How to Remove Spray Paint from Concrete


If you’ve ever had the unfortunate experience of spray painting something and getting paint on your concrete driveway, porch, or patio, you know how frustrating it can be to remove. In this article, we will cover six methods for removing spray paint from concrete as well as instructions, materials needed, and the pros and cons of each method. For a good article explaining how long spray paint takes to dry, check out this article.

How to Remove Spray Paint from Concrete?

There are a few different ways that you can remove spray paint from concrete. You can use a pressure washer, sandblaster, or chemical stripper. You can also try scrubbing the paint off with a stiff brush, using hot water and dish soap, or covering the paint with cat litter or cornstarch and letting it sit for a few days.

Below, we will go into more detail about each of these methods and provide instructions on how to remove spray paint from concrete.

Method 1: Pressure Washer

A pressure washer is the quickest and most effective way to remove spray paint from concrete. You will need to rent or purchase a pressure washer that is rated for use on concrete. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before using the pressure washer.

Materials you need:

  • Pressure washer
  • Concrete cleaner (optional)


If the paint is fresh, you can simply spray it off with the pressure washer. If the paint is old and dried on, you may need to pre-treat the area with a concrete cleaner before using the pressure washer. Once you have pre-treated the area, start the pressure washer and hold the nozzle about 18 inches from the surface of the concrete. Move the nozzle back and forth across the surface of the concrete until all of the paint has been removed.


  • Pressure washing is quick and effective.
  • It does not require any harsh chemicals.


  • You will need to rent or purchase a pressure washer.
  • Pressure washing can be difficult if you have never used one before.

Method 2: Sandblasting

Sandblasting is another effective way to remove spray paint from concrete. However, it should only be used as a last resort because it can damage the concrete if not done properly. You will need to rent or purchase a sandblaster and have the proper safety gear before beginning.

Materials you need:

  • Sandblaster
  • Protective clothing (goggles, gloves, etc.)
  • Sandpaper (optional)


Start by putting on your protective clothing. Then, set up the sandblaster according to the manufacturer’s instructions. When you are ready, begin sandblasting the paint off of the concrete surface. Start with a coarse grit sandpaper and move to a finer grit if necessary. Once all of the paint has been removed, you can use a vacuum cleaner to clean up the area.


  • Sandblasting is quick and effective.
  • It does not require any harsh chemicals.


  • You will need to rent or purchase a sandblaster.
  • Sandblasting can be dangerous if you do not have the proper safety gear.
  • Sandblasting can damage the concrete if not done properly.

Method 3: Graffiti Removal Gel

There are a number of different graffiti removal gels on the market that can be used to remove spray paint from concrete. These gels are easy to use and will not damage the concrete.

Materials you need:

  • Graffiti removal gel
  • Sponge or brush
  • Bucket of water
  • Towel or rags


Start by wetting the area with a sponge or brush. Then, apply the graffiti removal gel to the area and let it sit for several minutes. Next, use a sponge or brush to scrub the paint off of the concrete. Finally, rinse the area with water and dry it off with a towel or rag.


  • Graffiti removal gels are easy to use.
  • They will not damage the concrete.


  • You may need to apply the gel several times to remove all of the paint.
  • Some graffiti removal gels can be expensive.

Method 4: Solvents

Solvents can be effective at removing spray paint from concrete, but they can also be very dangerous. You should only use solvents if you are experienced in their use and have the proper safety gear.

Materials you need:

  • Solvent (acetone, mineral spirits, etc.)
  • Protective clothing (goggles, gloves, etc.)
  • Sponge or brush
  • Bucket of water
  • Towel or rags


Start by putting on your protective clothing. Then, apply the solvent to the area with a sponge or brush. Let the solvent sit for several minutes before scrubbing the paint off of the concrete. Finally, rinse the area with water and dry it off with a towel or rag.


  • Solvents can be effective at removing spray paint.
  • They do not require any special equipment.


  • Solvents can be very dangerous if you are not experienced in their use.
  • They can damage the concrete if not used properly.
  • Solvents can be expensive.

Method 5: Vinegar

Vinegar is a common household item that can be used to remove spray paint from concrete. It is safe to use and will not damage the concrete.

Materials you need:

  • Vinegar
  • Sponge or brush
  • Bucket of water
  • Towel or rags


Start by heating the vinegar on the stove or in the microwave. Then, apply the hot vinegar to the area with a sponge or brush. Let it sit for several minutes before scrubbing the paint off of the concrete. Finally, rinse the area with water (or powerwasher) and dry it off with a towel or rag.


  • Vinegar is safe to use.
  • It will not damage the concrete.
  • Vinegar is inexpensive.


  • Vinegar can take longer to remove the paint than other methods.
  • You may need to apply the vinegar several times to remove all of the paint.
  • Vinegar can be smelly.

Method 6: Scrub with Soap and Water

Scrubbing with soap and water is the least effective method for removing spray paint from concrete, but it is also the safest. This method will not damage the concrete and can be used on any type of surface.

Materials you need:

  • Soap (dish soap, laundry detergent, etc.)
  • Sponge or brush
  • Bucket of water
  • Towel or rags


Start by wetting the area with a sponge or brush. Then, apply the soap to the area and scrub it with a sponge or brush. Finally, rinse the area with water and dry it off with a towel or rag.


  • Scrubbing with soap and water is safe.
  • It will not damage the concrete.
  • This method can be used on any type of surface.


  • Scrubbing with soap and water is the least effective method for removing spray paint.
  • You may need to scrub for a long time to remove all of the paint.
  • This method can be time-consuming.


If these methods are unsuccessful you can call a professional paint remover. They will have the proper tools and experience to remove the paint without damaging your concrete. There are also many products available that are specifically designed for removing paint from concrete. These products can be found at your local hardware store or online. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and always wear protective gear when using these products.

Now that you know how to remove spray paint from concrete, you can choose the best method for your needs. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and always wear protective gear when using solvents or other chemicals. With a little effort, you can remove spray paint from concrete and restore your surface to its original condition.

If you need more information, check out our 5 tips to prepare for spray painting.

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