Strange and Unusual


The Most Unusual City Names in the United States

What's in a name? If you’re fond of traveling, the United States is definitely one of the best countries to be in. There are all...

The Coldest and Hottest Places on Earth

The earth has a mild, temperate climate compared to other planets in space, enabling life to form on its surface. We all know that...

Amazing Abandoned Places

There’s something weird and eerie about abandoned places, whether it’s an abandoned house or train station, every one of them is a picture of...

Strange Creatures from the Ocean’s Depths

The deep sea is full of mysteries, and this is why it has captured our imaginations for centuries. People get scared of aliens, ghosts...

Amazing Skyscrapers of the World

People are always fascinated to reach beyond the clouds. Since we don’t have wings to fly, people do have the brains and the skills...

Weird and Unusual Facts from History You Never Knew

We learned a lot about history in high school, but there is a lot more we never learned from school. There are so many...

Strange Foods from Around the World

So you think you’ve got a strong stomach? You might reconsider once you challenge your palate with strange foods from around the globe. Earth...

Humans with Different Colored Eyes

It is common to meet a brown-eyed boy, a hazel-eyed woman, a blue-eyed girl or a gray-eyed man. But if a person has one...

Unusual Holidays in the US

We tend to think of holidays as limited as those time-honored traditions where we feast, as well as those days that involve presents and...

The Craziest Medical Theories and Practices

Most of us assume that medical practitioners operate under the motto  of “do no harm”, but might not always be the case even if...


Uncovering insights from Larry Kim: Content Marketing Strategies

Deciphering the enigma of content marketing may seem daunting. However, learning from those who have previously navigated these treacherous waters can offer valuable guidance....

Elevate Your Culinary Space: Mastering Kitchen Renovations with Modern Design in Melbourne

In the vibrant city of Melbourne, where culinary creativity thrives and modern living is celebrated, the kitchen stands as the heart of the home—a...

The top 5 features of a great slot game

Slot games have always been an important element of the casino world. They’ve only seen their popularity grow since casinos moved online. There are...