Classic TV


A Look at the Soap Opera “As the World Turns”

ATWT (As the World Turns), aired on CBS from 2nd April 1956 to 17th September 2010, is an American television soap opera. The show...

Best Sitcoms of the 1960s

While the first Golden Age of Television had officially ended by the late 1950, the 1960s decade ushered in an exciting phase of its...

Biography of Bebe Neuwirth

Bebe Neuwirth was born on 31st December 1958. She is a famous American actress, dancer, and singer who became famous by playing three diverse...

Captain Video and his Video Rangers: Low on Budget, but Highly Popular

‘Captain Video and His Video Rangers’ was yet another television series from what we know as the first Golden Age of Television. True to...

Fireside Theatre: Low Budget, But Still Popular

The show called Fireside Theatre was one of the anthology drama series that started in 1949. It was aired on NBC Television Network in...

The Clock: An Intriguing Drama Series

Early television series seemed to have very similar themes at times. While some of the very first television shows might have been drama-based, there...

These Are My Children: Soap Opera on TV

The soap opera genre is not everyone’s cup of tea, but it does have a loyal audience. If anyone is interested in the very...

Biography of Tom McGowan

Thomas “Tom” McGowan is a successful American actor born on July 26th, 1959. The world knows McGowan for his amazing career on and off-Broadway.  Tom...

Biography of Trevor Einhorn

Trevor Einhorn has been in the entertainment industry since childhood, and he was only five years old when he first appeared as an actor....

Top Movie Stars of the 1950s

Many people are not aware that the 50s was a golden era for production houses like Disney. Movies like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Peter...


The FIFA Corruption Scandal

In 2015, charges against FIFA officials revealed widespread corruption within the sports organization, involving bribery, fraud, and money laundering. This scandal tarnished FIFA's reputation...

The Tangentopoli Scandal

The "Mani Pulite" ("Clean Hands") investigations in the early 1990s exposed the massive Tangentopoli ("Bribesville") scandal, starting with the 1992 arrest of Socialist Party...

Understanding and Choosing the Best Fit for Your Home

Key Differences and Features You walk into a room and the heat is stifling. Your first thought is to turn on the AC, but that...