4 things to consider when looking at dog food ingredients


With the abundance of dog food manufacturers in society today, it is hard to choose the best food for your dog. Generally, all food should contain the major nutrients that a dog needs to grow and remain healthy. The foods must be tested by the Association of American Feed Control Officials to ensure they meet the regulations that have been instituted by the Dog Food nutrient profiles.

Generally, dog foods should contain proteins, vitamins, healthy fats, carbohydrates and minerals. In addition, they should also contain some healthy preservatives to increase the food’s shelf life. If you are in a dilemma on what to feed your dog, check out the Dog Food review from Ultimate Home Life. It will guide you on the best food choices for your dog.

Here are 4 things to consider when looking at dog food ingredients:

1. Your dog’s nutrition needs and unique diet

There is no right or wrong food that is standard for all dogs. Dogs are individuals each with a unique metabolic and physiological make-up. You should understand your dog’s needs before buying its food. This will inform the key ingredients that any type of dog food you buy for your dog should have. For instance, if your dog is lean and active, consider food with high fat and proteins to ensure it has enough energy.

2. Healthy problems

If your dog has health problems or it is at a risk of getting inherited diseases, ensure you buy food that has important ingredients to help your dog manage such illnesses. Consult a veterinarian for advice on the type of diet that will help to treat or prevent diseases. For instance, dogs with kidney failure need a diet that has very high quality protein offered to the dog in moderate levels, and low amounts of phosphorous.  Other types of diseases that can be managed and improved with food ingredients are, cancer, inherited metabolism disorders, and allergy or intolerance.

3. Caloric considerations

Another thing to consider when buying your dog’s food is caloric needs. If your dog is not very active yet you continually feed it on high caloric food, the dog may grow fat and develop other health issues. Older dogs require fewer calories compared to younger dogs. Other factors that will determine how much calories a dog should consume include, growth, environmental conditions, illness, reproduction, lactation, neutering and other individual dog needs. Read through the ingredients of the food and conduct a thorough research to ensure you are offering the best food with enough caloric levels for your dog.

4. Key ingredients

When buying food for your dog, there are some key ingredients that the food you choose must have without a doubt. Whole, unprocessed foods are the best for your dog because nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants are not lost during the processing. However, there are some ingredients that are unhealthy for your dog. Such include, crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, high levels of phosphorus and calcium, just to name a few. Ensure the food is recognized as an essential nutrient by the Dog Food nutrient profiles and is approved by the Association of American Feed Control Officials.

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