The Main Types Of Rest You Need To Avoid Burnout


According to McKinsey, just before the pandemic, burnout was one of the causes of death for approximately 2.8 million people a year. And in Japan there is even a special word – “karoshi” – overwork death. It is you, most likely, that “karoshi” does not threaten. But frequent stress and chronic fatigue in the workplace can significantly undermine emotional well-being.

It is especially difficult for those who are trying to combine work and a full-fledged family life. Below we will tell you how to avoid burnout and what kind of rest is needed for this.

Theory of 7 types of recreation

Professor Sandra Dalton-Smith put forward a theory according to which 7 types of recreation can be distinguished:

  • mental;
  • spiritual;
  • social;
  • emotional;
  • sensory;
  • creative;
  • physical.

Real rest is not a few breaks during the working day, but the prevention of burnout. A set of measures is needed so that fatigue and overload do not lead to serious problems in the future.

Physical recreation

The simplest form is a break from physical activity. For example, a day off from playing sports, but this doesn’t mean a complete exclusion of activities. Replace exercise with meditation or a yoga session. We also recommend visiting the massage parlor. For example, Ukraine massage will help not only relax the body, but also clear the mind a little thanks to the hands of a massage master and aromatherapy. Let visiting a massage parlor become your habit. This way you are more likely to avoid burnout at work.

Mental rest

Here, the brain requires a break from the load. For example, you can use the pomodoro technique. Turn on the timer for 25 minutes and work hard, with the maximum inclusion. And then take a break for 5 minutes to warm up, get some fresh air, look into the distance (at the same time, your eyes will rest).

Sensory relaxation

Electronics and the blue light emitted by screens are detrimental to both sleep quality and peace of mind. As a rest, turning on the sleep mode of the phone during the day, turning off distracting notifications and signals will help here.

Creative recreation

Not only writers, artists and musicians need it. An ordinary person also has situations when it is necessary to create and be creative. But fatigue from this kind of creativity can become unbearable.

Great ways of creative recreation include walking around the house, watching birds, and clouds. The brain will restart and restore its creativity.

Emotional rest

We accumulate emotions inside, but sooner or later there comes a moment when they need to be shared. This is emotional unloading, relaxation. It is important to choose the right partner. It could be a diary, a family member, or a true friend.

Social recreation

According to Dr. Dalton-Smith’s classification, such recreation consists in the redistribution of social interactions. Its degree depends on fatigue in communication. Someone will benefit from a period of complete seclusion, while another will benefit from the rejection of noisy gatherings and more evenings in the family circle.

Spiritual rest

Contrary to its name, such a rest does not mean a rejection of the spiritual life, but an immersion in it. It can be prayer, various forms of restorative practices, including yoga and meditation.

How to use all types of recreation

There are no ready-made recipes, they vary from person to person. We are all different, for someone to quickly recover, the first thing you need is a walk in the forest, and another 15 minutes of yoga.

If you try to use different types of recreation, the likelihood of emotional burnout will decrease, and life will be filled with happiness.

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