Work on the Seating Strategy of the Restaurant to Serve More and Better!


Customers can queue up to grab their favorite meals at their most loved place. But nobody wants to risk their appetite if the wait feels like never-ending. Some can immediately start searching for another nearby option, some may hang in there for a little, and only a few others may show patience and stick around to get a seat. Seeing people gather at your restaurant’s doorstep can be overwhelming and intimidating. It’s a sign they like your place a lot. At the same time, it’s a warning that you must speed up everything to accommodate others. After all, turning them away at any point is unfavorable. But how do you sort these issues? Is there a way to minimize such occurrences?

The hospitality industry experts say optimizing layout planning is the key. It would help if you devised a seating strategy to efficiently fill up every empty corner with well-designed chairs and keep the proper gap between them to allow customers and staff to navigate the areas smoothly. If you analyze the floor plan closely, you can accommodate more chairs easily. So, let’s get into the nuances first for a better understanding.

Figuring out seating capacity with a robust strategy

A floor plan helps you determine the available physical space for chairs and tables to seat guests. Fast food centers witness higher traffic and need to process orders quickly. At the same time, luxury restaurants can focus on the seating experience to give guests a good beginning before getting them on to a culinary treat. Each can meet their seating arrangement demands by getting suitable chair types from a niche store like

Typically, restaurants dedicate 60% of the flooring area to dining and 40% to preparation, storage, and kitchen jobs. Interior designers say guests should get 18-20 square feet of area in a fine dining restaurant to indulge in luxury, comfort, and privacy. Otherwise, even 12-15 square feet of space is also okay.

What does it mean for chair placement? Each chair should be 12 to 20 inches away based on the dining theme. At the same time, the nearby table with chairs can be about 4 feet away to help every party enjoy its moment. But it’s just one view. The actual calculation of the space between occupied chairs depends on various other factors as well, such as furniture size and shape, distance from the kitchen, and accessibility of staff.

Other factors influencing seating arrangement

Consider the operational aspects and other practicalities before squeezing more tables into every nook. Waiting staff should find enough room to serve guests. They also need clear corridors to move in and out of the kitchen. Also, waiting customers should have a proper corner to make themselves comfortable until they get seats. When you shop for chairs, think of customers’ experience and overall impact on the ambiance. Comfortable and attractive chairs can convince them to linger and order more.

Another critical element in seating strategy can be creating separate spaces for families and business guests. Families need big tables, while business lunches can be enjoyed in a smaller nook. Plan seating areas wisely with chairs and tables to cater to more customers and make them happy.

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