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History of Yanjing Beer

Yanjing Beer is one of the popular beer brands in the People's Republic of China, and is also known to the world. It is...

History of Coors Beer

Coors is arguably one of the most popular brands of American beer in the world, and most of its popularity is often attributed to...

The History of Snow Beer

Admittedly, we find it hard to gather enough reliable information about Snow Beer, which is, at present, the best-selling Chinese beer. CR Snow, a...

Introduction to Australian Beers

Australia can't afford to be left behind in the world of beers. In fact, many people say that Australia produces the best beers in...

Mastering the Art of Beer: Learn About Certified Cicerone

A cicerone is an individual with a specialized and deep understanding of beer, akin to a sommelier in the world of wine. This term,...

A History of German Beer Steins

Where did beer steins originate from? Beer steins have their origin from Germany and date back to the 14th Century. During this period there was...

Can You Legally Brew Beer at Home?

Is it legal to brew beer at home? This is a question that always bugs the minds of people who are interested in brewing...

The History of Burger King

The birth of the "King" Burger King's story began when Keith J. Kramer and his wife's uncle Matthew Burns were inspired by the success of...

The Early History of Beer

Beer is known to be one of the earliest beverages civilization has produced. Its invention even preceded the making of bread. Beermaking in ancient times When...

Introduction to Sonic Drive-In

Burger at the drive-in Sonic Drive-In (or Sonic America's Drive-In) as the name implies, is an American drive-in fast food hamburger restaurant chain founded in...


10 Must-Listen Albums from British Bands of the 70s: Essential Classics

The 1970s were a vibrant era for music, especially for British bands who left an indelible mark on rock and roll. This decade saw...

10 Iconic British Glam Rock Bands That Defined the 70s

Glam rock emerged in the 1970s as a vibrant and theatrical genre. Originating in the UK, it captivated audiences with its flamboyant fashion, energetic...

New Hollywood: How the ’60s Redefined American Cinema

The 1960s was a golden era for TV and film, with many stars crossing over between the two mediums. Some of the most memorable...