If you want a clean and healthy home, you can’t neglect your crawl space


This often overlooked part of your home needs to be maintained and kept clean in order to ensure a safe and stable structure.

If you’re curious about the proper ways to do some crawl space cleaning, read on for helpful tips and tricks to make the process easy and seamless.

Protect Your Crawl Space From Moisture

No matter where you live, it’s not difficult for excessive moisture to creep into your crawl space. When too much water accumulates under your home, it can cause serious problems.

The ground under and around your house contains some level of moisture naturally, but it should be able to evaporate back into the air. Under your home, water droplets and runoff can easily accumulate and build up over time.

As moisture builds up in the crawl space, it can cause mold and mildew to grow at a rapid rate. Eventually, this mold will either get inside your home or may even cause the structure itself to be compromised.

You can prevent this problem by making sure you have clean, debris-free gutters to redirect water away from your home. Check the grading of your property to make sure that it’s sloping water down and away from the house.

A moisture barrier made of thick plastic can also add a layer of protection under your crawl space. Monitor this area regularly to make sure there are no signs of excess moisture.

Check For Pests While Crawl Space Cleaning

From rats and mice to termites, pests love cool, dark, and damp spaces. If your crawl space becomes a haven for these pests, they can easily infiltrate your home.

The first step to good crawl space cleaning is to check for and then eliminate any pests if you see them. The occasional spider is fine, but if you notice a lot of insects or rodents, there’s definitely a serious problem.

If your crawl space has any cracks or gaps, it provides easy entry for a variety of pests to come inside. Look for any breaches around the perimeter of your home and seal everything with caulk to keep bugs and small animals out.

You don’t want to seal your crawl space too tightly, however. This area needs to have adequate ventilation so that it’s dry and clean all year round.

Look for special vent covers for your crawl space that are designed to keep pests out. This will ensure that this area is getting the airflow it needs without letting nasty pests in.

The Process of Cleaning Out Your Crawl Space

Your crawl space should be clear of debris and excess “stuff” so that your home has room to breathe. A crawl space allows structures to get the airflow needed in order to stay dry and clean.

When this area is filled with debris, it can encourage mold, pests, and rot. Use a flashlight and inspect the crawl space carefully, and remove anything that looks out of place.

If you have dirt floors, seal them with a special moisture retardant product like polyethylene. You can find these items at most major home improvement stores or online. This is particularly important if you live in an area with high levels of humidity.

With regular inspection and cleaning, your crawl space should stay dry and free of excess moisture and other annoyances. Make sure there is no mold present and if so, you’ll need to call in a professional mold remediation service.

If you can’t clean out your crawl space on your own, consider looking into the crawl space cleaning cost to hire a professional service. They can inspect the area, make recommendations, and ensure that your crawl space is completely clean and dry.

Don’t Forget the Insulation

Just like the attic, your crawl space needs to have the proper insulation in order to protect your home. After you’ve ensured that all vents are properly installed and you have a water vapor barrier in place, be sure to add some insulation.

You can use fiberglass batts to insulate your crawl space, and you can also add these in between your floor joists for more protection. You can also use spray foam insulation for a tight seal.

Spray insulation protects your home from air leaks and heat transfer, keeping your interior comfortable. Use it in conjunction with the fiberglass to keep warm air inside and cold air out during the winter. This also works to keep cold air in and warm out in the summertime.

Another perk of using spray foam is that it’s not affected by moisture, which means you won’t need to worry about mold. Add insulation to your crawl space to enjoy a more comfortable temperature throughout your home. You’ll notice a lower energy bill, too, which is an added bonus!

A Clean Crawl Space Means a Happy Home

Once you understand more about the importance of crawl space cleaning, you’ll know how to make sure your home is dry and well-insulated. Inspect your crawl space and look for signs of moisture, mold, or pests.

Take steps to clean your crawl space and protect the floor and add insulation. These simple tips will ensure that your home is comfortable and safe for years to come. If you feel the job is too much to handle on your own, then it’s definitely worth calling out a professional.

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