalese people.

Nepal, a perfect wilderness for trekkers as well for scenic and relaxing holidays:

Exotic adventure destinations within Nepal are boundless, one can choose from main popular trekking trails to hidden pockets of Himalaya. Where one can explore and discover what awaits on the off beaten tracks within the complete mountain wilderness of pristine surroundings.

Hence, so many wide options for trekking in Nepal Himalaya from short moderate, to longer adventurous to challenging adventure. For instance trek to Everest, Annapurna region or around Langtang, Ganesh, and Manaslu with Nepal far-east and west Himalaya region.

In Nepal, visitors can enjoy a blend of traditional and semi-modern influence that represents local cuisine, art, and culture. Therefore, it makes the country a popular choice among millions of travelers and adventurers as a spectacular holiday destination.

Nepal, a country of unique combination that all holiday planners require such as hotel accommodation, types of cuisine, transportation systems.  Including communications networks, where trekkers can find it all in cities, towns, and around high hills to remote mountain villages.

Lastly, an amazing country for various adventure and leisure holidays but it will not be complete without the guidance. Where all travelers need an expert and professional local guide, to enjoy much of Nepal and gain knowledge of local custom.


In conclusion, why wide world travelers choose Nepal for trekking to enjoy their holiday, it is very simple and interesting. It is a perfect country for all seasons of the year and as well for various treks within high Himalaya.

Trekking in Nepal Himalaya, where all visitors find enjoyable and delightful moments that fulfills one’s dream adventure of a life-time experience.

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