Top 3 Invasive Pest Species in America Today


Invasive species have become a common cause of concern in the American public, and among health officials as well. The migration of insects in an ever growing globalized world is often difficult to spot. Moreover, animal species like the Asian Carp have invaded American reservoirs, and are decimating the local population with a larger consumption of plankton, and eventually, winning the evolution race against native species. When it comes to pests, these problems are far more severe. If you have invasive species in your local area, be sure to call local pest control services like pest control Schertz.

You may wonder why invasive species like the Asian Giant Hornets pose a major problem for the environment, and yourself. Check out the 3 invasive pests below to learn more.

Stink Bugs

You may have heard of the bug that transmits a pungent odour when it is attacked. The odour has become a huge menace in the US, wherein in one home, there were 26,000 stink bugs sheltering for winter. This species was introduced in the US by mistake, somewhere in the early 1996. Today, this species is found in 44 American states, and is a curse for commercial properties across the US. These nasty bugs can leave such a stink in homes, hotels, and retail stores, that one needs to close the commercial property for business in order for pest control to do their jobs for weeks on end, sometimes.

Asian Ticks 

These commonly known as the Asian Longhorned ticks are infamous for transmitting deadly diseases. Their ill-effects aren’t just limited to humans, but also affect large quantities of livestock. Furthermore, much like most insects, these ticks reproduce at great speeds. Moreover, the female Asian Ticks do not require males to reproduce, making them a deadly carrier for many well-known pandemics. These ticks have been rightly blamed for spotted fever, Lyme, Khasan virus, and continue their deadly journey uninterrupted in America today. If you find yourself in threat of this species with water reservoirs nearby, be sure to apply a DEET containing repellent on a regular basis. These ticks are known to cause diseases like SFTS, which proves to be deadly for 15% of its victims.


Many insects much like the lanternflies do not pose a direct threat to our health. However, with considerable potential to damage livelihoods, these are not threats to be trifled with. For example, the lanternflies are feared for their destructive nature in logging, and agricultural industry. These insects feed on the sap in trees, and damage plantations of fruit trees, grapes, and more. Ideally, the local agriculture department should be informed of their invasion as early as possible.


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