60s Music


History of the Spencer Davis Group

Introduction The Spencer Davis Group is a British 1960s beat, rock and blue-eyed soul group known for their hits “Keep On Running,” “Somebody Help Me”...

History of Patsy Cline

Introduction to a country-pop music legend Patsy Cline is still considered one of the most influential singers even over fifty years after her death in...

The Bubble Puppy – “Hot Smoke and Sassafras”

Career summary The Bubble Puppy were a psychedelic rock band in the 1960s and 1970s. The original members were Rod Prince, Roy Cox, Todd Potter,...

Jimmy Clanton: More Than Just a Teen Idol

Introduction to Jimmy Clanton Jimmy Clanton (born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana) is an American singer. Clanton hit the peak of popularity and success in the...

Preston Epps, the Bongo King

Introduction to Preston Epps Preston Epps is an American percussionist whose #14 Billboard single "Bongo Rock" in 1959 had virtually made him a one-hit wonder....

Raymond Lefevre – “Ame Caline (Soul Coaxing)”

Introduction to Raymond Lefevre The late Raymond Lefevre was a French orchestra leader, composer and arranger. He specialized in the easy listening genre as well...

The Fortunes – “You’ve Got Your Troubles”

Introduction to the Fortunes The Fortunes are a British pop group, formed in Birmingham, England in 1963. Riding in the crest of the British Invasion,...

Dale and Grace – “I’m Leaving It Up to You”

Introduction to Dale and Grace Dale and Grace were a 1960s pop duo, consisting of Robert Dale Houston, while Grace is Grace Broussard. Formed in...

Introduction to Vic Dana

Who is Vic Dana? Vic Dana is an former singer and tap dancer, originating from Buffalo, New York, USA. He was discovered by Sammy Davis,...

The Dreamlovers – “When We Get Married”

Short introduction to The Dreamlovers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's The Dreamlovers appeared on the music scene in the early 1960s with two charting singles “When We Get...


The FIFA Corruption Scandal

In 2015, charges against FIFA officials revealed widespread corruption within the sports organization, involving bribery, fraud, and money laundering. This scandal tarnished FIFA's reputation...

The Tangentopoli Scandal

The "Mani Pulite" ("Clean Hands") investigations in the early 1990s exposed the massive Tangentopoli ("Bribesville") scandal, starting with the 1992 arrest of Socialist Party...

Understanding and Choosing the Best Fit for Your Home

Key Differences and Features You walk into a room and the heat is stifling. Your first thought is to turn on the AC, but that...