Entertainment, Movies and Books


Child Stars of the 70s

Pre-pubescent and pubescent years are the most awkward stages of growing up. As if it weren't difficult enough, former child stars in the 1970s...

Top Television Shows of the 80s

The 1980s were a golden era for television, giving birth to a plethora of shows that have since become cultural icons. This decade was...

15 Best Doctor Who Villians

Let's face it: Doctor Who won't be Doctor Who without the baddies! Over the years the longest-running sci-fi series on the planet has brought us really...

Who Were all the Doctors?

We all love Doctor Who and we know it started long ago... so Who were all the Doctors?  Read on to find out! First Doctor-...

History Of Pac-Man

Pac-Man - a classic video game Who hasn't seen and played Pac-Man? This classic arcade video game has charmed many kids (and kids at heart)...

History of Sci-Fi Monsters, Heroes and Villains

The classic characters of science fiction In every story, there should be a hero and a villain, and it's no different in science fiction. In...

Science Fiction Books That Have Become TV Series

A good science fiction book deserves a good television adaptation Fortunately, there are lots of good science fiction television series that have been adapted from...

“Doctor Who” Celebrates 50 Years of Time Travel

The beginning of "Doctor Who" The popular British sci-fi series Doctor Who celebrates its 50 years of exciting, and remarkable adventures through time travel. So when...

History of American Idol

It's impossible for a lot of people nowadays to have never heard of American Idol. For eight consecutive years, (from the 2003-04 season up...

The History Of The Hollywood Sign

First erected in the early 1920s as an advertisement sign, the Hollywood sign later underwent deterioration and was almost left to waste. Restorations have...


How Was Beer Made in the 16TH Century?

Researchers at Trinity College Dublin, led by Dr. Susan Flavin, spent three years recreating 16th-century household beers to study their strength and nutritional value....

How Was Ancient Beer Made From Bread?

Brewing beer is an ancient tradition that dates back thousands of years, deeply connected to human civilization. One fascinating method used by early brewers...

The Impact of ‘Forever’ by The Little Dippers on 1960s Pop Music

When discussing the impact of 1960s pop music, 'Forever' by The Little Dippers is a song that stands out. Peaking at #9 in 1960,...