Why Should You Get A New Boiler Installation For Your Property


Are you considering a new boiler installation? Most commonly, boilers are replaced after a breakdown. If your boiler is old or not been looked after properly, it can break down and need to be replaced. Click here for the new boiler replacement guide for your home. However, there are a few other reasons why a boiler installation is a good idea.

New boilers are more energy-efficient

Since 2004, boilers in the UK are made with condensing technology. This means that combustion gases extract more heat from the fuel than is being used; it makes the most out of the fuel. So, you use less energy to produce the same amount of heat. The money that you save on this can make a huge difference as 55% of your energy bills go towards heating up your house.

If you installed your boiler before 2004, you could be wasting much more heat than necessary. Nowadays, most boilers are over 90% efficient. So, on average, for every pound you spend on heat, you only ‘waste’ 10p’s worth. Before this condensing technology, boilers could be as low as 50% efficient  – meaning you are spending double what you need to!  So, although boiler installations cost money, getting a boiler installation with a boiler that has this technology will save you money in the future.

New boilers are quieter

Another advantage of getting a newer boiler is that their new technology means less noise disturbance. Sometimes a boiler making loud noises is a sign of a breakdown; loud banging, rattling or hissing noises can be indicators that something is not working and the boiler needs replacing. However, it’s normal for an old boiler to make a constant, low rumbling sound. So, if your boiler is older and does not have condensing technology, you could be up at night, listening to disturbing banging noises. Having to listen to loud noises from a boiler is not necessary: new boilers are much quieter so you will hardly notice it’s there.

New boilers come with guarantees

Nowadays, most boilers come with a warranty. This gives you peace of mind knowing that if there is a problem, it can be sorted free of charge. Each company and boiler brand has a different length of boiler warranty so make sure you check before you get your installation. For example, Ideal – Vogue MAX C26 boilers come with a 12-year warranty which covers all breakdowns. If your boiler is old and you feel a new one would be convenient, getting one with a warranty is a practical and money-saving investment. Companies like Boiler Choice in who offer Birmingham Boiler installations offer long guarantees on many of their Boilers.

New boilers are smaller

Another benefit of new boilers is that they are smaller in size. This makes them easier to store in kitchen cupboards or airing cupboards. These boilers save you space in the house which is particularly useful if your home is smaller. This is unlike old boilers that need to be installed with separate cold water and hot water tanks. These need to be stored in the loft. New boilers can even be mounted on the kitchen wall, freeing up even more space in the home.

How much does a new boiler cost?

The cost of a new boiler varies from brand to brand. The cost of the installation is also often more than the boiler itself. This is because all boilers must be installed by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Make sure you check that the installers that carry out your boiler installation have this legal requirement because installing boilers is a complicated procedure and if done in wrong, can lead to dangerous consequences. With this considered, new boiler installations  usually range from £1500 – £4000 in the UK, depending on the model and brand.

Which boiler is right for my installation?

As Boilergrants explains “There are many different types of boilers, but these can all be categorised into either combination, or conventional.”

What is a conventional boiler?

These are the traditional boilers that are connected to a storage tank storing hot water that used to heat your house.  This tank is connected to a cold water tank. Both of these tanks are usually located in the loft of your home. When the water from the hot tank runs out, it is filled with cold water. Because this takes time to heat up, there is sometimes a delay when hot water is needed. More space is needed for these boilers because of the separate tanks. Making room for this can therefore be expensive. There are different types of conventional boilers, like system boilers, that only have one tank and so take up less space.

What is a combination boiler?

These boilers are more modern and therefore have the technology to heat up water directly from the mains water supply. This makes the hot water supply instant. Because there are no separate water tanks needed for combi boilers, they are ideal for smaller properties and often cheaper to install.

Hopefully this has given you a good understanding of why getting a boiler installation is often the right choice to make. However, if you are in doubt don’t hesitate to give a local heating expert engineer a call. We suggest talking to Boiler Choice for a new installation and some expert advice. Their engineers are all gas safety registered and we have a wide range of boilers for you to choose from.

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