Top 8 Players with the Most Goals in a Premier League Season


Premier League Season is one of the most prestigious tournaments in football. This is also the tournament most anticipated by football fans around the world. The football players of the clubs also see this tournament as a place to show their football talents and techniques to the fans. In particular, the players who contribute a number of goals during the season have always been the focus of the press and fans attention. 

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Here are some of the outstanding players that have scored the most goals in the Premier League Season.

Top 8 Players with the Most Goals in a Premier League Season

1. Mohamed Salah – 32 Goals (2017-2018)

Mohamed Salah is one of Liverpool’s most potential players. He has fulfilled the expectations of Liverpool fans and the world by scoring a record 32 goals in the Premier League Season. 

Salah is an extremely talented player when he can play as a winger and also as a central defender. Salah is primarily known for his phenomenal speed, explosiveness, and intelligence on the pitch that no one can catch up with. 

He is currently the foreign player to score the most goals in a single season in Premier League history, surpassing Ronaldo and Suarez.

2. Luis Suarez – 31 Goals (2013-2014)

Luis Suarez is one of the top-class strikers of Liverpool. His talent was highly praised in the Premier League season 2013-2014. With his energy, skill, and finishing ability, Suarez spectacularly scored 31 goals in that season. His performance almost inspired Liverpool to come to their Premier League title.

Suárez has been admired for his ability to master his attacking speed and agility, thus generating numerous goals with his powerful shot.  He also showed his great leadership skill by creating many scoring opportunities for his teammates. Luis Suarez became the first non-European player to win the Premier League Golden Boot as well as win the PFA Player of the Year award in the 2013/14 Season.

3. Cristiano Ronaldo – 31 Goals (2007-2008)

Cristiano Ronaldo is considered one of the greatest players on the pitch. He made that claim himself by scoring 31 Premier League goals, winning the European Golden Boot, and helping Manchester United win the Premier League and Champions League titles in the 2007/08 season.

As a flexible attacker,  Ronaldo has the ability to play on both wings as well as across the center of the pitch. He is one of the rare players who can use both feet to show off his dribbling skills. Ronaldo is also known for performing a variety of tricks and tackles, thereby helping the team win the match. Ronaldo was ranked as the highest-paid athlete and the most famous athlete in the world.

4. Alan Shearer – 31 Goals (1995-1996)

Alan Shearer was the former Premier League’s all-time top-scoring striker and the first footballer to surpass 30 goals in the 1995/96 season.

During the peak of his career, Shearer was one of the most complete strikers in Europe with several unique football techniques. With his strength, heading ability, strong shot, along with more skills, Shearer became a highly effective football goalscorer. In addition, thanks to his ability to hold the ball well, he often assisted in creating goals for the team and played as a dribbler,  providing the ball to other players. 

The England striker won three consecutive golden boots from 1995 to 1997 and was the Premier League’s all-time top scorer.

5. Harry Kane – 30 Goals (2017-2018)

As the Spurs’ talisman, Harry Kane is considered one of Tottenham Hotspur’s valuable strikers with the ability to score top goals as well as linked foul play. The England player proved himself to be one of the best players in the football world by winning two Premier League Golden Boots in 2015/16 and 2016/17 as well as scoring 30 goals in the 2017-2018 Premier League Season.

In addition to his clinical finishing and scoring abilities as a kick-in striker, Harry Kane is also known for his vision, technique, linked play, and passing ability, allowing him to take a deep dive, bring teammates into the field and create opportunities for other players. Therefore, many experts appraised him to be a good all-around player.

6. Robin Van Persie – 30 Goals (2011-2012)

Robin van Persie is regarded as one of his generation’s most excellent strikers, besides, he was also the all-time top scorer for the Dutch national team.

Van Persie began his club career as a left-winger. Apart from being the outstanding ball controller, Van Persie is also a coordinator and many of his assists came from both corner and free-kick. The Dutch striker was handed the captain’s armband at the start of the Premier League Season 2011-2012, then scored 30 goals and ended the season as a Premier League top scorer. After the season he became Arsenal’s 8th all-time top scorer with a total of 132 goals.

7. Thierry Henry –  30 Goals (2003-2004)

Regarded as one of the best strikers ever to storm the Premier League, Thierry Henry has produced many outstanding matches that make Arsenal unbeaten in the Premier League.

One of the reasons for Henry’s impressive playstyle is his excellent dribbling ability, creative play, and superior composure. In matches, Henry was Arsenal’s first-choice penalty and goal assistant for the team. The 2003/04 Premier League season was the peak of Henry’s career with 30 goals, winning the runner-up for the FIFA World Player of the Year, and the runner-up for the Ballon d’Or. 

Thierry Henry remained one of Arsenal’s all-time top scorers and also won the most Premier League Golden Boot.

8. Kevin Phillips – 30 Goals (1999-2000)

Kevin Phillips is a talented former footballer who has played a variety of positions from a striker to a defender during his professional football career.

Despite playing under many clubs, Kevin Phillips’ highlight time remained at Sunderland, where he made 116 goals in 211 games. Phillips was the Premier League’s top scorer in the 1999–00 season with 30 goals for Sunderland. His performance helped him earn the European Golden Boot in the same year. Kevin Phillips made his name in football history as the only English man to win the European Golden Boot since its founding in 1968.

The best thing for footballers is that they can show their talent on the pitch, assist their team to win a season – especially the Premier League Season, as well as leave the beautiful memorie for football fans. 

With their unique skills and great efforts, the players above have left a deep impression on the football world and passed on a unique legacy to next generation players. Register with fun88 for Premier League top scorer scores and predictions 2020/21. Fun88 bookies always considers potential 2020/21 Premier League top scorers and their current odds to achieve the feat, and makes predictions of which players can win the honor at the end of the season.

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