Why Replacement Windows Are Vital For Renovating Homes?


There are many reasons why renovating your home may be on your mind. An important one is to give the house a new and fresh look. Ordinary can quickly become boring, and we crave for a difference. A new look gives you that difference while changing the overall look of your home.

Another reason could be to increase the value of your property. New additions, fixtures, and upgrades can increase the market value of your home.

Replacement windows are great ways to renovate your home while enjoying all the benefits that come with upgrading your windows and renovating the home all at the same time.

Let’s take a look at why replacement windows are vital for renovating homes.


There are numerous reasons why the windows in homes are replaced. Some of them include;


One of the reasons why a window replacement may be necessary is to install current window designs and trends in the home. There is no crime in appreciating modern patterns and designs and wanting them for the home.

Also, new window designs usually feature improved materials, are often more durable and long-lasting. This makes them must-haves for the home.

Apart from serving the functions why windows are needed, updating and replacing windows in the home with current window designs and trends will increase the visual appeal and beauty of the house.

Besides this, current window designs bring to your home a modern and elegant look.


replacement windows security

The need to improve security in the home can necessitate window replacements. In high-risk areas, a standard glass window that features annealed glass may be a weak defense against burglars and petty thieves.

A replacement to a tempered glass window will instantly improve the security and safety of everyone in the home and the property itself.

A tempered glass panel refers to a standard or annealed glass that has been treated via the heat tempering process. The result is a tempered glass panel with a strength that’s four times stronger than regular glass.

This makes it difficult to break for burglars and petty thieves.

Besides being a form of protection, tempered glass is shatter-resistant. If it breaks, unlike glass that breaks into large glass shards that may cause injury, tempered glass breaks into small pebble-like pieces. The pieces are dull and are not capable of causing physical damage and injury.


replacement windows energy savings

Energy-efficiency is a great benefit that comes with windows, but unfortunately, not all windows are energy efficient.

As a result, the need to make windows energy-efficient may necessitate replacing existing standard windows in the home to insulated glass units (IGU). A glass unit, commonly referred to as double-glazing is a window glass type made of two or more glass panes.

The glass panes have spaces between them, known as spacers. These spaces are sometimes filled with inert gases like Argon and other desiccants. Apart from the several panes used, there is the option to add low-emissivity coatings (Low-E) to the IG units.

The goal of the units and extras is to reduce the amount of energy spent in maintaining the internal temperature in the home against extreme external weather conditions.

Standard single-pane windows and annealed glass cannot offer the amount of energy efficiency that IG-units offer. Hence, there is a need for standard windows to be replaced with insulated glass units for improved energy-efficiency.


Before replacing your windows, there are a couple of things you need to pay attention to.

determine replacement windows

Problem with Window Frame

window frame replacement

The window frame supports the glass panels in the window setup. A sagging frame is a pointer to the fact that your windows need to be replaced.

Besides sagging, depending on the material used, there are other factors to look out for, and top on the list is wood rot or rust and corrosion.

For windows with wood frames, observe the window frame to see if there is any wood rot going on. Pay attention to the external parts exposed to the weather. Rot is caused by water and moisture. When water seeps into the frame through cracks in the frames, wood rot starts.

  • The State of the Glass panel

glass panel replacement

The state of the glass panels used in windows plays an important factor in determining whether to replace your windows or not.

Lots of cracks on the surface of your window panes can weaken the glass panes. A weak glass pane is a hazard waiting to happen as it can lead to sudden glass shattering. To prevent this from happening, the window needs to be replaced.

Apart from cracks, if you have an open hole on any of the window panes, whether small or big, it is imperative that you replace the windows as soon as possible.

Scratches make your window glass unattractive. If you are uncomfortable with seeing lines on your window panes, you may need to replace the windows for a fresh and new look.

  • Breezy Draft

windows draft replacement

A draft is a sudden rush of air the window produces even while closed. A draft could mean the window sill and frame no longer fit the window tightly, have become soft (which is a problem in itself) and could be as a result of condensation.

This can make the window feel extremely hot or cold when you stand close to it. Window draft can lead to other problems for your windows. Hence, drafty windows must be replaced with new ones once discovered.


workers replacement window glass

Fab Glass and Mirror is an industry leader when it comes to producing, sourcing, and supplying the best replacement glass and replacement windows to consumers, distributors, contractors, and businesses.

At Fab Glass and Mirror, strict guidelines and procedures are employed for quality control. As a result, when you shop for replacement windows and replacement glass from this company, you get high-quality products at affordable prices.

No matter where you are, your products will get to you because Fab Glass and Mirror offers free nationwide shipping and delivery without any hidden charges.

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