A Guide to Austin and Ally


A Disney original sitcom is here to rock your world, introducing, Austin and Ally! Featuring amazing talents, teen romance, and crazy adventures, this is another series you would enjoy.

Austin and Ally is a Disney Channel original series that is all about Austin Moon and Ally Dawson. It all started when Austin, a confident teen who strives for stardom, went to a music store in the Mall of Miami where he met Ally for the first time. Ally, a talented singer-songwriter, happens to be the daughter of the store owner. She was at the store when Austin and his friend, Dez, arrived. A few moments later, Austin and Dez are causing trouble at the store. This action made Ally pretty upset, which she ends up confronting Austin. After the confrontation, Ally went to her private space and practiced her song compositions. Later did she realized that Austin followed him and was standing beside her while she was singing her piece. 

The following day, Ally’s friend, Trish, came to the store and praised Ally, saying that her song became famous. After hearing the news, Ally became confused and suspicious. Trish showed her the video of Austin, which earned a considerable number of views and became an internet sensation in just one night. Ally became more upset because Austin stole her song. Austin became an instant hit, and Helen invited him to perform in The Helen Show.

With just short notice, Austin went on to perform in The Helen Show, where many people watched him. Helen, the host of the show, praised him for his incredible performance, and Austin became very proud of himself. Helen asked Austin to go back to the following show for a second performance. Austin became more excited than ever, although his excitement disappeared when Helen asked him to perform a new original song he composed. Austin fell victim to peer pressure and agreed with Helen’s deal. That’s when he knew he needs to find Ally and ask for help.

Austin went to the store to talk to Ally, although she denied him right away since he was the theft who stole her song. But with a little negotiation, Ally finally decided to help Austin. The two talented teens worked together and came up with an awesome song.

Austin went to The Helen Show and made his performance. The show became a success, and Austin and Ally made a good friendship. From that point on, both of them started to work together. Austin, as the singer, and Ally, as the songwriter.

This very first meeting became the start of the show, where every episode includes the two stars, Austin and Ally. As the story progresses, Austin and Ally are slowly on their way to stardom. In the second season of the series, it shows a more confident Ally, where she performed a duet on stage with Austin. Austin, on the other hand, goes on his first national tour.

In the third season, their careers continued to advance. Although the series is starting to show its romantic teen side, and the career partners began to show affection towards each other.

Throughout the series, it shows how teamwork can help you succeed and how failure can make you realize the reasons why you need friends. 

The show aired for four years, with a total of four seasons and eighty-seven episodes.

The show has a total of fourteen original Disney soundtrack and performed many other songs during the show.

The success of the series was apparent to a lot of fans, that’s why the show received various awards and nominations. The show was nominated six times and won five awards in multiple categories.

Austin and Ally Characters

Austin Moon (Ross Lynch)

Austin is one of the stars of the series. He has a confident, outgoing, and playful character. In the first episode of the series, it shows a scene of Austin using corndogs as drumsticks for playing drums. He became friends with a songwriter, whom he stole the first song that made him famous. The series focuses on Austin and Ally while their careers as performers progressed. 

Ally Dawson (Laura Marano)

Ally is a talented singer and songwriter. She is the daughter of a music store owner. During her free time, she composed her songs and practiced singing them. Although after meeting Austin, her life changed and had a more active career. Her character appeared as a smart, timid, and shy girl. She is known to have stage freight, which she soon learned to overcome.

Trish (Raini Rodriguez)

Trish is the best friend of Ally and the manager of Austin. She is a bit lazy and has a comedic nature. She is one of the reasons why the show is filled with laughter.

Dez (Calum Worthy)

Dez is Austin’s best friend. From the first time Dez appeared on the show, he displayed a weirdly unique character starting from his fashion, the way he talks, and how he analyzes things. Although he is a talented director, and he is the director of Austin’s music videos.

Austin and Ally Interesting Facts

  • Austin and Ally were the first non-Nickelodeon show since 2007 to ever win a Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards.
  • The last name of Dez was revealed in the second episode of season four.
  • Ross Lynch and Laura Murano guest-starred on the Girl Meets World.
  • In the series finale of season four, Austin and Ally got married. They had two kids named Alex and Ava. Trish got married to Chuck and had one daughter. Dez and Carrie got married and had a son.
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