Mental Wellbeing – 5 Ways to Address the Needs of Our Mental Health


Mental wellbeing encompasses your ability to deal with stress, resolve conflicts, form relationships, and rebound from setbacks and difficulties in life. It’s the presence of optimistic traits like contentment and zest for life. Being psychologically or emotionally stable necessitates much more than avoiding depression or other mental illnesses.

People who are emotionally and psychologically resilient can better deal with adversity. In both good and bad times, they remain concentrated, versatile, and active. Mental and emotional problems are often regarded as less legitimate than physical problems in some cultures. Some people believe that we should be able to “snap out of” mental health issues. We must develop our winning mentality in order for us to be successful in life.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), one out of every four individuals experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. The surprising fact is that 60% of those affected do not seek help at all. And this percentage is expected to intensify because of COVID-19’s impact on mental health and lack of critical healthcare access.

If your mental health is derailing, here are five easy ways to take care of your mental health. Easy lifestyle changes don’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. 

1. Share your feelings

Human beings are social animals, and to feel and perform our best, we need to interact with others. Reaching out is not an indication of vulnerability. It would not put you in a position where you are a liability to anyone.

Suppose you don’t have someone to talk to who can understand your sufferings. In that case, a more rational approach is to opt for clinical mental health counseling to determine the root causes and coping mechanisms. Otherwise, your mental health might get worse by the day. According to World Health Organization, around 264 million people worldwide are believed to be affected by depression alone. It also states that suicide is a possibility if you’re depressed.

Additionally, mental disorders are estimated to cost more than $6 trillion a year by 2030. It will cost more than 4% of global GDP in direct and indirect costs. It is greater than the cumulative costs of diabetes, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therefore, it is imperative to reach out and seek help before the situation worsens. 

2. Exercise or Dance it out

Staying active is beneficial for both the mind and the body. Endorphins are potent substances that boost your mood and give you more stamina when you exercise. You don’t have to work out until you’re drenching with sweat and every muscle in your body aches. Even a modest amount of physical exercise will have a significant impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing. 

It is best to begin your day by going for a stroll or dancing to your favorite tune. Try a rhythmic workout that puts both the arms and legs to work. If this isn’t a preferable option, you could try yoga or meditation. 

3. Focus on Sleep and Relaxing Activities

Our mental health suffers because we don’t get enough sleep, and our ability to concentrate suffers. Sleep deprivation can harm your wellbeing and mental outlook. Adults should get seven to nine hours of sound sleep every night, whereas kids should get around ten hours of sleep. Also, it is imperative to take a break from mobile and TV screens two hours before bedtime. The brain wants time to unwind at the end of the day.

Meditation, mindfulness, and prayer are also good options. Relaxation exercises and prayer will help you feel better about yourself and your life. Or you can watch a funny film, go for a beach stroll, listen to music, read an excellent book, or talk to a friend. All this will help you calm down and improve your mental wellbeing.

4. Attract positive vibes

Those who have close families or social ties tend to be happier than those who do not. Make sure to spend some time each day with your spouse or sibling or even some friends. You can also look for opportunities that allow you to meet new people, such as joining a band, class, or community groups. The more we expand our social circle, the more we learn from others and develop a sense of belongingness. 

5. Cut the bad carbs out

A poor diet may harm the brain’s functioning and eventually our mood. Following a balanced diet that is low in sugar but rich in healthy fats will help you feel more energized. Substitute “healthy fats” for “bad fats” that are detrimental to brain development. You can substitute red meat for white meat and opt for organic vegetables instead of canned ones. 

Start by taking out the ‘poor fats’ that can damage your attitude and disposition. And replace them with ‘healthy fats’ and ‘good carbs.’

Final thoughts

Boost your mental health by taking care of yourself physically, nurture your mind, eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, and sleep well.  Suppose you’ve made consistent attempts to strengthen your mental and emotional health but are still struggling. In that case, it’s time to seek professional support. However, following the foretold self-help measures can be immensely beneficial for you. 

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