How Can a Murphy Bed Help You Save Money?


In today’s fast-paced world, where maximizing space and saving money have become paramount, finding innovative solutions for our living environments is critical. Enter the Murphy bed, a centuries-old invention that has made a resurgence in modern home design for its incredible space-saving benefits and multifunctionality. 

Acquiring a house or leasing an apartment is a significant financial commitment, often accompanied by a challenging and lengthy search to find a balance between affordability and your ideal living space. Introducing a Murphy bed into your home presents a unique opportunity to economize long-term. While the initial purchase of this foldable bed might seem like another expense, it is more accurately an investment toward future savings. A Murphy bed allows you to maximize your living area without upgrading to a larger, more costly space. This clever furniture piece not only enhances the functionality of your living environment but also offers financial benefits by delaying the need for expensive housing upgrades or additions.

What is a Murphy Bed?

A Murphy bed, also known as a wall bed, pull-down bed, or fold-down bed, is a bed hinged at one end to store vertically against the wall or inside a closet or cabinet. The design offers a unique space-saving solution, as it can be lifted or lowered from the wall, allowing the space to be used for other purposes when the bed is not in use.

Murphy beds are popular in small living spaces, such as studio apartments, where maximizing floor space is crucial. They can be designed to include additional features like shelving, desks, or storage units that become accessible when the bed is folded up. The mechanism for folding the bed away can vary, including spring-loaded or piston-lifting mechanisms, which help to make the bed easier to lower and raise.

The concept was invented by William Lawrence Murphy (1876–1957) in the early 20th century, hence the name “Murphy bed.” Murphy applied for his first patents around 1900. His invention was motivated by a desire to save space and to transform his one-room apartment in San Francisco into a more functional area. Over the years, the design and functionality of Murphy beds have evolved, but the core idea remains the same: to provide a flexible, space-saving solution for sleeping arrangements.

It allows you to choose a smaller, less expensive home.

Incorporating a Murphy bed into your living arrangement is a game-changer for anyone looking to maximize the utility of a limited living space. The genius of a Murphy bed lies in its ability to fold away neatly into a wall or cabinet, a feature that instantly transforms any room into a multipurpose space. This transformation is precious in small apartments or houses where square footage is at a premium. By simply pulling up the bed, you reclaim valuable floor space, making room for day-to-day activities such as working from home, exercising, or entertaining guests. 

This level of versatility allows residents to enjoy the comforts and functionalities of a larger home without the associated costs. As a result, the need to move to a larger and potentially more expensive dwelling as your lifestyle or family size changes is significantly reduced. Instead, a Murphy bed provides a cost-effective way to adapt your current space to meet evolving needs, ensuring you can live comfortably and affordably without compromising your quality of life.

It allows you to create a multipurpose space at little to no extra cost

Another way a Murphy bed can help you save money is by allowing you to create a multifunctional room at a very reasonable price. If you have one less room in your home, you also have one less room to furnish. That alone can have a significant financial impact, but a Murphy bed can make it even better!

Long-Term Durability

Investing in a quality Murphy bed is not just about the immediate benefit of space-saving but also its long-term durability. These beds are built to endure, crafted from robust materials that withstand the wear and tear of daily use. Unlike conventional beds, which may sag or break over time, a well-made Murphy bed maintains its structure and functionality, ensuring you enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep year after year. This durability is a significant financial advantage, eliminating the recurrent costs of replacing lesser-quality beds. Furthermore, the need for additional guest sleeping arrangements, such as futons or air mattresses, which may frequently require replacement, is also mitigated.

Increases Property Value

Installing a Murphy bed can significantly enhance the appeal and functionality of your home, making it a more attractive option for potential buyers or renters. This unique feature distinguishes your property from others on the market by offering a practical solution to space management and versatility. 

A room equipped with a Murphy bed can serve multiple purposes – from a bedroom at night to a living space, office, or exercise room during the day. This efficient use of square footage is especially appealing in urban areas or any setting with premium space. 

As a result, properties that boast such innovative, space-saving solutions can command higher prices or rental rates. Potential buyers or tenants often value a Murphy bed’s flexibility, viewing it as a bonus that can save them from having to invest in additional furniture or space. Consequently, this added functionality can increase your property’s overall market value or rental income, proving that a Murphy bed is not just a piece of furniture but a strategic investment in your home’s future profitability.

Different Types of Murphy Bed

  • Standard Murphy Bed is the most basic and traditional type, which simply folds against the wall. It often comes with a simple lifting mechanism and does not include additional storage or furniture components.
  • Murphy Bed with Desk: This type combines a fold-down bed with a desk that remains horizontal as the bed is lowered, allowing you to have a workspace that converts into a bedroom without moving anything off the desk.
  • Murphy Bed with Sofa: A space-saving solution with a sofa in front of the bed. When the bed is folded up, the couch is visible and usable. When the bed is pulled down, the sofa either folds under the bed frame or integrates into the design so that the bed comes down over the seating area.
  • Murphy Bunk Beds: Designed for children’s rooms or spaces needing to accommodate more than one sleeper, these fold out from the wall as bunk beds. This is an excellent way to maximize floor space in small bedrooms.
  • Vertical vs. Horizontal Murphy Beds: Vertical Murphy beds are traditional, requiring more height clearance when pulled down. Horizontal Murphy beds are ideal for rooms with low ceilings or limited floor space, as they take up less vertical space.
  • Library Murphy Beds: These beds are concealed behind a bookcase or shelving unit. The shelves can slide or pivot to reveal the bed, offering a unique, aesthetic solution that blends into the room’s decor.
  • Murphy Bed with Storage: Some Murphy beds come with built-in storage options like drawers, shelves, or cabinets, making them practical for storing bedding, clothing, or other items, maximizing the utility of the space.
  • Freestanding Murphy Bed: Unlike traditional models that need to be anchored to the wall, freestanding Murphy beds come with their own support system, making them more versatile and more accessible to move.


A Murphy bed embodies a clever approach to managing limited living spaces, offering both space efficiency and financial advantages. This represents not just a furniture choice but a strategic decision to enhance the livability and economic practicality of one’s home. Its ability to transform and optimize space can lead to significant savings and benefits, from reducing the need for larger living spaces to offering a cost-effective alternative to renovations, all while potentially increasing the property’s value.

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