jazz music

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Play Music in Your Car With These Cool Tips

Night time car rides through the city lights bring a magic that is true and real. When it is just you seated behind your...

History of Big Band Music

A Big Band is a kind of musical ensemble of jazz music. They usually have ten or more musicians, and it is divided into...

History of Salsa Music

Latin Americans have contributed many things to the world, but the region is most famous for two things: food and music. Probably one of...

History of Swing Music

How swing music began is pretty hard to pinpoint. in fact, the word 'swing' appears in the title of a famous Duke Ellington number...

The Musical Legacy Of Motown Records

Music has enjoyed unprecedented growth and development over the course of human history, and as with everything popular, music too is regulated by published...

History of Music In Detroit

Detroit -- the hometown of Madonna, Diana Ross, and Aretha Franklin, has a proud musical legacy to offer. Throughout the 20s to the 80s,...

A Guide to Music Museums in the U.S

Take a journey through America's music museums to explore the country's rich musical history. From jazz and blues to classical and rock, these museums...

Guide to The Music Museums Of Memphis Tennessee

Memphis, Tennessee, often hailed as the Birthplace of Rock 'n' Roll and the Home of the Blues, is a pivotal landmark on the map...

Guide to the Music Museums of Nashville Tennessee

Nashville, Tennessee, is a city famous for its vibrant music scene, often called "Music City." It's a place where the history of music is...

Artist Profile: DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

Most of us probably remembered DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince as the musical duo that launched the music and acting career of...


From Small Screen to Silver Screen: Television Stars Who Conquered Hollywood

Many television actors made the leap to the big screen, achieving remarkable success in the film industry. These transitions weren't just career moves; they...

5 Groundbreaking TV Shows Led by Women in the 1960s

The 1960s was a pivotal decade for television, and women played crucial roles in reshaping the medium. It was an era when strong female...

Learn About the Strange and Unusual Saiga Antelope

Have you ever heard of the Saiga Antelope? It’s a unique species native to the harsh landscapes of Central Asia and is known for...