5 Facts that are helpful to know about hot spots on dogs


Hot spots on dogs, are a form of canine pyoderma that are characterized by red and moist, irritated patches on the skin. They are usually caused by an initial irritant, and are mostly found on the hips, neck, limbs, and head. They are more prevalent on long-haired dog breeds and mostly occur during summer or in times when the weather is hot and humid. With an idea of what hot spots are, the following are top 5 fact about hot spots on dogs;

The causes

The causes of hot spots on dogs are multiple and it may be difficult to know exactly what caused them unless diagnosed. They may be caused by food allergies, insect bites, flea allergies, chewing and licking, matted fur, foreign object like thorns, cuts or abrasions, and anal gland infection or ear infections. You can also check out mini goldendoodle for sale for more great options.

The symptoms

Just like the causes, the symptoms of hot spots on dogs vary. Hot spots are mainly characterized by an itchy and painful patch of skin or continuous liking and biting. Also, other symptoms will include crsted scabs, oozing sores, moist and matted fur, dry scaly skin, hair loss, abnormal aggression, possible depression, foul odor from lesion, and redness and swelling on a specific area of the skin.


After noticing any of the symptoms linked to hot spots, you can get any over the counter medication such as a dog hot spot spray to begin treatment at home. It is advisable to schedule an appointment with your vet once you notice any of the symptoms. Also, make sure that you mention the onset of the problem and anything else the vet may need to determine the cause of the irritation when they carry out a physical examination.


The lesion is first cleaned and any matted fur is shaved off from the affected patch. Antibiotics are then administered either orally or by application to treat any bacterial infection in the affected area. Although most causes are idiopathic and cannot be identified through examination or history, most causes are identifiable and easy to treat. Medication for inflammation and pain is administered and dietary supplements are advised to help improve recovery.


The hot spots begin to heal quickly when the addressed treatment regimen is followed properly. The lesions begin to disappear and follow-up appointments with your vet may not be necessary if the initial irritant was treated. Some hot spot recovery and treatment measures which can be used include regular grooming, use of the E-collar, elimination of loud noises, and maintaining a hypoallergenic diet. Healing may not be noticeable until one or two weeks after treatment and the shaved hair will grow back in the span of a month.

Bottom line

The above facts about hot spots on dogs are vital and any dog owner should be conversant with them. This way, it is easy to recognize hot spots and take the necessary measures required and to get your dog treated.

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