Beginners Guide to Buying a Tennis Racquet


Selecting the right tennis racquet is a pivotal step for any beginner keen on making their mark in the world of tennis. This initial choice can significantly influence your learning curve, comfort on the court, and overall enjoyment of the game. With the vast array of racquet brands, models, and specifications available, the process might seem daunting at first glance. However, armed with the right information and guidance, navigating through these options becomes an exciting journey toward finding your perfect match. 

This guide aims to demystify the various aspects of tennis racquets, offering beginners a clear pathway to understand their needs, preferences, and the features that will best support their game development. Whether you’re stepping onto the court for the first time or looking to make a more informed upgrade, our goal is to empower you with knowledge, ensuring that your choice enhances your love for the game and elevates your performance.

Tips on How to Buy a Tennis Racquet for a Beginner 

Understanding the specifications of a tennis racquet is crucial in selecting a racquet that aligns with your playing style and enhances your game. Each specification plays a unique role in the racquet’s overall performance:

  • Head Size: This refers to the surface area of the racquet’s head, measured in square inches. A larger head size offers more power and a larger sweet spot, making it forgiving for beginners. Conversely, a smaller head size provides more precision and control, suited for advanced players.
  • Weight: Heavier racquets offer more power and are steadier against larger shots, reducing the impact on the arm. Lighter racquets provide more maneuverability and speed, ideal for quick reactions at the net or for beginners developing their swing.
  • Length: A standard racket is around 27 inches long. As a beginner, you could use this or a slightly longer one as the longer the racket, the more power it generates because it creates more mechanical advantage.
  • Beamwidth: This is that triangular bit right under the head of the racket. A smaller and thinner frame provides less power, while a bigger, wider frame produces more power and stability.
  • Balance: The balance point of a racquet can be head-heavy, head-light, or even. Head-heavy racquets provide extra power in lighter frames, whereas head-light racquets offer better control and are easier to handle, making them a favorite among more experienced players.
  • Grip Size: Proper grip size is essential for comfort, control, and injury prevention. It’s measured by the distance around the handle. A grip that’s too large or too small can lead to discomfort or the need for excessive grip pressure, which can cause arm strain.
  • String Pattern: The density of the string pattern affects the racquet’s feel and the ball’s spin. An open string pattern provides more power and spin potential, while a dense string pattern offers more control and durability.
  • Frame Stiffness: Stiffer frames transfer more power to the ball, while more flexible frames provide better control and reduce shock, potentially minimizing the risk of tennis elbow.
  • Material: Look for rackets made out of aluminum or graphite because they are light and comfortable to use. The material also dictates the price of the rackets. Boron, titanium, and carbon fiber may be lighter but more expensive.
  • Flexibility: This is how far the racket bends as it hits the ball. It usually scales from 0 to 100 with 100 being rigid. The larger the number, the more the power and less control, and the lower the number, the more the spin and control but reduced power.

By considering these specifications, players can make informed decisions about their racquet choice, ensuring it complements their natural playing style and promotes growth in their game.

Different Types of Racquets

You should get to familiarize yourself with the different types of rackets to pick the best one that suits your playing style.

  • Power rackets – this is the long, large-headed, and light racket that provides more power when striking the ball.
  • Control rackets – this is the small-headed type used for more control and less power. It is mostly for experienced users who can alter the power themselves and would like to dictate how the ball goes.
  • Tweener rackets – these fall in between power and control rackets as they provide an intermediate of both control and power.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 Which tennis racquet is best for beginners?

Power rackets are the best choice for beginners. They have a large head, are lighter, and provide more power when hitting the ball. You could grow into the other types as you get a hang of the game.

What size of tennis racquet do I need?

This will be dictated by your grip size and level of expertise. As a beginner, those rackets with a big head are mostly advised. The standard 27-inch racket will suffice for most people but a longer one could prove more useful for beginners.

How much does a good tennis racquet cost?

Durable and effective tennis rackets will set you back somewhere from around $30 to $70. But depending on the type of materials used in its manufacture, it could go up to $100 for a top-of-the-range racket.

What weight tennis racquet should I use?

A light or heavy tennis racket has different perks. A lighter racket is easier to maneuver with and is less strenuous while playing. On the other hand, a heavy rocket boasts better power, but it ultimately leads to fatigue quickly. Look for a well-balanced racket with the top slightly heavier if you’re a beginner.

Is a lighter or heavier tennis racquet better?

It depends on what you’re going for. If it is maneuverability and control, then go for a light racket. But if it is the power you want, a heavier racket will do the job better.

Is a heavier tennis racquet better?

A heavier racket provides for more power but if you are new to the game you’ll find a heavier racket much harder to use. For this reason, a lighter racket is recommended for beginners. Move on to slightly heavier rockets when you understand the game better.


Additional Equipment and Accessories

Beyond selecting the perfect tennis racquet, incorporating the right additional equipment and accessories can significantly enhance your playing experience, comfort, and performance on the court:

  • Tennis Strings: The choice of strings can dramatically affect your racquet’s feel and the ball’s behavior upon impact. Different materials and tensions cater to various playing styles, offering a range from durability and control to power and spin. Experimenting with string types can tailor your racquet’s performance to suit your needs.
  • Overgrips and Replacement Grips: A good grip is essential for effective racquet handling. Overgrips provide an additional layer over the base grip, offering enhanced sweat absorption, increased comfort, and improved grip size customization. Replacement grips are used to replace the original grip when it wears out, ensuring optimal comfort and tackiness.\
  • Vibration Dampeners: These small but mighty accessories are placed between the strings to reduce racquet vibration upon impact. By minimizing the shock transmitted to your arm, dampeners can help prevent discomfort and reduce the risk of tennis elbow, enhancing the overall feel of your racquet.
  • Tennis Bags: A quality tennis bag is indispensable for players who need to carry their racquet, balls, clothing, and other gear. Options range from backpacks designed for a single racquet to larger bags that can hold multiple racquets and accessories, ensuring you’re always prepared for your next match or practice session.

Incorporating these accessories into your tennis gear can make a noticeable difference in your comfort, playability, and enjoyment of the game. They allow for personalization of your equipment, ensuring that every aspect of your gear works together to support your best performance on the court.


As you grow in the game of tennis, you get to know your preferences better and understand what works best for you in certain situations. Don’t be afraid to experiment on the different types of rackets to find one which most suits you.

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